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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

RCB 1.1.9GRP
(1) Issuers which are subject to an obligation to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation are required by Chapter II of the PR Regulation to disclose risk factors. These requirements are set out in PRR 2.3.1UK and PRR App 2.1.1UK, where there is a link to the relevant Annexes of the PR Regulation.755(2) In complying with these obligations, issuers should consider disclosing the risk that actions by a regulatory authority in relation to the issuer may adversely affect
There is power in the Act for the Treasury to change the meaning of the business element by including or excluding certain things. They have exercised this power (see the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Carrying on Regulated Activities by Way of Business) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1177), as amended from time to time)12. The result is that the business element differs depending on the activity in question. This in part reflects certain differences in the nature of the activities:35553(1)
(1) Neither this chapter nor Chapters 4, 5 or 6 of DTR shall apply in relation to an undertaking that falls within paragraph (2) or units of such an undertaking that fall within paragraph (3). [Note: article 1.2TD].(2) The exemption set out in paragraph (1) applies to an undertaking if it is a unit trust or investment company(a) the object of which is the collective investment of capital provided by the public, and which operates on the principle of risk spreading; and(b) the

Glossary of defined terms for Chapter 9

Note: If a defined term does not appear in the glossary below, the definition appearing in the HandbookGlossary applies.

approved exchange

means an investment exchange listed as such in Appendix 33 to IPRU-INV 3.


means a recognised investment exchange or designated investment exchange.

initial capital

means the initial capital of a firm calculated in accordance with section 9.3.

intangible assets

the full balance sheet value of a firm's intangible assets including goodwill, capitalised development costs, licences, trademark and similar rights etc.

intermediate broker

in relation to a margined transaction, means any person through whom the firm undertakes that transaction.

material current year losses

means losses of an amount equal to 10% or more of initial capital minus B (with B calculated in accordance with Table 9.5.2R).

material holding

means a firm's holdings of shares and any other interest in the capital of a credit institution or financial institution:

(a) which exceeds 10% of the capital of the issuer, and, where this is the case, any holdings of subordinated debt of the same issuer, the full amount is a material holding; or

(b) holdings not deducted under (a) if the total amount of such holdings exceeds 10% of that firm'sown funds, in which case only the excess amount is a material holding.

material insurance holdings

(a) means the holdings of an exempt CAD firm of items of the type set out in (b) in any:

(i) insurance undertaking; or

(ii) insurance holding company that fulfils one of the following conditions:

(iii) it is a subsidiary undertaking of that firm; or

(iv) that firm holds a participation in it.

(b) An item falls into this provision for the purpose of (a) if it is:

(i) an ownership share; or

(ii) subordinated debt or another item of capital that forms part of the tier two capital resources that1 falls into GENPRU 2 or, as the case may be, INSPRU 7, or is an item of “basic own funds” defined in the PRA Rulebook: Glossary.

own funds

means the own funds of a firm calculated in accordance with 9.2.9R(2) and The Interim Prudential Sourcebook for Investment Businesses Chapter 9: Financial resources requirements for an exempt CAD firm Page 2 of 2 Version: November 2007 9.2.8R(b).

own funds requirement

means the requirement set out in 9.2.9R(1) and 9.2.8R(b).


means checked by an external auditor who has undertaken at least to:

(a) satisfy himself that the figures forming the basis of the interim profits have been properly extracted from the underlying accounting records;

(b) review the accounting policies used in calculating the interim profits so as to obtain comfort that they are consistent with those normally adopted by the firm in drawing up its annual financial statements and are in accordance with the relevant accounting principles;

(c) perform analytical procedures on the result to date, including comparisons of actual performance to date with budget and with the results of prior period(s);

(d) discuss with management the overall performance and financial position of the firm;

(e) obtain adequate comfort that the implications of current and prospective litigation, all known claims and commitments, changes in business activities and provisioning for bad and doubtful debts have been properly taken into account in arriving at the interim profits; and

(f) follow up problem areas of which he is already aware in the course of auditing the firm's financial statements.

A firm must: (1) when it first becomes a collective portfolio management firm or a collective portfolio management investment firm, hold initial capital of not less than the applicable base own funds requirement (in line with IPRU-INV 11.3.1R);(2) at all times, maintain own funds which equal or exceed:(a) the higher of:(i) the funds under management requirement (in line with IPRU-INV 11.3.2R); and(ii) the amount specified in IPRU-INV 11.3.3AR2; plus 11(b) whichever is applicable
1An originator should clearly state the scope of the waiver of the requirements in BIPRU 9.3.7R and BIPRU 9.3.8R it is seeking in its application. For example, residential mortgage backed securities may be subdivided into prime and sub-prime with only one sub-category within the scope of the waiver. Relevant asset classes may therefore be defined according to a firm's internal usage of terms.

