Related provisions for PERG 7.7.5
This table belongs to COLL 3.2.4 R (Matters which must be included in the instrument constituting the scheme)
Name of scheme |
1 |
A statement of: |
(1) |
the name of the authorised fund; and |
(2) |
whether the authorised fund is a UCITS scheme or a non-UCITS retail scheme. |
Investment powers in eligible markets |
2 |
A statement that, subject to any restriction in the rules in this sourcebook or the instrument constituting the scheme, the scheme has the power to invest in any eligible securities market or deal on any eligible derivatives market to the extent that power to do so is conferred by COLL 5 (Investment and borrowing powers). |
Unitholder's liability to pay |
3 |
A provision that a unitholder is not liable to make any further payment after he has paid the price of his units and that no further liability can be imposed on him in respect of the units which he holds. |
Base currency |
4 |
A statement of the base currency of the scheme. |
Valuation and pricing |
5 |
A statement setting out the basis for the valuation and pricing of the scheme. |
Duration of the scheme |
6 |
If the scheme is to be wound up after a particular period expires, a statement to that effect. |
Object of the scheme |
7 |
A statement: |
(1) |
as to the object of the scheme, in particular the types of investments and assets in which it and each sub-fund (where applicable) may invest; and |
(2) |
that the object of the scheme is to invest in property of that kind with the aim of spreading investment risk and giving unitholders the benefits of the results of the management of that property. |
27A |
Where the authorised fund is a qualifying money market fund, a statement to that effect and a statement that the authorised fund's investment objectives and policies will meet the conditions specified in the definition of qualifying money market fund. |
5Property Authorised Investment Funds |
57B |
For a property authorised investment fund, a statement that: |
(1) |
it is a property authorised investment fund; |
(2) |
no body corporate may seek to obtain or intentionally maintain a holding of more than 10% of the net asset value of the fund; and |
(3) |
in the event that the authorised fund manager reasonably considers that a body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset value of the fund, the authorised fund manager is entitled to delay any redemption or cancellation of units in accordance with 18 if the authorised fund manager reasonably considers such action to be: |
(a) necessary in order to enable an orderly reduction of the holding to below 10%; and |
(b) in the interests of the unitholders as a whole.11 |
Government and public securities: investment in one issuer |
8 |
Where relevant, for a UCITS scheme, a statement in accordance with COLL 5.2.12 R (Spread: government and public securities) as to the individual states or bodies in which over 35% of the value of the scheme may be invested in government and public securities. |
Classes of unit |
9 |
A statement: |
(1) |
specifying the classes of unit that may be issued, and for a scheme which is an umbrella, the classes that may be issued in respect of each sub-fund; and |
(2) |
if the rights of any class of unit differ, a statement describing those differences in relation to the differing classes. |
Authorised fund manager's charges and expenses |
10 |
A statement setting out the basis on which the authorised fund manager may make a charge and recover expenses out of the scheme property. |
Issue or cancellation directly through the ICVC or trustee |
11 |
Where relevant, a statement authorising the issue or cancellation of units to take place through the ICVC or trustee directly. |
In specie issue and cancellation |
12 |
Where relevant, a statement authorising payment for the issue or cancellation of units to be made by the transfer of assets other than cash. |
Restrictions on sale and redemption |
13 |
Where relevant, the restrictions which will apply in relation to the sale and redemption of units under COLL 6.2.16 R (Sale and redemption). |
Voting at meetings |
14 |
The manner in which votes may be given at a meeting of unitholders under COLL 4.4.8 R (Voting rights). |
Certificates |
15 |
A statement: |
(1) |
