FEES 4 Annex 2A FCA Fee rates for the period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 20253230285771118202325
42Part 1 This table shows the tariff rates applicable to each of the fee blocks set out in Part 1 of FEES 4 Annex 1AR. |
(1) |
For each activity group specified in the table below, the fee is the total of the sums payable for each of the tariff bands applicable to the firm's business, calculated by multiplying the value of the firm's tariff base by the rate applicable to each tranche of the tariff base, as indicated. |
(2) |
A firm may apply the relevant tariff bases and rates to non-UK business, as well as to its UK business, if: |
(a) |
it has reasonable grounds for believing that the costs of identifying the firm's UK business separately from its non-UK business in the way described in Part 3 of FEES 4 Annex 1A R are disproportionate to the difference in fees payable; and |
(b) |
it notifies the FCA in writing at the same time as it provides the information concerned under FEES 4.4 (Information on which fees are calculated), or, if earlier, at the time it pays the fees concerned. |
(3) |
For a firm which has not complied with FEES 4.4.2R8 (Information on which fees are calculated) for this period: |
(a) |
the fee is calculated using (where relevant) the valuation or valuations of business applicable to the previous period, multiplied by the factor of 1.10; and11 |
(b) |
an additional fee of £250 is payable, unless the firm is a PRA-authorised person in which case an additional fee of £125 is payable instead.11 |
(c) |
[deleted]11 557777 |
Activity group |
Fee payable |
A.1 |
Band width (£2million of Modified Eligible Liabilities (MELs)) |
Fee (£/£m or part £m2 of MELs) 2 |
40Periodic fee |
>10 - 140 |
16.44737 362557711131823253032 |
>140 - 630 |
16.44737 362557711131823253032 |
>630 - 1,580 |
16.44737 362557711131823253032 |
>1,580 - 13,400 |
20.55937 362557711131823253032 |
>13,400 |
27.13837 362557711131823253032 |
The tariff rates in A.1 are not relevant for the permissions relating to operating a dormant asset fund33. Instead a flat fee of £7,35437 is payable in respect of these permissions.18 1113182332 |
A.2 |
Band width (No. of mortgages and/or home finance transactions) |
Fee (£2/mortgage) |
>50 2 |
3.787037 362557711131823253032 |
A.3 |
Gross written premium for fees purposes (GWP)16 |
Periodic fee |
>0.5 2 |
348.5137 36255771113161823253032 |
Best estimate liabilities for fees purposes (BEL)16 |
40Periodic fee |
>1 2 |
21.0337 36255771113161823253032 |
For UK ISPVs the tariff rates are not relevant and a flat fee of 7 £595.0037 is payable in respect of each FCA financial year (the 12 months ending 31 March). 7711713161823253032 |
A.4 |
Gross written premium for fees purposes (GWP)16 |
40Periodic fee |
>1 2 |
207.8337 36255771113161823253032 |
Best estimate liabilities for fees purposes (BEL)16 |
40Periodic fee |
>1 2 |
15.6937 36255771113161823253032 |
A.5 |
Band Width (£2million of Active Capacity (AC)) |
>50 2 |
5.5337 362557711131823253032 |
A.6 |
Flat fee (£)2 |
428,246.3437 362557711131823253032 |
A.7 |
For class 1(C), (2) , (3) and (4)6 firms: 6 |
Band Width (£2million of Funds under Management (FuM)) |
>10 2 |
5.12937 362557711131823253032 |
For class 1(B) firms: the fee calculated as for class 1(C) firms above, less 15%. For class 1(A) firms: the fee calculated as for class 1(C) firms above, less 50%.2 |
A.9 |
Band Width (£2million of Gross Income (GI)) |
>1 2 |
1,111.3637 362557711131823253032 |
A.10 |
Band Width (No. of traders) |
Fee (£2/person) |
>12 2 |
9,288.9437 362557711131823253032 |
For firms carrying on auction regulation bidding, the fee in A.10 is calculated as above less 20% for each trader that carries on auction regulation bidding but not MiFID business bidding or dealing in investments as principal.29 22 |
23 | 23 | |
A.13 |
Band Width (£ thousands of annual income (AI)) |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £ thousand of AI) |
>1002 2 |
2.71337 362557711131823253032 |
A.14 |
Band Width (£ thousands of annual income (AI)) |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £ thousand of AI) |
>1002 2 |
2.23837 362557711131823253032 |
A.18 |
Band Width (£2 thousands of Annual Income (AI)) |
>100 2 |
12.5837 362557711131823253032 |
A.19 |
Band Width (£2 thousands of Annual Income (AI)) |
>100 2 |
1.73637 362557711131823253032 |
3A.21 |
Band Width (£ client money) (CM) held |
Fee (£/£ millions or part £ million of CM) |
less than £1 million5 5 |
128.6037 36557711131823253032 |
an amount equal to or greater than £1 million but less than or equal to £1 billion |
96.4537 36557711131823253032 |
more than £1 billion5 5 |
64.3037 36557711131823253032 |
Band Width (£ safe custody assets) (CA) held |
Fee (£/£ millions or part £ million of CA) |
less than £10 million5 5 |
0.50737 365511131823253032 |
an amount equal to or greater than £10 million and less than or equal to £100 billion |
0.380337 3655131823253032 |
more than £100 billion5 5 |
0.253537 3655131823253032 |
30A.22 |
Band Width (No. of appointed representatives) |
