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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

DEPP 4.2 Urgent statutory notice cases [deleted]

As Published: 2011

DEPP 4.2 Urgent statutory notice cases [deleted]

emissions auction product

As Published: 2012

emissions auction product

149 the investment specified in article 82A of the Regulated Activities Order (Greenhouse gas emissions allowances), which is in summary an emissions allowance offered for sale on an auction platform.

DEPP Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2009

DEPP Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

United Kingdom

As Published: 2001

United Kingdom

England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (but not the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man). 2…

target benchmark

As Published: 2019

target benchmark

87 as defined in COLL 4.2.5R(3)(c-b)(i) .


As Published: 2019


81 an AIFM which is not a UK AIFM .

home finance adviser

As Published: 2006

home finance adviser

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for advising on a home finance transaction .

Consolidated Motor Insurance Directive

As Published: 2010

Consolidated Motor Insurance Directive

113 the European Parliament and Council Directive of 16 September 2009 relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to i…

Business Order

As Published: 2004

Business Order

10 the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Carrying on Regulated Activities by Way of Business Order) 2001 (SI 2001/1177).

made to; made only to; to whom it is made

As Published: 2007

made to; made only to; to whom it is made

47 a financial promotion is made to a person if it is addressed, whether orally or in legible form, to a particular person or person s (for example where it is contained in a telephone call or letter)…

second charge regulated mortgage contract

As Published: 2015

second charge regulated mortgage contract

133 a regulated mortgage contract which is not a first charge legal mortgage .

positions held with trading intent

As Published: 2001

positions held with trading intent

205 any of the following: (a) proprietary positions and positions arising from client servicing and market making; (b) positions intended to be resold in the short term; (c) positions intended to bene…

MAR 6.6 Size and content of quotes [deleted]

As Published: 2017

MAR 6.6 Size and content of quotes [deleted]

non-directive insurer

As Published: 2001

non-directive insurer

an insurer which is not a Solvency II firm . 59…

non-DB pension scheme

As Published: 2020

non-DB pension scheme

84 any pension arrangement that is not a scheme (or is not a section of a scheme) that provides safeguarded benefits other than a guaranteed annuity rate .

concentration risk

As Published: 2001

concentration risk

256 the risks arising from the strength or extent of a firm’s relationships with, or direct exposure to, a single client or group of connected clients .

SUP 16 Annex 12A Reports from depositaries of authorised funds

As Published: 2016

SUP 16 Annex 12A Reports from depositaries of authorised funds

reinsurance contract

As Published: 2004

reinsurance contract

17 (in COBS 21 , 54 59 ICOBS , 110 CASS 1 , 183 CASS 5 and COMP ) a contract of insurance covering all or part of a risk to which a person is exposed under a contract of insurance .

internally managed AIF

As Published: 2013

internally managed AIF

118 (in accordance with regulation 4(3)(b) of the AIFMD UK regulation ) an AIF where the legal form permits internal management and where the AIF's governing body chooses not to appoint an external AI…

offer price

As Published: 2001

offer price

the price at which a person could purchase a unit in a dual-priced authorised fund or a security . 25…