authorising the issue of bearer certificates if any, and how such holders are to identify themselves; and |
(2) |
authorising the person responsible for the register to charge for issuing any document recording, or for amending, an entry on the register, other than on the issue or sale of units. |
Income |
16 |
A statement setting out the basis for the distribution or re-investment of income. |
Income equalisation |
17 |
Where relevant, a provision for income equalisation. |
Redemption or cancellation of units on breach of law or rules |
18 |
A statement that where any holding of units by a unitholder is (or is reasonably considered by the authorised fund manager to be) an infringement of any law, governmental regulation or rule, those units must be redeemed or cancelled. |
ICVCs: larger and smaller denomination shares |
19 |
A statement of the proportion of a larger denomination share represented by a smaller denomination share for any relevant unit class. |
ICVCs: resolution to remove a director |
20 |
A statement that the ICVC may (without prejudice to the requirements of regulation 21 of the OEIC Regulations (The Authority's approval for certain changes in respect of a company), by a resolution passed by a simple majority of the votes validly cast for and against the resolution at a general meeting of unitholders, remove a director before his period of office expires, despite anything else in the ICVC's instrument of incorporation or in any agreement between the ICVC and that director. |
ICVCs: unit transfers |
21 |
A statement that the person designated for the purposes of paragraph 4 of Schedule 4 to the OEIC Regulations (Share transfers) is the person who, for the time being, is the ACD of the ICVC.1 7 |
ICVCs: Charges and expenses |
22 |
A statement that charges or expenses of the ICVC may be taken out of the scheme property.10 |
10ICVCs: Umbrella schemes - principle of limited recourse |
1022A |
For an ICVC which is an umbrella, a statement that the assets of a sub-fund belong exclusively to that sub-fund and shall not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of, or claims against, any other person or body, including the umbrella, or any other sub-fund, and shall not be available for any such purpose. |
AUTs: governing law for a trust deed |
23 |
A statement that the trust deed is made under and governed by the law of England and Wales, Wales or Scotland or Northern Ireland. |
AUTs: trust deed to be binding and authoritative |
24 |
A statement that the trust deed: |
(1) |
is binding on each unitholder as if it had been a party to it and that it is bound by its provisions; and |
(2) |
authorises and requires the trustee and the manager to do the things required or permitted of them by its terms. |
AUTs: declaration of trust |
25 |
A declaration that, subject to the provisions of the trust deed and all rules made under section 247 of the Act (Trust scheme rules) and for the time being in force: |
(1) |
the scheme property (other than sums standing to the credit of the distribution account) is held by the trustee on trust for the unitholders according to the number of units held by each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the number of undivided shares in the scheme property represented by the units held by each unitholder; and |
(2) |
the sums standing to the credit of the distribution account are held by the trustee on trust to distribute or apply them in accordance with COLL 6.8 (Income: accounting, allocation and distribution). |
AUTs: trustee's remuneration |
26 |
Where relevant, a statement authorising payments to the trustee by way of remuneration for its services to be paid (in whole or in part) out of the scheme property. |
AUTs: responsibility for the register |
27 |
A statement identifying the person responsible under the rules for the maintenance of the register. |
3Investment in overseas4 property through an intermediate holding vehicle |
328 |
3If investment in an overseas4 immovable is to be made through an intermediate holding vehicle or a series of intermediate holding vehicles, a statement that the purpose of that intermediate holding vehicle or series of intermediate holding vehicles will be to enable the holding of overseas4 immovables by the scheme. |
Table: list of general guidance to be found in PERG.
