1Paragraph 7BA – Position management |
(1) |
A [UK RIE] operating a trading venue which trades commodity derivatives must apply position management controls on that venue, which must at least enable the [UK RIE] to - |
(a) |
monitor the open interest positions of persons; |
(b) |
access information, including all relevant documentation, from persons about- |
(i) |
the size and purpose of a position or exposure entered into; |
(ii) |
any beneficial or underlying owners; |
(iii) |
any concert arrangements; and |
(iv) |
any related assets or liabilities in the underlying market; |
(c) |
require a person to terminate or reduce a position on a temporary or permanent basis as the specific case may require and to unilaterally take appropriate action to ensure the termination or reduction if the person does not comply; and |
(d) |
where appropriate, require a person to provide liquidity back into the market at an agreed price and volume on a temporary basis with the express intent of mitigating the effects of a large or dominant position. |
(2) |
The position management controls must take account of the nature and composition of market participants and of the use they make of the contracts submitted to trading and must- |
(a) |
be transparent; |
(b) |
be non-discriminatory; and |
(c) |
specify how they apply to persons. |
(3) |
A [UK RIE] must inform the FCA of the details of the position management controls in relation to each trading venue it operates. |
Paragraph 7BB – Position reporting |
(1) |
This paragraph applies to a [UK RIE] operating a trading venue which trades commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives. |
(2) |
The [UK RIE] must - |
(a) |
where it meets the minimum threshold, as specified in article 83 (position reporting) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive2, make public a weekly report with the aggregate positions held by the different categories of persons for the different commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives traded on the trading venue specifying - |
(i) |
the number of long and short positions by such categories; |
(ii) |
changes of those positions since the previous report; |
(iii) |
the percentage of the total open interest represented by each category; and |
(iv) |
the number of persons holding a position in each category; and |
(b) |
provide the FCA with a complete breakdown of the positions held by all persons, including the members and participants and their clients, on the trading venue on a daily basis, or more frequently if that is required by the FCA. |
(3) |
For the weekly report mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)(a) the [UK RIE] must - |
(a) |
categorise persons in accordance with the classifications required under sub-paragraph (4); and |
(b) |
differentiate between positions identified as- |
(i) |
positions which in an objectively measurable way reduce risks directly relating to commercial activities; or |
(ii) |
other positions. |
(4) |
The [UK RIE] must classify persons holding positions in commodity derivatives, emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives according to the nature of their main business, taking account of any applicable authorisation or registration, as - |
(a) |
an investment firm or qualifying2 credit institution; |
(b) |
an investment fund, either as an undertaking for collective investment in transferrable securities within the meaning of section 236A of the Act, an AIF or an AIFM within the meaning of regulations 3 and 4 respectively of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1773)2; |
(c) |
another financial institution, including an insurance undertaking within the meaning of section 417 of the Act, a reinsurance undertaking within the meaning of section 417 of the Act, and an occupational pension scheme within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Pension Schemes Act 1993;2 |
(d) |
a commercial undertaking; or |
(e) |
in the case of emission allowances, or emission allowance derivatives, an operator with compliance obligations under Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community. |
[Note: 1993 c.48. Section 1 was amended by section 239 of the Pension Schemes Act 2004 (c. 35) and S.I. 2007/3014.]2 |
(5) |
The [UK RIE] must communicate the weekly report mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)(a) to the FCA2. |
Related provisions for SUP 16.11.7
41 - 57 of 57 items.
