medical cover firm directory
140a publicly available directory:
- (a) that only lists firms that provide or arrange travel insurance policies that cover more serious medical conditions;
- (b) that does not:based on any membership of any association or other commercial arrangement;
- (c) that provides detailed information about each listed firm, including:
- (i) the name and contact details, including telephone number and website, of the firm;
- (ii) any specific medical conditions the firm specialises in covering;
- (iii) any specific medical conditions that the firm is likely not to cover, where relevant;
- (iv) any age limits;
- (v) whether the firm can discuss medical conditions with consumers by phone;
- (vi) whether the firm can offer cover to consumers who are currently undergoing treatment;
- (vii) whether the firm can offer cover to consumers with a terminal prognosis;
- (d) operated by a person who has verified the accuracy of the information in (a) and has adequate systems and processes in place to keep the information in (a) and (c) up-to-date.