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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2009


32 the Banking: Conduct of Business sourcebook.


As Published: 2006


48 contract for differences .


As Published: 2001


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 4…


As Published: 2001


the Stock Exchange Electronic Trading Service. 5…


As Published: 2017


the UK version of 132 118 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2017/572 of 2 June 2016 supplementing MiFIR with regard to regulatory technical standards on the specification of the offering of pre-…

FCA required functions

As Published: 2015

FCA required functions

any of the 121 FCA controlled functions labelled as FCA required functions in. 128 121 92 85 85 83 121 83 the table of FCA-designated senior management functions . 128…

primary place of business

As Published: 2018

primary place of business

167 (in relation to insurance distribution activity ) the location from where the main business is managed.

firm in run-off

As Published: 2004

firm in run-off

13 a firm whose Part 4A permission 154 has been varied so as to remove the regulated activity of effecting contracts of insurance .

money service business

As Published: 2002

money service business

carrying on by way of business the activity of: (a) operating a bureau de change; or (b) transmitting money, or any representation of monetary value, by any means; or (c) cashing cheques which are mad…

external valuer

As Published: 2013

external valuer

85 a person who performs the valuation function described in FUND 3.9.4R and 3.9.5R 137 in respect of an AIF managed by a full-scope UK AIFM , and is not the AIFM of that AIF .

announceable information

As Published: 2001

announceable information

4 information which is usually the subject of a public announcement, although not subject to any formal disclosure requirement.

credit enhancement

As Published: 2006

credit enhancement

(1) [deleted] 260 230 173 230 (2) (in MIPRU ) a contractual arrangement which improves the credit quality of a securitisation position in relation to what it would have been if the enhancement had not…

Contractual Scheme Regulations

As Published: 2013

Contractual Scheme Regulations

147 the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (Contractual Scheme) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1388).


As Published: 2008


70 (in RCB ) (as defined in Regulation 1(2) of the RCB Regulations ) issues, or series of issues, of covered bonds which have substantially similar terms and are subject to a framework contract or con…

Swiss general insurer

As Published: 2004

Swiss general insurer

28 a Swiss general insurance company which has permission to effect or carry out contracts of insurance of a kind which is subject to the Swiss Treaty Agreement .

PSR fee payer

As Published: 2018

PSR fee payer

176 a direct payment service provider , or an operator acting as a PSR fee payer , eligible to pay a PSR fee in accordance with FEES 9.2.1R .

local authority securities

As Published: 2022

local authority securities

98 any of the following: (a) a non-readily realisable security or non-mass market investment (other than a unit in an unregulated collective investment scheme ) issued, or to be issued, by a local aut…

MiFID Delegated Directive

As Published: 2017

MiFID Delegated Directive

118 Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 of 7 April 2016 supplementing MiFID of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to safeguarding of financial instruments and funds belong…

date of allotment

As Published: 2001

date of allotment

the date on which amounts of the relevant security are allotted to subscribers or purchasers and, where there is an initial or preliminary allotment subject to confirmation, the date of that initial o…

basic advice

As Published: 2004

basic advice

15 the regulated activity , specified in article 52B of the Regulated Activities Order (Providing basic advice on stakeholder products) which is, in summary, providing advice on stakeholder product s…