Changes to how you can contact us

We have made a change to the website to remove the webchat facility. You can still get in touch by emailing Handbook Feedback or by calling us on the following numbers.
Firm queries (including consumer credit firms and people representing a firm)
0300 500 0597 from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad.
We are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 5pm, and Thursday 9.45am to 5pm.

Consumers (including people representing consumers)
0800 111 6768 (freephone) or 0300 500 8082 from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad. Calls using next generation text relay, please call us on (18001) 0207 066 1000.
We are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm.

If you need technical help with the Handbook website, call 0333 202 1323.
You can also find additional contact information on the mainĀ FCA website.