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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

relevant pension scheme

As Published: 2001

relevant pension scheme

(1) (except in COBS 19.11 ) 218 a pension scheme or an additional voluntary contribution . (2) (in COBS 19.11 ) a personal pension scheme or stakeholder pension scheme that has at least one relevant p…

COLL Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2009

COLL Sch 4 Powers exercised

key investor information

As Published: 2011

key investor information

(1) (for a UCITS ) key information for investors on the essential elements of a UCITS scheme 14 as detailed 14 in the KII Regulation ; 10 (2) (for a non-UCITS retail scheme ) key information for inves…

serious ill-health lump sum

As Published: 2019

serious ill-health lump sum

186 has the meaning in Part 1 of Schedule 29 to the Finance Act 2004. [Note: ]…

CONC Sch 3 Fees and other required payment

As Published: 2014

CONC Sch 3 Fees and other required payment


As Published: 2012


the UK version of 137 79 Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories, which is part of UK law by virtue of the EUWA , 137 sometimes referred to as the…

gross adjusted claims amount

As Published: 2004

gross adjusted claims amount

12 (for the purposes of INSPRU 1.1 20 ) an amount, as defined in INSPRU 1.1.60R 20 to INSPRU 1.1.65G 20 , used in calculating the claims amount .

electronic money customer

As Published: 2019

electronic money customer

138 (in BCOBS ): (a) a consumer ; (b) a micro-enterprise ; or (c) a charity which has an annual income of less than £1 million.

lead regulated firm

As Published: 2001

lead regulated firm

a firm which is the subject of the financial supervision requirements of an overseas regulator in accordance with an agreement between the appropriate regulator 106 and that regulator relating to the…

MiFID optional exemption firm

As Published: 2017

MiFID optional exemption firm

118 a firm that is an exempt investment firm for the purpose of regulation 8 of the MiFI Regulations .

GAP contract

As Published: 2015

GAP contract

57 a guaranteed asset protection contract; this is a contract of insurance covering a policyholder , in the event of total loss to a vehicle , against the difference between: (a) the amount claimed un…


As Published: 2001


(in COLL and in the definition of inherently illiquid asset ) 143 (in relation to a securities or a derivatives market) a market that satisfies the requirements in COLL 5.2.10 R (Eligible markets: req…

market counterparty

As Published: 2001

market counterparty

(for the purposes only of COBS TP 1 (Transitional Provisions in relation to Client Categorisation)) 90 any person classified as a 'market counterparty' under COB on 31 October 2007, in accordance with…

asset backed commercial paper programme

As Published: 2006

asset backed commercial paper programme

171 154 a programme of securitisations (within the meaning of paragraph (2) of the definition of securitisation) the securities issued by which predominantly take the form of commercial paper with an…

currency transfer service

As Published: 2019

currency transfer service

231 a payment service or the issuance of electronic money that involves a currency conversion. For the purpose of this definition ‘currency conversion’ has the same meaning as it has in the Payment Se…

large institution

As Published: 2020

large institution

83 has the meaning in article 4(1)(146) of the UK CRR 84 .

market interface specification

As Published: 2017

market interface specification

118 a document setting out the technical details required to format and submit market data to the FCA using the market data processor system .

online notification and application system

As Published: 2017

online notification and application system

84 the FCA’s and the PRA’s online notification and applications system, by whatever name known. [Note: before 1 October 2014 this was known as ONA, and from 1 October 2014 it has been known as the CON…

EIS manager

As Published: 2001

EIS manager

(a) (in relation to an EIS managed portfolio ) the investment manager; (b) (in relation to an EIS fund ) the manager of the fund. 4…

SFTR (EU Exit) Regulations

As Published: 2020

SFTR (EU Exit) Regulations

192 the Transparency of Securities Financing Transactions and of Reuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/542)…