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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Distance Marketing Regulations

As Published: 2003

Distance Marketing Regulations

12 17 The Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/2095). 19…

settlement price

As Published: 2005

settlement price

(in UKLR 224 ) (in relation to securitised derivatives ), the reference price or prices of the underlying instrument or instruments stipulated by the issuer for the purposes of calculating its obligat…

client money resource

As Published: 2014

client money resource

166 the aggregate balance on the firm's client bank accounts (see CASS 7.16.8 R ).

SUP 16 Annex 34B Guidance notes for data items in SUP 16 Annex 34AR [deleted]

As Published: 2012

SUP 16 Annex 34B Guidance notes for data items in SUP 16 Annex 34AR [deleted]

housing disrepair claim

As Published: 2019

housing disrepair claim

44 a claim of the description specified in article 89F(2)(e) of the Regulated Activities Order .

FUND Sch 4 Rules that can be waived

As Published: 2020

FUND Sch 4 Rules that can be waived

employee benefit consultant

As Published: 2010

employee benefit consultant

65 a person that gives advice, or provides services to, an employer in connection with a group personal pension scheme or group stakeholder pension scheme provided, or to be provided, by the employer…

signpost data

As Published: 2022

signpost data

215 (in relation to pensions dashboard view data ) information comprising: (a) information on member-borne costs and charges; and (b) (where relevant) the IGC's or GAA's annual report produced under C…

statutory notice

As Published: 2001

statutory notice

a warning notice , decision notice or supervisory notice . 5…


As Published: 2001


3 an ISA which includes a stocks and shares component and may also include other qualifying investments such as: (a) a cash component ; (b) an insurance component ; as prescribed in paragraphs 7, 8 an…

UCITS management company

As Published: 2003

UCITS management company

(1) (except in relation to MiFID business ) 20 a firm which is either: (a) a UCITS firm ; or (b) a UCITS investment firm . 7 (2) (in relation to MiFID business ) a management company 81 . [Note: artic…

own funds threshold requirement

As Published: 2001

own funds threshold requirement

104 the amount of own funds that a firm needs to hold to comply with the overall financial adequacy rule .

excluded custody activities

As Published: 2014

excluded custody activities

96 any activities of a firm which: (a) are carried on in connection with, or for the purposes of, managing a UK UCITS 137 or an AIF (as the case may be); and (b) would amount to safeguarding and admin…

trading scheme order 2020

As Published: 2021

trading scheme order 2020

99 the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Order 2020.

hybrid pension benefit

As Published: 2022

hybrid pension benefit

55 a benefit the rate or amount of which depends on which of two or more alternative methods of calculation produces the highest, or lowest, rate or amount.

market making strategy

As Published: 2018

market making strategy

126 a strategy undertaken by a person where: (a) the person is a member or participant of one or more trading venues ; (b) the person’s strategy, when dealing on own account , involves posting firm, s…

participating designated firm

As Published: 2024

participating designated firm

224 a designated firm that participates in cash access coordination arrangements operated or managed by a designated coordination body .

SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm

As Published: 2001

SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm

205 a MIFIDPRU investment firm that is classified as an SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm in accordance with MIFIDPRU 1.2 .

APER Sch 3 Fees and required payments

As Published: 2004

APER Sch 3 Fees and required payments


As Published: 2019


137 the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.