This table belongs to COLL 8.2.5 R


Description of the authorised fund

Information detailing:


the name of the authorised fund;


that the authorised fund is a qualified investor scheme; and


in the case of an ICVC, whether the head office of the company is situated in England and Wales or Wales or Scotland or Northern Ireland.

3Property Authorised Investment Funds


For a property authorised investment fund, a statement that:


it is a property authorised investment fund;


no body corporate may seek to obtain or intentionally maintain a holding of more that 10% of the net asset value of the fund; and


in the event that the authorised fund manager reasonably considers that a body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset value of the fund, the authorised fund manager is entitled to delay any redemption or cancellation of units in accordance with 6A if the authorised fund manager reasonably considers such action to be:


necessary in order to enable an orderly reduction of the holding to below 10%; and


in the interests of the unitholders as a whole.



The following statements:


the scheme property of the scheme is entrusted to a depositary for safekeeping (subject to any exception permitted by the rules);


if relevant, the duration of the scheme is limited and, if so, for how long;


charges and expenses of the scheme may be taken out of scheme property;


for an ICVC:


what the maximum and minimum sizes of the scheme's capital are; and


the unitholders are not liable for the debts of the company;5



for an ICVC which is an umbrella, a statement that the assets of a sub-fund belong exclusively to that sub-fund and shall not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of, or claims against, any other person or body, including the umbrella, or any other sub-fund, and shall not be available for any such purpose;6


for a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella, the property subject to a sub-fund is beneficially owned by the participants in that sub-fund as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of the participants in that sub-fund) and must not be used to discharge any liabilities of, or meet any claims against, any person other than the participants in that sub-fund;


for a limited partnership scheme, that the scheme prohibits pooling as is mentioned in section 235(3)(a) of the Act in relation to separate parts of the scheme property, with the effect that the scheme cannot be an umbrella;


for an AUT:


the trust deed:


is made under and governed by the law of England and Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern Ireland;


is binding on each unitholder as if he had been a party to it and that he is bound by its provisions; and


authorises and requires the trustee and the manager to do the things required or permitted of them by its terms;


subject to the provisions of the trust deed and all the rules made under section 247 of the Act (Trust scheme rules):


the scheme (other than sums held to the credit of the distribution account) is held by the trustee on trust for the unitholders according to the number of units held by each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the number of individual shares in the scheme property represented by the units held by each unitholder; and


the sums standing to the credit of any distribution account are held by the trustee on trust to distribute or apply in accordance with COLL 8.5.15 R (Income);


a Unitholder is not liable to make any further payment after he has paid the price of his units and that no further liability can be imposed on him in respect of the units he holds; and


payments to the trustee by way of remuneration are authorised to be paid (in whole or in part) out of the scheme property; and6



for an ACS:


the contractual scheme deed:


is made under and governed by the law of England and Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern Ireland;


is binding on each unitholder as if he had been a party to it and that he is bound by its provisions;


authorises and requires the depositary and the authorised contractual scheme manager to do the things required or permitted of them by its terms; and


states that units may not be issued to a person other than a person7:


who 7is a:


professional ACS investor;


large ACS investor; or


person who already holds units in the scheme; and


to whom units in a qualified investor scheme may be promoted under COBS 4.12B.7R11;



states that the authorised contractual scheme manager of an ACS must redeemunits as soon as practicable after becoming aware that those units are vested in anyone (whether as a result of subscription or transfer of units) other than a person meeting the criteria in (iv)(A) and (B);


states that for a co-ownership scheme:


the scheme property is beneficially owned by the participants as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of the participants);


the arrangements constituting the scheme are intended to constitute a co-ownership scheme as defined in section 235A(2) of the Act; and


the operator and depositary are required to wind up the scheme if directed to do so by the FCA in exercise of its power under section 261X (Directions) or section 261Z (Winding up or merger of master UCITS) of the Act;




whether the transfer of units in the ACS scheme or, for a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella (sub-funds of which pursue differing policies in relation to transfer of units), in each particular sub-fund, is either:


