Related provisions for ICOBS 5.1.3B
Business areas and management functions |
Explanation |
(1) Payment services |
This means: (1) payment services; (2) issuing and administering other means of payment (for example, cheques and bankers' drafts); (3) issuing electronic money; and (4) current accounts. |
(2) Settlement |
This means clearing and settlement of any transactions described in rows (3) and (6) to (9) of this annex, in relation to the assets covered by (9). It also includes clearing and settlement of any transactions described in row (10). |
(3) Investment management |
This has the same meaning as managing investments with the following adjustments: (a) it covers all types of assets; and (b) the exclusions in the Regulated Activities Order do not apply. It also covers fund management. |
(4) Financial or investment advice |
This includes advising on investments. |
(5) Mortgage advice |
This has the same meaning as advising on regulated mortgage contracts but is expanded to cover land anywhere in the world and to cover security of any kind over land. |
(6) Corporate investments |
This means acquiring, holding, managing and disposing a firm's investments made for its own account. |
(7) Wholesale sales |
This means the selling of any investment to a person other than a retail customer. It does not include the activities in (1). |
(8) Retail sales |
This means the selling of any investment to a retail customer. It includes savings accounts. It does not include the activities in (1). |
(9) Trading for clients |
This means dealing in investments as agent and execution of orders on behalf of clients but the list of products includes money market instruments and foreign exchange. |
(10) Market making |
This has the same meaning as it does in MIFID (see the definition of market maker in article 4.1(8)). |
(11) Investment research |
(12) Origination/syndication and underwriting |
Origination and syndication include: (1) entering into or acquiring (directly or indirectly) any commitment or investment with a view to transferring some or all of it to others, or with a view to others investing in the same transaction; (2) sub-participation; and (3) any transaction described in the Glossary definition of originator. Underwriting includes underwriting that is not on a firm commitment basis. A commitment or investment includes an economic interest in some or all of it. This activity also includes the provision of services relating to such transactions. |
(13) Retail lending decisions |
Deciding whether, and on what terms, to lend to retail customers. Lending includes granting credit, leasing and hire (including finance leasing). |
(14) Wholesale lending decisions |
Deciding whether, and on what terms, to lend to persons who are not retail customers. Lending includes granting credit, leasing and hire (including finance leasing). |
(15) Design and manufacturing of products intended for wholesale customers |
Wholesale customers mean persons who are not retail customers |
(16) Design and manufacture of products intended for retail customers |
(17) Production and distribution of marketing materials and communications |
This includes financial promotions |
(18) Customer service |
This means dealing with clients after the point of sale, including queries and fulfilment of client requests |
(19) Customer complaints handling |
This includes the firm's compliance with DISP. It also includes: (1) any similar procedures relating to activities that do not come under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service; (2) activities that take place outside the UK; and (3) activities that are not subject to any ombudsman service. |
(20) Collection and recovering amounts owed to a firm by its customers Dealing with customers in arrears |
‘Customer’ means any person falling into any of the definitions of client in the Glossary so far as they apply to the FCA's Handbook. The definition is extended to cover all services provided by the firm and not just those that are provided in the course of carrying on a regulated activity or an ancillary service. |
(21) Middle office |
This means risk management and controls in relation to, and accounting for, transactions in securities or derivatives |
(22) The firm's information technology |
(23) Business continuity planning |
This means the functions described in SYSC 4.1.6R and SYSC 4.1.7R |
(24) Human resources |
This includes recruitment, training and competence and performance monitoring |
(25) Incentive schemes for the firm's staff |
This is not limited to schemes based on sales. |
(26) Providing information in relation to a specified benchmark |
Note (1): The purpose of this annex is explained in SYSC 4.5 (Management responsibilities maps for UK2 relevant authorised persons) and SYSC 4.7.37G. This annex is also referred to in SYSC 4.6 (Management responsibilities maps for non-UK relevant authorised persons) and SYSC 4.8 (Senior management responsibilities for third-country relevant authorised persons: allocation of responsibilities) (see SYSC 4.6.14 and SYSC 4.8.35).2 |
Note (2): A firm does not have to use the split of activities in this annex for the purposes in Note (1). If a firm does decide to use it, it may adapt it to suit its management arrangements better. For example, a firm may find the split of activities into retail and wholesale activities unsuitable. If so, the firm might: (a) treat retail and wholesale activities together; or (b) use its own definition of retail and wholesale activities. |
Subject to CASS 11.1.6 R, only the rules and guidance in the debt management client money chapter listed in the table below apply to CASS small debt management firms.
Reference |
Rule |
Application |
Firm classification |
Responsibility for CASS operational oversight |
Definition of client money and discharge of fiduciary duty |
Organisational requirements |
Statutory trust |
Selecting an approved bank at which to hold client money |
Client bank account acknowledgement letters |
Segregation and the operation of client money accounts |
Payments to creditors |
CASS 11.11.1 R to CASS 11.11.12 R , CASS 11.11.30 R and CASS 11.11.32 G |
Records, accounts and reconciliations |
CASS 11 resolution pack |
Client money distribution in the event of a failure of a firm or approved bank |