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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

benchmark submission function

As Published: 2013

benchmark submission function

47 FCA-controlled function CF40 in the table of FCA-controlled functions which is the function of acting in the capacity of a person who is responsible for oversight of a firm's compliance with MAR 8.

eligible complainant

As Published: 2001

eligible complainant

a person eligible to have a complaint 49 173 considered under the Financial Ombudsman Service , as defined in DISP 2.7 (Is the complainant eligible?). 49 173…

clearing firm

As Published: 2001

clearing firm

a firm which assumes primary responsibility (including legal liability) for the execution and settlement of transactions for clients . 3…

credit limit

As Published: 2013

credit limit

149 in accordance with article 60L of the Regulated Activities Order , in relation to running-account credit , as respects any period, the maximum debit balance which, under a credit agreement , is al…

making arrangements with a view to regulated mortgage contracts

As Published: 2003

making arrangements with a view to regulated mortgage contracts

11 12 the regulated activity , specified in article 25A(2) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: making arrangements with a view to a person who participates in the arrangements ent…


As Published: 2001


(in relation to a syndicate year ) closed by reinsurance to close in accordance with byelaws , either into another syndicate year or into an insurer approved by the Council for the purpose. 3…

safe custody investment

As Published: 2001

safe custody investment

a designated investment , which is not the property of the firm , but for which the firm , or any nominee company controlled by the firm or by its associate , is accountable; which has been paid for i…

sustainability in-scope business

As Published: 2023

sustainability in-scope business

218 the following activities, as set out in more detail in ESG 3.1.2R : (1) managing a UK UCITS ; and (2) managing an AIF which is a UK AIF .

body corporate

As Published: 2001

body corporate

4 (in accordance with section 417(1) of the Act (Definitions)) any body corporate, including a body corporate constituted under the law of a country or territory outside the United Kingdom .

non-P2P agreement

As Published: 2016

non-P2P agreement

67 an agreement between one person (“the borrower”) and another person (“the lender”) by which the lender provides the borrower with credit, which does not satisfy the conditions for being a P2P agree…

feeder UCITS

As Published: 2011

feeder UCITS

a UCITS scheme or a sub-fund of a UCITS scheme which has been approved by the FCA to invest at least 85% of its assets in the units of a single master UCITS . 125 [Note: article 58(1) of the UCITS Dir…

protected home finance mediation

As Published: 2003

protected home finance mediation

39 14 activities in relation to home finance transactions 39 which are covered by the compensation scheme , as defined in COMP 5.6.1 R .

welfare trust

As Published: 2001

welfare trust

any scheme or arrangement, not being an occupational pension scheme , that is comprised in one or more instruments or agreements and operates as a benevolent fund so as to provide benefits, at the dis…


As Published: 2014


116 a pawnee 's rights over an article taken in pawn .

projection date

As Published: 2001

projection date

5 8 the date to which the projection is made.

recognised auction platform

As Published: 2011

recognised auction platform

205 a recognised investment exchange which is declared by a recognition order for the time being in force to be a recognised auction platform .

accrued rights charge

As Published: 2015

accrued rights charge

124 a charge used by an operator for a qualifying scheme which is calculated solely by reference to the value of a member's rights accrued under a qualifying scheme . 'Rights' has the same meaning as…

non-money purchase benefits

As Published: 2022

non-money purchase benefits

96 pension benefits that are not money-purchase benefits .

nuclear risks

As Published: 2004

nuclear risks

13 risks falling within any class of general insurance business and arising in connection with the construction and use of any nuclear reactor or nuclear installation or the carriage of any nuclear ma…

ESG financial considerations

As Published: 2019

ESG financial considerations

136 environmental, social and governance factors (including climate change) that are material to the sustainability of an investment .