ANNEX III Applicable Inline XBRL specifications
- (1)
Issuers shall ensure that the Inline XBRL instance document is valid with respect to the Inline XBRL 1.1 specification and is conform to the XBRL Units Registry.
- (2)
Issuers shall ensure that the issuer's XBRL extension taxonomy files are valid with respect to the XBRL 2.1 and the XBRL Dimensions 1.0 specifications.
- (3)
Issuers shall submit the Inline XBRL instance document and the issuer's XBRL extension taxonomy files as a single reporting package where XBRL taxonomy files are packaged according to the Taxonomy Packages specifications.
- (4)
Issuers shall ensure that both the Inline XBRL instance document and the issuer's extension taxonomy respect the requirements of the marking up and filing rules set out in Annex IV.