SIFA 18.2 Periodic Fees
According to the permission a firm has with us, it is allocated to fee-blocks. Fee-blocks categorise fee-payers together who offer broadly similar products and services, ensuring they pay fees on a similar basis. The definitions of the fee-blocks are based on sets of regulated activities.
The tariff-base for this fee-block is the number of approved persons, in customer functions 21, 22, 24, 25 and 26. So firms falling into this fee-block would pay periodic fees based on this measure, multiplied by the fee tariff-rates for the fee-block. The number of approved persons used in the calculations is measured as at 31 December in the year before the period to which the fee applies. For 2005/06 fees the date is 31 December 2004.
The fee tariff-rates for each fee-block are in the FSA Handbook, in the Supervision Manual (SUP 20 Annex 1 R). SUP 20.3 sets out the rules about the information on which fees are calculated. A firm must send us any information required to calculate that firm's fee. In most cases a firm will provide this information as part of its compliance with other provisions of SUP.