Related provisions for IPRU-INV 13.15.1

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The conditions referred to in IPRU-INV 13.15.7R are:(1) the subordinated loan must have an original maturity of at least two years or, if it has no fixed term, it is subject to not less than two years' notice of repayment;(2) the agreement governing the subordinated loan must not permit payment of interest unless a firm has at least 120% of its capital resources requirement after that payment2;(3) the agreement governing the subordinated loan must only permit repayment, prepayment
(1) IPRU-INV applies to: (a) a members' adviser; (b) an investment management firm; (c) a personal investment firm; (d) an authorised professional firm; (e) a securities and futures firm; (f) a service company; (g) the Society of Lloyd's (in relation to underwriting agents); (h) [deleted] (i) [deleted]4(j) [deleted]3(k) a collective portfolio management

Table This table belongs to IPRU(INV) 1.2.4R3

Authorised professional firm

Chapters 1 and 2

Securities and futures firm (which is not a MiFID investment firm)

Chapters 1 and 3



The Society of Lloyd's (in relation to underwriting agents) and members' advisers

Chapters 1 and 4

Investment management firm

Chapters 1 and 5



Service company

Chapters 1 and 6

Collective portfolio management firm

Chapters 1 and 11

Collective portfolio management investment firm

Chapters 1 and 11

Personal investment firm

Chapters 1 and 13

[deleted] 4

[deleted] 4

Without prejudice to MIPRU 4.2F.36 R, an exposure or any part of an exposure must be assigned a risk weight of 35% where: (1) the exposure is fully and completely secured, to the satisfaction of the firm, by mortgages on residential property; and(2) the residential property is, or will be, occupied or let by the owner or the beneficial owner in the case of personal investment companies.
Without prejudice to MIPRU 4.2F.36 R, an exposure, or any part of an exposure, must be assigned a risk weight of 75% where: (1) the exposure arises from a mortgage on residential property up to a limit of 100% of the value of the property which is not fully and completely secured, to the satisfaction of the firm, by that mortgage; and(2) the residential property is, or will be, occupied or let by the owner or the beneficial owner in the case of personal investment companies.
If a firm has an exposure arising through a second-charge mortgage secured on the same property as a first-charge loan from a different firm, the exposure, taking into account the first-charge mortgage, must be split into the following components and risk weighted as follows, after taking into account the seniority of the first-charge loan:(1) the amount of the exposure or any part of the exposure, up to a limit of 80% of the value of the residential property, must be assigned
9For the avoidance of doubt, this chapter does not apply to the following firms if they do not hold client money or client assets and do not appoint an auditor under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act: (1) authorised professional firms;(2) energy market participants, including oil market participants to whom IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply;(3) exempt insurance intermediaries;(4) insurance intermediaries not subject to SUP 3.1.2 R(10);(5) investment management
SUP 3.1.2RRP

Applicable sections (see SUP 3.1.1 R)

This table and the provisions in SUP 3 should be read in conjunction with GEN 2.2.23 R to GEN 2.2.25 G. In particular, the PRA does not apply any of the provisions in SUP 3 in respect of FCA-authorised persons. SUP 3.10 and SUP 3.11 are applied by the FCA only.42

(1) Category of firm

(2) Sections applicable to the firm

(3) Sections applicable to its auditor


Authorised professional firm which is required by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2R to comply with chapters 3, 519 or 13 of IPRU(INV) and which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9 (Notes 1 and 6)23


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Authorised professional firm not within (1) to which the custody chapter or client money chapter applies22


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Authorised professional firm not within (1) or (2) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Bank, building society or dormant asset fund operator40 which in each case carries on designated investment business21(Notes 2A and 6)23


SUP 3.1-SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Bank, building society or a dormant asset fund operator40 which in each case does not carry on designated investment business21 (Note 2A)


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Credit union

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.824


CASS debt management firm unless subject to a requirement imposed under section 55L of the Act stating that it must not hold client money or such a requirement to the same effect30

SUP 3.1

SUP 3.10

SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1

SUP 3.10


CASS 7 loan-based crowdfunding firm

SUP 3.1-3.7, SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


A CASS 13 claims management firm

SUP 3.1- 3.7, 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Insurer, the Society of Lloyd's, underwriting agent or members' adviser, UK ISPV11 (Note 5)7

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Investment management firm,39personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm)39, 15securities and futures firm or collective portfolio management firm that is an external AIFM28 which, in each case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9(Notes 3 and 623)17


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Investment management firm39, personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm39),28securities and futures firm39 or collective portfolio management firm that is an external AIFM28 not within (7) to which the custody chapter or client money chapter applies22


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.1025




Collective portfolio management firm that is a 28UCITS firm13or an internally managed AIF28 (Note 6)23


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



MiFID investment firm38, which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act (Notes 3B and 6)2320


SUP 3.1 - 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.1014


Sole trader or partnership that is a MiFID investment firm3839(Notes 3C and 6)2320


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Small personal investment firm or service company which, in either case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Home finance provider10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Insurance intermediary (other than an exempt insurance intermediary) to which the insurance client money chapter17 (except for CASS 5.2 (Holding money as agent)) applies (see Note 4)8


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.108


Exempt insurance intermediary and insurance intermediary not subject to SUP 3.1.2 R(10) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Home finance intermediary10 or home finance administrator10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88

Note 1 = This chapter applies to an authorised professional firm in row (1) (and its auditor) as if the firm were of the relevant type in the right-hand column of IPRU(INV) 2.1.4R.

