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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

insurance conglomerate

As Published: 2004

insurance conglomerate

a financial conglomerate that is identified in paragraph 4.3 of GENPRU 3 Annex 1 (Types of financial conglomerate) as an insurance conglomerate. 52…

global account

As Published: 2001

global account

the aggregate 17 accounts produced by the Council in accordance with Regulation 8(1) of the Insurance Accounts Directive (Lloyd's Syndicate and Aggregate Accounts) Regulations 2004. 17…

credit reference agency

As Published: 2013

credit reference agency

151 a person providing credit references .

composite firm

As Published: 2004

composite firm

27 a firm that carries on both long-term insurance business and general insurance business .

appropriate actuary

As Published: 2001

appropriate actuary

4 an actuary appointed under PRA Rulebook: Non-Solvency II Firms – Actuarial Requirements 128 (Appointment of an appropriate actuary).

issuing payment instruments

As Published: 2018

issuing payment instruments

153 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) a payment service by a payment service provider contracting with a payer to provide a payment instrument to initiate payme…

traded life policy

As Published: 2001

traded life policy

a life policy which is to be or has been assigned for value by the policyholder to another person . 3…

transaction-specific advice

As Published: 2001

transaction-specific advice

advice on investments (except P2P agreements) 73 : (a) given in connection with 35 : 35 (i) dealing in investments as principal ; or 35 (ii) dealing in investments as agent ; or 35 (iii) acting as an…


As Published: 2005


(in PRR ) 181 (as defined in the Prospectus Regulation ) a communication with both of the following characteristics 156 : (a) relating to a specific offer to the public of securities or to an admissio…

entering into a regulated mortgage contract

As Published: 2003

entering into a regulated mortgage contract

14 16 the regulated activity , specified in article 61(1) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: entering into a regulated mortgage contract as lender. 17…


As Published: 2007


55 the Regulatory Guide which contains a statement of the responsibilities of providers and distributors for the fair treatment of customers .

sustainability entity report

As Published: 2023

sustainability entity report

218 (in ESG ) a public report regarding the overall assets managed by a manager in relation to its sustainability in-scope business , produced in accordance with ESG 5.6 .

PERG 6.1 Application

As Published: 2005

PERG 6.1 Application

intermediate broker

As Published: 2001

intermediate broker

(in relation to a transaction in a contingent liability investment ) any person acting in the capacity of an intermediary through whom the firm undertakes that transaction. 5…

media operator

As Published: 2014

media operator

97 a news vendor that receives regulated information from a regulatory information service and then disseminates that information to the public as soon as possible.

regulatory objectives

As Published: 2001

regulatory objectives

[deleted] 234…

marketing group

As Published: 2009

marketing group

66 a group of persons who: (a) are allied together (either formally or informally) for the purposes of marketing packaged products of the group 114 ; and (b) each of whom, if it holds itself out in th…

Insurance Mediation Directive

As Published: 2004

Insurance Mediation Directive

22 the European Parliament and Council Directive of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediation (No 2002/92/EC).

core deposit

As Published: 2016

core deposit

200 core deposits within the meaning of article 2(2) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Ring-Fenced Bodies and Core Activities) Order 2014 (SI 2014/1960).


As Published: 2014


2 the FSA/OFT Joint Guidance on Payment Protection Products.