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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)

As Published: 2010

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)

96 a 12-character, alphanumeric code which uniquely identifies a financial instrument and provides for the uniform identification of securities at trading and settlement.

managerial responsibility

As Published: 2020

managerial responsibility

(1) [deleted] 164 149 (2) (in SYSC 19G ) a situation in which a staff member heads a business unit or a control function and is directly accountable to the management body as a whole, to a member of t…

index-linked benefits

As Published: 2004

index-linked benefits

32 benefits: (a) provided for under a linked long-term contract of insurance ; and (b) determined by reference to an index of the value of property of any description (whether specified in the contrac…


As Published: 2001


the Interim Prudential sourcebook, comprising IPRU(BANK) , IPRU(BSOC) , IPRU(FSOC) , IPRU(INS) and IPRU(INV) , or according to the context one of these Interim Prudential sourcebooks. 5…

annualised projected pension value

As Published: 2022

annualised projected pension value

176 an estimate of the value of a relevant pension scheme member’s pension benefits, expressed as an annual income at their retirement date .

money-market instruments

As Published: 2007

money-market instruments

44 those classes of financial instruments which are normally dealt in on the money market, such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit and commercial papers and excluding instruments of payment. […

designated State or territory

As Published: 2001

designated State or territory

any EEA State (other than the United Kingdom ), Australia, Canada or a province of Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, a State in the United States of America, the District of Col…

K-AUM requirement

As Published: 2001

K-AUM requirement

15 the part of the K-factor requirement calculated on the basis of the AUM of a MIFIDPRU investment firm in accordance with MIFIDPRU 4.7 (K-AUM requirement).

card payment system

As Published: 2015

card payment system

185 a regulated payment system that enables a holder of a payment card to effect a payment.

CASS large debt management firm external client money reconciliation

As Published: 2014

CASS large debt management firm external client money reconciliation

157 the external client money reconciliation that CASS large debt management firms are obliged to undertake pursuant to CASS 11.11.25 R to CASS 11.11.26 R .

payment service user

As Published: 2009

payment service user

71 231 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) a person when making use of a payment service in the capacity of payer , payee 159 , or both. [Note: article 4(10) of t…

risk capital margin

As Published: 2004

risk capital margin

29 the risk capital margin for a with-profits fund calculated in accordance with the rules in INSPRU 1.3.43R to INSPRU 1.3.103G 46 .


As Published: 2001


(a) a transaction by which a person matches, at the same price and on the same terms, the buy and sell orders of two or more persons for whom he is acting as agent; (b) a transaction to which only one…

CTF Regulations

As Published: 2004

CTF Regulations

24 the Child Trust Funds Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/1450).


As Published: 2003


14 (in MCOB ) a cash amount paid by a mortgage lender to a customer (typically at the beginning of a contract) as an inducement to enter into a regulated mortgage contract with the mortgage lender .

benchmark administrator

As Published: 2013

benchmark administrator

a 68 person who has authorisation to carry on 68 the regulated activity of administering a specified benchmark .

MaPS pensions dashboard service

As Published: 2022

MaPS pensions dashboard service

159 an electronic communications service provided by MaPS : (a) by means of which information about pensions may be requested by, and provided to, a relevant pension scheme member or a person authoris…

unregulated activity

As Published: 2001

unregulated activity

an activity which is not a regulated activity . 2…

BCOBS 6.5 Other applicable legislation

As Published: 2009

BCOBS 6.5 Other applicable legislation

ECD Regulations

As Published: 2002

ECD Regulations

6 the Electronic Commerce Directive (Financial Services and Markets) Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/1775).