A firm that is a23UCITS investment firm19or an operator of an electronic system in relation to lending23 must, where appropriate and proportionate in view of the nature, scale and complexity of its business and the nature and range of the investment services and activities undertaken in the course of that business, establish and maintain a risk management function that operates independently and carries out the following tasks:(1) implementation of the policies and procedures
In many cases it will be clear whether or not a publication or service benefits from the exclusion. A publication or service may provide reports on such a wide range of matters that it is not possible to say that it has any purpose other than to provide coverage of a wide range of matters. Alternatively, it may be clear that the principal purpose of a publication or service is something other than those specified in the article 54 exclusion. Examples of cases where, in the FCA's
5A firm should ensure that the systems and controls include:(1) appropriate training for its employees in relation to money laundering;(2) appropriate provision of information to its governing body and senior management, including a report at least annually by that firm'smoney laundering reporting officer (MLRO) on the operation and effectiveness of those systems and controls;(3) appropriate documentation of its risk management policies and risk profile in relation to money laundering,
A firm must: (1) ensure that its governing body, in the context of its consideration of issues referred to in COBS 20.5.3R (1)(a) to (d) and (2)(b)(i) to (x):(a) obtains, as relevant, assessments, reports, advice and/or recommendations of the with-profits committee or advisory arrangement, if the governing body, the with-profits committee or advisory arrangement considers that significant issues concerning the interests of with-profits policyholders need to be considered by the
The FCA will aim to respond quickly and fully to reasonable requests. The FCA will give high priority to enquiries about areas of genuine uncertainty or about difficulties in relating established requirements to innovative practices or products. What constitutes a 'reasonable request' is a matter for the FCA. It will depend on the nature of the request and on the resources of the firm or other person making it. The FCA will expect the person to have taken reasonable steps to research
The information referred to in COLL 7.5.1 G is listed below:(1) the name of the authorised fund or sub-fund;(2) the size of the authorised fund or sub-fund;(3) the number of unitholders; (4) whether dealing in units has been suspended;(5) why the request is being made; (6) what consideration has been given to the authorised fund or sub-fund entering into a scheme of arrangement with another regulated collective investment scheme and the reasons why a scheme of arrangement is not
(1) The appropriate manner and timescale of notification referred to in COLL 11.3.13R (2) and (3)(b) will depend on the nature and significance of the matter. Consequently, the authorised fund manager will need to assess each matter individually.(2) An appropriate manner of notification could include sending an immediate notification to the unitholders, or arranging for the information to be published on one or more websites where it is reasonable likely to be seen by investors.(3)
(1) A firm must establish, implement and maintain appropriate and effective arrangements for the disclosure of reportable concerns by whistleblowers.(2) The arrangements in (1) must at least:(a) be able effectively to handle disclosures of reportable concerns including: (i) where the whistleblower has requested confidentiality or has chosen not to reveal their identity; and(ii) allowing for disclosures to be made through a range of communication methods; (b) ensure the effective
4In calculating the cost of the additional administration required as a result of a customer having a payment shortfall, a firm must not take into account:(1) the following types of costs:(a) funding or capital;(b) general bank charges that are not incurred as a result of a customer having a payment shortfall;(c) unrecovered fees;(d) advertising costs; and(e) regulatory fines;(2) the costs of preparing financial reports for the firm unless there is an objectively justifiable reason
The FCA will deal with cases more quickly than this whenever circumstances allow and will try to meet the standard response times published on the website and in its Annual Report. However, the processing time will be longer than the published standard response times if:(1) an application is incomplete when received; or(2) the FCA has knowledge that, or reason to believe that, the information is incomplete.
The internal audit work programme should include items such as:(1) verification of cash (counting and reconciliation) without prior notification;(2) bank reconciliation (checking records against bank statements);(3) verification of passbooks or account statements;(4) checking for compliance with policies and procedures;(5) checking for compliance with relevant Acts, secondary legislation and rules;(6) checking minutes and reports of the governing body5 and other sub-committees
(1) An annual long report on an authorised fund, other than a scheme which is an umbrella, must contain:(a) the accounts for the annual accounting period which must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the SORP26;3(b) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance with COLL 4.5.9 R (Authorised fund manager's report);(c) comparative information12 in accordance with COLL 4.5.10 R (Comparative information12);1212(d) the report of the depositary in accordance
(1) Any investment in land or a building held within the scheme property of a non-UCITS retail scheme must be an immovable within (2) to (5).(2) An immovable must:(a) be situated in a country or territory identified in the prospectus for the purpose of this rule; and(b) if situated in:(i) England and Wales or Northern Ireland, be a freehold or leasehold interest; or(ii) Scotland, be any interest or estate in or over land or heritable right including a long lease; or(c) if not