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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

COMP 4.4 Exceptions: Relevant general insurance contracts: mesothelioma claims

As Published: 2006

COMP 4.4 Exceptions: Relevant general insurance contracts: mesothelioma claims

SUP 16 Annex 16 [deleted]

As Published: 2002

SUP 16 Annex 16 [deleted]

authorised business overdraft agreement

As Published: 2014

authorised business overdraft agreement

107 a borrower-lender agreement which provides authorisation in advance for the borrower to overdraw on a current account, where the agreement is entered into by the borrower wholly or predominantly f…


As Published: 2001


a voluntary contribution arrangement paid by a member of an occupational pension scheme under the terms of the scheme or of a separate contract. 49…

EU benchmarks regulation

As Published: 2019

EU benchmarks regulation

137 the EU version of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to me…

Accounting Directive

As Published: 2014

Accounting Directive

115 Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of und…

permitted third party

As Published: 2001

permitted third party

a third party who is: (a) an authorised person ; or (b) an exempt person for whom an authorised person is accepting responsibility; or (c) a person lawfully carrying on a regulated activity in another…

investment trust savings scheme

As Published: 2001

investment trust savings scheme

(a) a dealing service (whether or not held within a pension contract ) dedicated to the securities of one or more investment trusts ; 30 (b) securities to be acquired through an investment trust savin…

nominated representative document

As Published: 2022

nominated representative document

88 a document in the format and containing the information in FPCOB 9 Annex 2 .

asset backed security

As Published: 2005

asset backed security

(as defined in the PR Regulation 156 ) securities 97 which: (a) represent an interest in assets, including any rights intended to assure servicing, or the receipt or timeliness of receipts by holders…

making arrangements with a view to a home finance transaction

As Published: 2006

making arrangements with a view to a home finance transaction

34 any of the regulated activities of making arrangements with a view to a regulated mortgage contract , making arrangements with a view to a home reversion plan , 63 making arrangements with a view t…


As Published: 2017


the UK version of 132 118 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576 of 8 July 2016 supplementing MiFID with regard to regulatory technical standards for the annual publication by investment firms…

ICOBS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments requirements

As Published: 2007

ICOBS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments requirements

AIFM remuneration principles

As Published: 2013

AIFM remuneration principles

101 the principles set out in SYSC 19B.1.5 R to SYSC 19B.1.24 R .

own account order

As Published: 2001

own account order

an order which relates to an own account transaction . 4…

professional firm

As Published: 2001

professional firm

5 2 a person which is: (a) an individual who is entitled to practise a profession regulated by a designated professional body and, in practising it, is subject to its rules, whether or not he is a mem…

published recommendation

As Published: 2001

published recommendation

5 any publication by or on behalf of a firm (including publication by sound broadcasting or television or other electronic means) which contains: (a) the results of research into investments ; or (b)…

target date fund

As Published: 2022

target date fund

113 a fund whose investment strategy is adjusted over time based on when investors in the fund are expected to access their investment.

distribution channels

As Published: 2007

distribution channels

39 a channel through which information is, or is likely to become, publicly available. Information which is "likely to become publicly available" means information to which a large number of persons h…

IDD insurance undertaking

As Published: 2018

IDD insurance undertaking

160 an undertaking as defined in article 13(1) of the Solvency II Directive which, prior to IP completion day , would have required authorisation under that Directive 173 . [Note: article 2(1)(6) of t…