Related provisions for SUP 10C.10.18
Table: Examples of how the other local responsibility function applies
Example |
Comments |
(1) ‘A’ is allocated local responsibility for one of a branch’s main business lines. A is also appointed to perform a PRA-designated senior management function for the same branch. The firm is a PRA-authorised person5. |
A only needs approval to perform the PRA-designated senior management function. |
(2) ‘A’ is outside the branch’s management structure and A’s responsibilities for the branch are limited to setting overall strategy for the branch. A does not have responsibility for implementing that strategy. |
A is not performing the other local responsibility function. The reason for this is explained in SYSC 26.8.3G4. SUP 10C.8.1R(2) is irrelevant to this example. 4 |
(3) A small branch undertakes two business lines (wholesale lending and corporate investments). ‘A’ is head of wholesale lending and is also an executive director of the branch. ‘B’ is head of corporate investments and does not sit on the branch management committee but reports to it on corporate investments. The branch allocates local responsibility for these functions to A and B. Neither A nor B performs any other FCA-designated senior management function or (if the firm is a PRA-authorised person)5PRA-designated senior management function. 4 |
A only needs approval to perform the executive director function4. B needs approval to perform the other local responsibility function. 3 |
(4) A branch does not have a Head of Internal Audit. ‘P’ is allocated local responsibility for internal audit in relation to that branch. |
P needs approval to perform the other local responsibility function. However, if P has already been approved to perform another FCA-designated senior management function or (if the firm is a PRA-authorised person)5PRA-designated senior management function for that firm4, then P will not be performing the other local responsibility function. |
(5) ‘A’ is appointed to perform the executive director function4. The same branch also allocates local responsibility for some branch functions to A. 3 |
A only needs approval to perform the executive director function4. 3 |
(6) ‘A’ is approved to perform the other local responsibility function. Later, A is appointed to perform the executive director function4 for the same firm. 3 |
A requires approval for the other local responsibility function when A is first appointed. When A is later approved to perform the executive director function4, A stops performing the other local responsibility function. The firm should use Form E to apply for approval for A to perform the executive director function and to notify the FCA that A is no longer performing the other local responsibility function.4 33 |
(7) ‘A’ is appointed to perform: (a) the compliance oversight function for one firm (Firm X) in a group (which may or may not be an SMCR firm to which the other local responsibility function applies4); and (b) a function coming within the scope of the other local responsibility function for the United Kingdombranch of4 another firm (which is an overseas SMCR firm to which the other local responsibility function applies4) in the same group (Firm Y). |
A needs approval to perform the compliance oversight function for Firm X and the other local responsibility function for Firm Y. |
(8) ‘A’ is appointed to take on some functions that come within the other local responsibility function. Later, A is appointed as chief risk officer. A is a type of firm for which being chief risk officer is a PRA designated senior management function or an FCA-designated senior management function5. 4 |
On A’s first appointment, A will need to be approved to perform the other local responsibility function. On being approved as chief risk officer, A stops performing the other local responsibility function4. |
(9) ‘A’ is appointed as an executive director. A then resigns and takes up a job with the same firm coming within the other local responsibility function4. |
On A’s first appointment, A will need to be approved to perform the executive director function4. A will need to get approval to perform the other local responsibility function before A takes up their new responsibilities4. 3 |
Note: Local responsibility is explained in SYSC 26 (Senior managers and certification regime: Overall and local responsibility).4 |
Paragraph 7BA – [deleted]3 1 |
Paragraph 7BB – Position reporting |
(1) |
This paragraph applies to a [UK RIE] operating a trading venue which trades commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives. |
(2) |
The [UK RIE] must - |
(a) |
where it meets the minimum threshold, as specified in article 83 (position reporting) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive2, make public a weekly report with the aggregate positions held by the different categories of persons for the different commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives traded on the trading venue specifying - |
(i) |
the number of long and short positions by such categories; |
(ii) |
changes of those positions since the previous report; |
(iii) |
the percentage of the total open interest represented by each category; and |
(iv) |
the number of persons holding a position in each category; and |
(b) |
provide the FCA with a complete breakdown of the positions held by all persons, including the members and participants and their clients, on the trading venue on a daily basis, or more frequently if that is required by the FCA. |
(3) |
For the weekly report mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)(a) the [UK RIE] must - |
(a) |
categorise persons in accordance with the classifications required under sub-paragraph (4); and |
(b) |
differentiate between positions identified as- |
(i) |
positions which in an objectively measurable way reduce risks directly relating to commercial activities; or |
(ii) |
other positions. |
(4) |
The [UK RIE] must classify persons holding positions in commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives according to the nature of their main business, taking account of any applicable authorisation or registration, as - |
(a) |
an investment firm or qualifying2 credit institution; |
(b) |
an investment fund, either as an undertaking for collective investment in transferrable securities within the meaning of section 236A of the Act, an AIF or an AIFM within the meaning of regulations 3 and 4 respectively of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1773)2; |
(c) |
another financial institution, including an insurance undertaking within the meaning of section 417 of the Act, a reinsurance undertaking within the meaning of section 417 of the Act, and an occupational pension scheme within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Pension Schemes Act 1993;2 |
(d) |
a commercial undertaking; or |
(e) |
in the case of emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives, an operator with compliance obligations under Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community. |
[Note: 1993 c.48. Section 1 was amended by section 239 of the Pension Schemes Act 2004 (c. 35) and S.I. 2007/3014.]2 |
(5) |
The [UK RIE] must communicate the weekly report mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)(a) to the FCA2. |