Note 2 [deleted]23


Note 2A = For this purpose, designated investment business does not include either or both:

(a) dealing which falls within the exclusion in article 15 of the Regulated Activities Order (Absence of holding out etc) (or agreeing to do so); and

(b) dealing in investments as principal (or agreeing to do so):

(i) by a firm whose permission to deal in investments as principal is subject to a limitation to the effect that the firm, in carrying on this regulated activity, is limited to entering into transactions in a manner which, if the firm was an unauthorised person, would come within article 16 of the Regulated Activities Order (Dealing in contractually based investments); and

(ii) in a manner which comes within that limitation;

having regard to article 4(4) of the Regulated Activities Order (Specified activities: general23).


Note 3 = This note applies in relation to an oil market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply and in relation to an energy market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply. In SUP 3:

(a) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.7 are applicable to such a firm; and

(b) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 are applicable to its auditor;

and, in each case, only if it has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.

17Note 3A [deleted]23


20Note 3B = MiFID investment firms38 include firms that are eligible to be MiFID optional exemption firms but have chosen not to exercise the article 3 exemption. However, such firms may still benefit from the audit exemption for small companies in the Companies Act legislation39.


17Note 3C20 = A sole trader or a partnership that is a MiFID investment firm38 to which the custody chapter22 or client money chapter applies2220 must have its annual accounts audited.


Note 4 = The client money audit requirement in SUP 3.1.2 R(10) therefore applies to all insurance intermediaries except:8

• those which do not hold client money or other client assets in relation to insurance distribution activities34; or 8

• those which only hold up to, but not exceeding, £30,000 of client money under a statutory trust arising under CASS 5.3.8

Insurance intermediaries which, in relation to insurance distribution activities34, hold no more than that amount of client money only on a statutory trust are exempt insurance intermediaries.8

Note (5) = In row (6):7


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7 applies to a managing agent in respect of its own business and in respect of the insurance business of each syndicate which it manages; and7


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 apply to the auditors of a managing agent and the auditors of the insurance business of each syndicate which the managing agent manages.1234567

23Note 6 = Where SUP 3.11 applies to a firm, and SUP 3.10 applies to the auditor of that firm, those sections apply whether or not that firm'spermission prevents it from holding client money or custody assets and whether or not it holds client money or custody assets.A collective portfolio management firm that is an internally managed AIF is required to appoint an auditor under FUND 3.3.6R (2) (Annual report of an AIF) because the AIFM is also an AIF.28

2The custody rules do not apply to a personal investment firm when it temporarily holds a designated investment, other than in bearer form, belonging to a client, if the firm:(1) keeps it secure, records it as belonging to that client, and forwards it to the client or in accordance with the client's instructions, as soon as practicable after receiving it; (2) retains the designated investment for no longer than the firm has taken reasonable steps to determine is necessary to check
2Administrative convenience alone should not lead a personal investment firm to rely on CASS 6.1.16C R. Personal investment firms should consider what is in the client's interest and not rely on CASS 6.1.16C R as a matter of course.
This section applies to a personal investment firm.41

This table belongs to IPRU-INV 2.1.1R



(i) managing investments other than for retail clients; or

Investment management firm - IPRU-INV 5

(ii) OPS activity; or


(iii) [deleted]

(iv) [deleted]

(iva) acting as trustee or depositary of a UK UCITS2; or

(ivb) managing an AIF; or

(ivc) acting as trustee or depositary of an AIF; or

(v) acting as a residual CIS operator; or

(va) establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme; or

(vi) safeguarding and administering investments;

(i) advising on, or arrangingdeals in, packaged products; or

(ii) managing investments for retail clients;

Personal investment firm - IPRU-INV 13

(i) a regulated activity carried on as a member of an exchange; or


(ii) acting as a market maker in securities or derivatives; or

Securities and futures firm (which is not a MiFID investment firm) - IPRU-INV 3

(iii) corporate finance business; or

(iv) dealing or arranging deals in securities or derivatives, other than interprofessional investments; or

(v) the provision of clearing services as a clearing firm; or

(vi) spread betting;

SUP 3.10.5RRP

Client assets report


Whether in the auditor's opinion


the firm has maintained systems adequate to enable it to comply with the custody rules (except CASS 6.7)13, the collateral rules,5 the client money rules3 (except CASS 5.2)13, the debt management client money rules9, the claims management client money rules14 and the mandate rules5 throughout the period ;5



the firm was in compliance with the custody rules (except CASS 6.7)13, the collateral rules,5 the client money rules3 (except CASS 5.2), the debt management client money rules, the claims management client money rules14 and the mandate rules5,13 at the date as at which the report has been made;



in the case of an investment management firm, personal investment firm, a UCITS firm,2securities and futures firm, firm acting as trustee or depositary of an AIF, firm acting as trustee or depositary of a UK UCITS16 or a MIFIDPRU investment firm17,2 when a subsidiary of the firm is during the period 5a nominee company in whose name custody assets of the firm are registered during the period, 5 that nominee company has maintained throughout the period5 systems for the custody, identification and control of custody assets which:



were5 adequate; and



included5 reconciliations at appropriate intervals between the records maintained (whether by the firm or the nominee company) and statements or confirmations from custodians or from the person who maintained5 the record of legal entitlement; and



if there has been a secondary pooling event during the period, the firm has 1complied with the rules in943CASS 5.6 and CASS 7A43 (Client money distribution)1,14CASS 11.13 (debt management client money distribution rules)9 and CASS 13.11 (claims management client money distribution rules)14 in relation to that pooling event.


This chapter applies to a firm which is a personal investment firm.8

  1. (2)


  2. (3)


This section applies to a personal investment firm.31