prohibited; or




where transfer of units is allowed by the scheme or, where appropriate the sub-fund, in accordance with (A)(ii), units may only be transferred in accordance with the conditions specified by FCArules, including that units may not be transferred to a person other than a person :



who 7is a:


professional ACS investor; or


large ACS investor; or


person who already holds units in the scheme; and


to whom units in a qualified investor scheme may be promoted under COBS 4.12B.7R11; and



states that for a limited partnership scheme, the scheme is not dissolved on any person ceasing to be a limited partner or nominated partner provided that there remains at least one limited partner;


subject to the provisions of the contractual scheme deed and all the rules made under section 261I of the Act (Contractual scheme rules) and for the time being in force:


the scheme property (other than sums standing to the credit of the distribution account) is held by, or to the order of, the depositary for and on behalf of the unitholders according to the number of units held by each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the number of individual shares in the scheme property represented by the units held by each unitholder; and


the sums standing to the credit of any distribution account are held by the depositary to distribute or apply them in accordance with COLL 8.5.15 R(Income); and


a unitholder in a co-ownership scheme is not liable to make any further payment after he has paid the price of his units and that no further liability can be imposed on him in respect of the units he holds;


a unitholder in a limited partnership scheme is not liable for the debts or obligations of the limited partnership scheme beyond the amount of the scheme property which is available to the authorised contractual scheme manager to meet such debts or obligations, provided that the unitholder does not take part in the management of the partnership business;


the exercise of rights conferred on limited partners by FCA rules does not constitute taking part in the management of the partnership business;


the limited partners, other than the nominated partner, are to be the participants in the scheme; and


the operator of a co-ownership scheme is authorised to:


acquire, manage and dispose of the scheme property; and


enter into contracts which are binding on unitholders for the purposes of, or in connection with, the acquisition, management or disposal of scheme property.


Investment objectives

A statement of the object of the scheme, in particular the types of investments and assets in which it and each sub-fund (where applicable) may invest and that the object of the scheme is to invest in property of that kind with the aim of spreading investment risk.


Units in the scheme

A statement of:


the classes of units which the scheme may issue, indicating, for a scheme which is an umbrella, which class or classes may be issued in respect of each sub-fund; and


the rights attaching to units of each class (including any provisions for the expression in two denominations of such rights).


Limitation on issue of and redemption of units

Details as to:


the provisions relating to any restrictions on the right to redeem units in any class; and


the circumstances in which the issue of the units of any particular class may be limited.


Income and distribution

Details of the person responsible for the calculation, transfer, allocation and distribution of income for any class of unit in issue during the accounting period.

3Redemption or cancellation of units on breach of law or rules


A statement that where any holding of units by a unitholder is (or is reasonably considered by the authorised fund manager to be) an infringement of any law, governmental regulation or rule, those units must be redeemed or cancelled.


Base currency

A statement of the base currency of the scheme.



Details of the procedures for the convening of meetings and the procedures relating to resolutions, voting and the voting rights for unitholders.


Powers and duties of the authorised fund manager and depositary

Where relevant, details of any function to be undertaken by the authorised fund manager and depositary which the rules in COLL require to be stated in the instrument constituting the fund.8



Termination and suspension

Details of:


the grounds under which the authorised fund manager may initiate a suspension of the scheme and any associated procedures; and


the methodology for determining the rights of unitholders to participate in the scheme property on winding up.


Investment in overseas2 property through an intermediate holding vehicle1

If investment in an overseas2 immovable is to be made through an intermediate holding vehicle or a series of intermediate holding vehicles, a statement that the purpose of that intermediate holding vehicle or series of intermediate holding vehicles will be to enable the holding of overseas2 immovables by the scheme.1


Other relevant matters

Details of those matters which enable the scheme, authorised fund manager or depositary to obtain any privilege or power conferred by the rules in COLL which is not otherwise provided for in the instrument constituting the fund.8

REC 2.9.3GRP
In determining whether a UK recognised body has satisfactory arrangements for recording the transactions effected on its facilities,3 or cleared or to be cleared by another person3 by means of, its facilities, the FCA3 may have regard to:3(1) whether the UK recognised body has arrangements for creating, maintaining and safeguarding an audit trail of transactions for at least five years4; and(2) the type of information recorded and the extent to which the record includes4: (a)
(1) An ICVC or a depositary for the account of an authorised fund must not provide any guarantee or indemnity in respect of the obligation of any person.(2) None of the scheme property of an authorised fund may be used to discharge any obligation arising under a guarantee or indemnity with respect to the obligation of any person.(3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) do not apply to:(a) any indemnity or guarantee given for margin requirements where the derivatives or forward transactions
BIPRU 12.4.14ERP
(1) In designing a contingency funding plan a firm should ensure that it takes into account:(a) the impact of stressed market conditions on its ability to sell or securitise assets;(b) the impact of extensive or complete loss of typically available market funding options;(c) the financial, reputational and any other additional consequences for that firm arising from the execution of the contingency funding plan itself; (d) its ability to transfer liquid assets having regard to

