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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2014


127 the Office of Fair Trading's Irresponsible Lending Guidance.

MAR 5.9 Post-trade transparency requirements for shares [deleted]

As Published: 2007

MAR 5.9 Post-trade transparency requirements for shares [deleted]

data reporting services provider

As Published: 2017

data reporting services provider

112 a person operating one or more data reporting service .

net-rated price

As Published: 2021

net-rated price

87 (in ICOBS 6B and SUP 16.28 ) for net-rated business , the price set by an insurer or managing agent which includes the risk price and the insurer’s or managing agent’s profit margin.

executive management

As Published: 2022

executive management

161 (in UKLR 168 ) the executive committee or most senior executive or managerial body below the board (or where there is no such formal committee or body, the most senior level of managers reporting…

net premium

As Published: 2004

net premium

13 the premium that is calculated to provide the basic sum assured under a with-profits insurance contract taking into consideration only the mortality and interest rate risks and using the same assum…

multi-occupancy building insurance contract

As Published: 2023

multi-occupancy building insurance contract

162 a policy within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.

ultimate mixed financial holding company

As Published: 2013

ultimate mixed financial holding company

49 a mixed financial holding company which is not itself the subsidiary undertaking of another mixed financial holding company , insurance parent undertaking , or financial holding company .

SUP 16 Annex 30A [deleted]

As Published: 2011

SUP 16 Annex 30A [deleted]

FEES TP 3 [deleted]

As Published: 2008

FEES TP 3 [deleted]

payment holiday

As Published: 2003

payment holiday

14 a feature of a regulated mortgage contract under which the mortgage lender permits the customer to make no payments for a specified period without being in arrears .


As Published: 2019


86 a person who has temporary RAISP registration .

PROF Sch 2 Notification requirements

As Published: 2004

PROF Sch 2 Notification requirements

Settlement Finality Directive

As Published: 2013

Settlement Finality Directive

118 Directive 98/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 1998 on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems.

intermediate holding vehicle

As Published: 2007

intermediate holding vehicle

71 a company , trust or partnership but not a collective investment scheme , whose purpose is to enable the holding of overseas 74 immovables on behalf of a non-UCITS retail scheme , 182 a qualified i…

relevant digital medium

As Published: 2023

relevant digital medium

222 (in ESG ) a firm’s website and any mobile application or other digital medium that the firm may be using in relation to a sustainability product .

Securities Financing Transactions Regulation

As Published: 2016

Securities Financing Transactions Regulation

161 the UK version of 180 Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Reg…


As Published: 2006


(1) [deleted] 156 137 101 (2) (in MIPRU ) an external credit assessment institution. 101…

TPF rules

As Published: 2007

TPF rules

35 the rules and guidance in COBS 20.2.1 G to COBS 20.2.39 R and COBS 20.2.51 R to COBS 20.2.57 G .

relevant existing claims management complaint

As Published: 2019

relevant existing claims management complaint

190 a complaint in respect of which the Financial Ombudsman Service has jurisdiction by operation of article 69(1) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Claims Management Activity) Order 201…