Chapter: |
Applicable to: |
About: |
Authorisation and regulated activities |
Guidance on the scope of the Electronic Money Regulations8 88 |
a person who needs to know
Regulated activities connected with mortgages |
any person who needs to know whether the activities he conducts in relation to mortgages are subject to FCA regulation. This is likely to include:
the scope of relevant orders (in particular, the Regulated Activities Order) as respects activities concerned with mortgages |
Insurance mediation activities |
any person who needs to know whether he carries on insurance mediation activities and is, thereby, subject to FCA regulation. This is likely to include:
the scope of relevant orders (in particular, the Regulated Activities Order) as respects activities concerned with the sale or administration of insurance |
Identification of contracts of insurance |
any person who needs to know whether a contract with which he is involved is a contract of insurance |
the general principles and range of specific factors that the FCA regards as relevant in deciding whether any arrangement is a contract of insurance |
Periodical publications, news services and broadcasts: application for certification |
any person who needs to know whether he will be regulated for providing advice about investments through the medium of a periodical publication, a broadcast or a news service |
Financial promotion and related activities |
any person who needs to know
Meaning of open-ended investment company |
any person who needs to know whether a body corporate is an open-ended investment company as defined in section 236 of the Act (Open-ended investment companies) and is therefore a collective investment scheme. |
the circumstances in which a body corporate will be an open-ended investment company |
Activities related to pension schemes |
Any person who needs to know whether his activities in relation to pension schemes will amount to regulated activities or whether the restriction in section 21 of the Act will apply to any financial promotions he may make.1 1 |
Property investment clubs and land investment schemes |
Any person who needs to know whether his activities in relation to property investment clubs and land investment schemes will amount to regulated activities or whether the restriction in section 21 of the Act will apply to any financial promotions he may make. |
Running or advising on personal pension schemes |
any person who needs to know whether his activities in relation to establishing, running, advising on or marketing personal pension schemes will amount to regulated activities |
the regulated activities that arise in connection with establishing, running, advising on or marketing personal pension schemes and any exclusions that may be relevant |
Guidance on the scope of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and the recast Capital Adequacy Directive 5 |
Any UK person who needs to know whether MiFID or the recast CADas implemented in the UK apply to him5 |
Home reversion,7 home finance and regulated sale and rent back 7activities 7 |
Any person who needs to know whether his activities in relation to home reversion plans,7home purchase plans or regulated sale and rent back agreements7will amount to regulated activities or whether the restriction in section 21 of the Act will apply to any financial promotions he may make. 7 |
6PERG 15: Guidance on the scope of the Payment Services Regulations 2009 |
Any person with an establishment in the UK who needs to know whether the Payment Services Directive, as transposed in UK legislation by the Payment Services Regulations 2009, applies to him. Q46 applies specifically to persons providing payment services from an establishment outside the EEA to persons located in the UK. |
the scope of the PSD Regulations 2009. |
1Introduction |
1. |
An accredited body is a body appearing in the list of such bodies in the Glossary.1 1 |
2. |
Information on accredited bodies, including guidance on the process for including an applicant body in the list, is set out below and the obligation to pay the application fee is set out in FEES 3.2. |
3. |
[deleted]1 1 |
Process for including a body in the list of accredited bodies |
4. |
In considering the compatibility of a proposed addition with the statutory objectives, the FCA will determine whether the applicant will, if accredited, contribute to securing an appropriate degree of protection for consumers having regard in particular to: |
(1) |
the matters set out in paragraphs 10 to 20; and |
(2) |
the rules and practices of the applicant. |
5. |
An application to the FCA to be added to the list of accredited bodies should set out how the applicant will satisfy the criteria in paragraphs 10 to 20. The application should be accompanied by a report from a suitable auditor which sets out its independent assessment of the applicant's ability to meet these criteria. An application form is available from the FCA upon request. |
6. |
When considering an application for accredited body status the FCA may: |
(1) |
carry out any enquiries and request any further information that it considers appropriate, including consulting other regulators; |
(2) |
ask the applicant or its specified representative to answer questions and explain any matter the FCA considers relevant to the application; |
(3) |
take into account any information which the FCA considers appropriate to the application; and |
(4) |
request that any information provided by the applicant or its specified representative is verified in such a manner as the FCA may specify. |
7. |
The FCA will confirm its decision in writing to the applicant. |
8. |
The FCA will enter into an agreement with the applicant or accredited body which will specify the requirements that the accredited body must meet. These will include the matters set out in paragraphs 10 to 20. Approval as an accredited body becomes effective only when the name of the applicant is added to the Glossary definition of accredited body. |
9. |
Paragraphs 10 to 20 set out the criteria which an applicant should meet to become an accredited body and which an accredited body should meet at all times. |
