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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2004


13 a process by which the claims and obligations between two counterparties are offset against each other to leave a single net sum.

SUP 16 Annex 30B [deleted]

As Published: 2011

SUP 16 Annex 30B [deleted]

permitted unlisted securities

As Published: 2007

permitted unlisted securities

59 in relation to permitted links , means any investment (including a share , debt security , Treasury Bill, Tax Reserve Certificate or Certificate of Tax Deposit) that is not a listed security , but…

first charge regulated mortgage contract

As Published: 2015

first charge regulated mortgage contract

81 a regulated mortgage contract in which the mortgage on which the obligation to repay is secured is a first charge legal mortgage .

DEPP 6.3 Penalties for market abuse

As Published: 2013

DEPP 6.3 Penalties for market abuse

employer or trustee funded pension advice charge

As Published: 2020

employer or trustee funded pension advice charge

145 any form of charge payable by or on behalf of a trustee or an employer to a firm in relation to the provision of a personal recommendation by the firm to members of a defined benefit occupational…

open offer

As Published: 2005

open offer

(in UKLR 118 and in DTR 5 ) 47 an invitation to existing securities holders to subscribe or purchase securities in proportion to their holdings, which is not made by means of a renounceable letter (or…


As Published: 2001


256 client orders handled .

excepted contract

As Published: 2009

excepted contract

57 (in BCOBS ) has the same meaning as in the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/2334).

COND Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

eligible individual

As Published: 2016

eligible individual

116 has the same meaning as in article 9 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Ring-fenced Bodies and Core Activities) Order 2014 (2014 No. 1960)…

home purchase arranger

As Published: 2006

home purchase arranger

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for arranging a home purchase plan .

advice, investigation or representation in relation to an employment-related claim

As Published: 2019

advice, investigation or representation in relation to an employment-related claim

151 the regulated activity , specified in article 89M of the Regulated Activities Order , of each of advising a claimant or potential claimant , investigating a claim and representing a claimant , in…

non-advised client

As Published: 2022

non-advised client

97 (in COBS 19 and PROD 6 ) a retail client in relation to whom a firm has not been able to determine, on reasonable grounds, that the client has received, or will receive, a personal recommendation o…

defined benefit asset

As Published: 2005

defined benefit asset

the excess of the value of the assets in a defined benefit occupational pension scheme over the present value of the scheme liabilities, to the extent that a firm , as employer, in accordance with the…

Non-Delta Risk of Options RTS

As Published: 2001

Non-Delta Risk of Options RTS

89 Part 1 (FCA) of the UK version of Regulation (EU) No 528/2014 12 March 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technic…

non-independent research

As Published: 2007

non-independent research

27 73 an investment recommendation that does not meet the conditions set out in article 36(1) of the MiFID Org Regulation . [Note: article 36(1) 73 of the MiFID Org Regulation 73 ]…

protected information

As Published: 2022

protected information

214 information which, whether taken on its own or together with other information disclosed by an operator of a relevant pension scheme , identifies a pensions dashboard user or enables the pensions…

FSB Compensation Standards

As Published: 2010

FSB Compensation Standards

47 the Implementation Standards for Principles for Sound Compensation Practices issued by the Financial Stability Board on 25 September 2009.

financial holding company

As Published: 2002

financial holding company

72 has the meaning in article 4(1)(20) of the UK CRR . 139…