Fee (£/appointed representative) |
>0 |
289.00 37 for appointed representatives other than introducer appointed representatives 32 |
>0 |
87.0037 for introducer appointed representatives 32 |
31A.23 |
Band Width (£ thousands of annual income (AI)) |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £ thousand of AI) |
>100 |
14.3037 36 |
2 | 27711 | |
5B. Service Companies |
Band Width |
Fee (£)18 12 |
Annual income up to and including £100,000 |
1,307.0037 77111213182332 |
PLUS:18 |
Band width18 |
Fee (£/£thousand or part £ thousand of income)18 |
Annual income over £100,00012 |
0.8137 36771112131823253032 |
7711 | ||
1177 | 7711 | |
7 | 711 | 7 |
B. Regulated benchmark administrators17 12 |
Band width12 |
Fee (£)15 12 |
Annual income up to and including 100,00017 12 |
1,329.0037 1712182332 |
15PLUS: |
15Band width |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £18 thousand of income) |
Annual income over 100,00017 12 |
1.4137 362319171215253032 |
12B. Recognised investment exchanges |
Band width |
Fee (£)15 |
Annual income up to and including £10,000,000 |
126,238.0037 1823253032 |
15PLUS: |
15Band width |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £18 thousand of income) |
Annual income over £10,000,000 |
2.7037 36151823253032 |
12B. Recognised auction platforms29 22 |
67,292.0037 131822293032 |
12B. Recognised overseas investment exchanges |
72,095.0037 13182325243032 |
2624 | 262426242624 | |
2721 | 21 | |
B. MTF and OTF14 operators |
14 | Fee (£) 30 28 |
Annual income up to and including £100,00028 |
1,329.0037 283032 |
PLUS:28 |
Band width28 |
Fee (£/£ thousand or part £ thousand of income) 30 28 |
Annual income over £100,00028 |
1.8137 36283032 |
4CC1. Credit-related regulated activities with limited permission |
Band Width (£ thousands of annual income (AI)) |
Fee (£)5 |
0 - 105 5 |
600.0037 55131823303432 |
>10 - 10034 55 |
900.0037 55131823303432 |
55 | 5513182330 | |
>1005 5 |
1,100.0037 55131823303432 |
5PLUS: |
5Fee (£/£ thousand or part £ thousand of AI) |
>2505 5 |
0.629737 3655253032 |
4CC2. Credit-related regulated activities |
Band Width (£ thousands of annual income (AI)) |
Fee (£)35 534 |
0 - 505 5 |
1,250.0037 55131823303432 |
55 | 1,500.0037 55131823303432 |
>10032 5534 |
1,750.0037 55131823303432 |
5PLUS: |
>2505 5 |
1.764037 365511253032 |
A fee payer which falls into fee blocks A.0 and CC2. pays a fee of £035 in relation to income falling within the CC2. fee block up to a Band Width35 of 250. 34 |
20CMC. |
Band width (£ thousands of annual turnover) |
Fee (£) 30 25 |
0-50 |
577.0037 32 |
50-100 |
1,155.0037 32 |
>100 |
13.0137 per £ thousand or part per £ thousand 25303236 |
24 | ||
2624 |
Part 2 The tables below show 9the tariff rates (minimum fees) applicable to each of the fee blocks set out in Part 2 of FEES 4 Annex 1AR. 9Part 2(a) shows the tariff rates (minimum fees) payable to the FCA by FCA-authorised persons and Part 2(b) shows the tariff rates (minimum fees) payable to the FCA by PRA-authorised persons. [Note: PRA-authorised persons will also pay minimum fees to the PRA as set out in Chapter 3 of the Fees Part of the PRA Rulebook16.] |
9Part 2(a) tariff rates (minimum fees) payable to the FCA by FCA-authorised persons |
A.0 |
(1) |
£1,75037 unless it is a community finance organisation with a tariff base of:11 22711791318233432 |
11(a) |
up to and including 3 mortgages and/or home finance transactions, in which case a minimum fee of £20337 13is payable; or 322318 |
11(b) |
more than 3 but no more than 10 mortgages and/or home finance transactions, in which case a minimum fee of £68937 is payable; or 227732231813 |
11(c) |
more than 10 but no more than 50 mortgages and/or home finance transactions, in which case a minimum fee of £1,27837 is payable. 27732231813 |
2277 | |||
(2) |
2277 | |||
[deleted]9 332277 |
(3) |
[deleted]9 |
[deleted]9 2 |
(4) |
[deleted]9 2 |
AP.0 |
Periodic fees payable under fee blocks A.2, A.7 to A.19, A.21, A.23 and CC.234 in Part 1 multiplied by rate £0.1032837 36323431523025231825771311 |
Part 2(b) tariff rates (minimum fees) payable to the FCA by PRA-authorised persons |
Fee32 |
A.0 |
(1) |
Any PRA-authorised person except as set out in (2) and (3)32 |
£87537 32 |
[deleted]32 |
[deleted]32 |
[deleted]32 |
[deleted]32 |
(2) |
Credit union with a32 tariff base (Modified Eligible Liabilities) of: |
(a) |
£0 to £0.5million32 |
£10537 32 |
(b) |
£0.5million36 to £2.0million 32 |
£35637 32 |
32(c) |
above £2 million. |
£65937 |
(3) |
Non-directive friendly society that meets the criteria of one of the following categories (a) to (c): |
Activity group the firm falls into32 |
Gross written premium for fees purposes for that activity32 |
Best estimate liabilities for fees purposes for that activity32 |
32(a) |
A.3 but not A.4 |
£0.5 million or less |
Up to £1 million or less |
£28437 |
32(b) |
A.4 but not A.3 |
£1 million or less |
£1 million or less |
£28437 |
32(c) |
Both A.3 and A.4 |
32A.3 |
£0.5 million or less |
£1 million or less |
£28437 |
32A.4 |
£1 million or less |
£1 million or less |
£28437 |
Part 3 [deleted]22 |