Acting in the public interest and furthering the development of the profession |
10. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to act in the public interest, to contribute to raising consumer confidence and professional standards in the retail investment advice market and to promoting the profession. |
Carrying out effective verification services |
11. |
If independent verification of a retail investment adviser's professional standards has been carried out by an accredited body, the FCA will expect the accredited body to provide the retail investment adviser with evidence of that verification in a durable medium and in a form agreed by the FCA. This is referred to in this Appendix and TC 2.1.28 R as a 'statement of professional standing'. |
12. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to have in place effective procedures for carrying out its verification activities. These should include: |
(1) |
verifying that each retail investment adviser who is a member of or subscriber to the accredited body's verification service has made an annual declaration in writing that the retail investment adviser has, in the preceding 12 months, complied with APER and completed the continuing professional development required under TC 2.1.15 R;1 |
(2) |
verifying annually the continuing professional development records of no less than 10% of the retail investment advisers who have used its service in the previous 12 months to ensure that the records are accurate and the continuing professional development completed by the retail investment advisers is appropriate; and |
(3) |
verifying that, if required by TC, the retail investment advisers who use its services have attained an appropriate qualification. This should include, where relevant, checking that appropriate qualification gap-fill records have been completed by the retail investment advisers. |
13. |
The FCA will not expect an accredited body to carry out the verification in paragraph 12(3) if a retail investment adviser provides the accredited body with evidence in a durable medium which demonstrates that another accredited body has previously verified the retail investment adviser's appropriate qualification, including, where relevant, appropriate qualification gap-fill. |
14. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to make it a contractual condition of membership (where a retail investment adviser is a member of the accredited body) or of using its verification service (where a retail investment adviser is not a member of the accredited body) that, as a minimum, the accredited body will not continue to verify a retail investment adviser's standards and will withdraw its statement of professional standing if the accredited body is provided with false information in relation to a retail investment adviser's qualifications or continuing professional development or a false declaration in relation to a retail investment adviser's compliance with APER. In this regard, an accredited body must have in place appropriate decision-making procedures with a suitable degree of independence and transparency. |
Having appropriate systems and controls in place and providing evidence to the FCA of continuing effectiveness |
15. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to ensure that it has adequate resources and systems and controls in place in relation to its role as an accredited body. |
16. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to have effective procedures in place for the management of conflicts of interest and have a well-balanced governance structure with at least one member who is independent of the sector. |
17. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to have a code of ethics and to ensure that its code of ethics and verification service terms and conditions do not contain any provisions that conflict with APER. |
Ongoing cooperation with the FCA |
18. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to provide the FCA with such documents and information as the FCA reasonably requires, and to cooperate with the FCA in an open and transparent manner. |
19. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to share information with the FCA (subject to any legal constraints) in relation to the professional standards of the retail investment advisers who use its service as appropriate. Examples might include conduct issues, complaints, dishonestly obtaining or falsifying qualifications or continuing professional development or a failure to complete appropriate continuing professional development. The FCA will expect an accredited body to notify the firm if issues such as these arise. |
20. |
The FCA will expect an accredited body to submit to the FCA an annual report by a suitable independent auditor which sets out that auditor's assessment of the quality of the body's satisfaction of the criteria in paragraphs 10 to 19 in the preceding 12 months and whether, in the auditor's view, the body is capable of satisfying the criteria in the subsequent 12 months. The FCA will expect this annual report to be submitted to the FCA within three months of the anniversary of the date on which the accredited body was added to the Glossary definition of accredited body. |
Withdrawal of accreditation |
21. |
If an accredited body fails or, in the FCA's view, is likely to fail to satisfy the criteria, the FCA will discuss this with the accredited body concerned. If, following a period of discussion, the accredited body has failed to take appropriate corrective action to ensure that it satisfies and will continue to satisfy the criteria, the FCA will withdraw the accredited body's accreditation by removing its name from the list of accredited bodies published in the Glossary. The FCA will expect the body to notify each retail investment adviser holding a current statement of professional standing of the FCA's decision. A statement of professional standing issued by the accredited body before the withdrawal of accreditation will continue to be valid until its expiration. |