1Liquid Capital Requirement = Initial Capital Requirement + Capital Surcharge

Calculation of Initial Capital Requirement

ICR = (√AUA) x K1



means Initial Capital Requirement


means Assets Under Administration calculated as the sum of the most recent annual valuations over the preceding 12 months of the personal pension schemes administered by the firm, and adjusted to include any revaluation of assets that may occur between the date of the most recent annual valuation and the date when the firm must calculate its AUA.

A firm must calculate its AUA quarterly in line with the dates when it has to submit its regulatory capital reporting form in accordance with SUP 16.12 (Integrated Regulatory Reporting).

Where it is not possible to value an asset (for example because there is no readily available market price), the most recent market valuation should be used.

Where it would be reasonable to assume that the value of the asset has changed by more than 15% since the most recent market valuation, a firm should instead use a reasonable estimate. This is without prejudice to any requirement on a firm to provide a personal pension scheme member with accurate and timely valuations of their portfolios.


is set subject to the firm’s AUA as specified in the below table:


K1 constant to be applied







When K1 changes due to an increase in AUA, in accordance with the thresholds in this table, the firm must apply the new K1 value within six months following the date on which its AUA exceeded the threshold of its previous K1 value.

Calculation of Capital Surcharge

CS =(√P) x K2 x ICR



means Capital Surcharge


means the fraction of personal pension schemes administered by the firm which contain one or more asset types which do not appear in the list of Standard Assets below, at the most recent quarter end. For example, if a quarter of personal pensions contained non-Standard Assets, this would be inputted in to the formula as 0.25.


is set at 2.5.


means the Initial Capital Requirement calculated as above.

Standard Assets

The List of Standard Assets is as follows (subject to Note 1):


Cash funds


Exchange traded commodities

Government & local authority bonds and other fixed interest stocks

Investment notes (structured products)

Shares in Investment trusts

Managed pension funds

National Savings and Investment products

Permanent interest bearing shares (PIBs)

Physical gold bullion

Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Securities2 admitted to trading on a regulated venue

UK commercial property

Units in regulated collective investment schemes2


A Standard Asset must be capable of being accurately and fairly valued on an ongoing basis and readily realised within 30 days, whenever required.


In addition to complying with the provisions of IPRU-INV 5.8, in accordance with IPRU-INV 5.3.2R, a firm must hold its liquid capital in financial resources as follows:


realisable within 12 months; and


realisable within 30 days

MAR 10.3.3RRP
(1) This rule applies to a UK firm operating a multilateral trading facility or an OTF and a UK branch of a third country investment firm operating a multilateral trading facility or an OTF.(2) A firm must apply position management controls which enable an MTF or OTF at least to: (a) monitor the open interest positions of persons;(b) access information, including all relevant documentation, from persons about: (i) the size and purpose of a position or exposure entered into;(ii)
(1) This guidance applies to a firm whose permitted business includes establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme for the purpose of IPRU-INV 5.9.1R.(2) A firm should:(a) value each asset in accordance with generally accepted standards used in the relevant sector for the asset, taking into account its individual characteristics and using all the information reasonably available;(b) on a consistent basis across all clients who hold the same type of assets, apply
The characteristics that a reasonable investor can be expected to have will inform the use of judgment required by the 'expectation test' and the 'satisfaction test'. These tests relate to the investor's ability to realise an investment within a reasonable period and to do so on the basis of the net value of its assets. In the FCA's view, the characteristics of the reasonable investor include:(1) sound judgment based on good sense;(2) some knowledge of, and possibly experience
2An originator should clearly state the scope of the waiver of the requirements in BIPRU 9.4.11R and BIPRU 9.4.12R it is seeking in its application. For example, residential mortgage backed securities may be subdivided into prime and sub-prime with only one sub-category within the scope of the waiver. Relevant asset classes may therefore be defined according to a firm's internal usage of terms.