Related provisions for SYSC 19D.1.1A
321 - 340 of 1027 items.
1These Regulations gave2 effect to the Distance Marketing Directive.24 Under the Regulations, the FCA can enforce breaches of the Regulations concerning “specified contracts”. Specified contracts are certain contracts for the provision of financial services which are made at a distance and do not require the simultaneous physical presence of the parties to the contract. 24 Directive 2002/65/EC
1The FCA may apply to the courts for an injunction or interim injunction against a person who appears to it to be responsible for a breach of the Regulations. The FCA may also accept undertakings from the person who committed the breach that he will comply with the Regulations. The FCA must publish details of any applications it makes for injunctions; the terms of any orders that the court subsequently makes; and the terms of any undertakings given to it or to the court.
1The FCA may also prosecute offences under the Regulations which relate to specified contracts. It will generally be appropriate for the FCA to seek to resolve the breach by obtaining an undertaking before it applies for an injunction or initiates a prosecution. Where a failure by a firm to meet the requirements of the Regulations also amounts to a breach of the FCA'srules, the FCA will consider all the circumstances of the case when deciding whether to take action for a breach
The appropriate regulator1 may revoke a waiver at any time. In deciding whether to revoke a waiver, the appropriate regulator1 will consider whether the conditions in section 138A(4)1 of the Act are no longer satisfied (see SUP 8.3.1 G), and whether the waiver is otherwise no longer appropriate.1111
If the appropriate regulator1 proposes to revoke a waiver, or revokes a waiver with immediate effect, it will:1(1) give the firm written notice either of its proposal, or of its action, giving reasons;(2) state in the notice a reasonable period (usually 28 days) within which the firm can make representations about the proposal or action; if a firm wants to make oral representations, it should inform the appropriate regulator1 as quickly as possible , specify who will make the
The FCA3 expects to have an open, cooperative and constructive relationship with UK recognised bodies to enable it to have a broad picture of the UK recognised body's activities and its ability to meet the recognised body requirements.2 This broad picture is intended to complement the information which the FCA3 will obtain under section 293 of the Act (Notification requirements) or under notification rules made under that section (see REC 3). The FCA3 will usually arrange meetings
In determining a person's competence and capability, the FCA, in accordance with FIT 1.1.2G,7 will have regard to all relevant 3matters including but not limited to:99(1) whether the person satisfies the relevant FCA9 training and competence requirements1 in relation to the controlled function the person performs or is intended to perform;19(2) whether the person has demonstrated by experience and training that they are 6suitable2, or will be suitable 2if approved, to perform
A person may have been convicted of, or dismissed or suspended from employment for, drug or alcohol abuses or other abusive acts. This will be considered by the FCA6only in relation to a person's continuing ability to perform the particular controlled function for which the person is or is to be employed.5
6The FCA would expect a firm8 determining the competence and capability of staff being assessed under FIT to consider convictions, dismissals and suspensions from employment for drug or alcohol abuses or other abusive acts only in relation to a person's continuing ability to perform the particular FCA designated senior management function or an FCA certification function7 for which the person is, or is to be, employed.76
(1) Section 55C of the Financial Services Act 2012 (Power to amend Schedule 6) gave HM Treasury the power to amend Schedule 6 of the Act. HM Treasury exercised this power by making The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Threshold Conditions) Order 2013 which entered into force on 1 April 2013 (the "TC Order"). The TC Order's main result is the creation of four sets of threshold conditions, namely:(i) conditions for firms authorised and regulated by the FCA only (paragraphs
(1) As a result of the new legal framework for threshold conditions described in COND 1.1A.1G (1), PRA-authorised persons and firms seeking to become PRA-authorised persons are subject to two sets of threshold conditions:(i) the FCA-specific conditions referred to in COND 1.1A.1G (1)(ii)and(ii) one of the two PRA-specific conditions referred to in COND 1.1A.1G (1)(iii) or (iv), depending on the PRA-regulated activities which the PRA-authorised person or firm carries on, or is
(1) 2The FCAthreshold conditions apply to a person that carries on, or seeks to carry on, only relevant credit activities (within paragraph 2G of Schedule 6 to the Act) and which therefore has, or is applying for, limited permission with a number of modifications (see article 10(19) of the Regulated Activities Amendment Order). Regulated activities a person carries on in relation to which sections 20(1) and (1A) and 23(1A) of the Act do not apply as a result of section 39(1D)
Table: FCA-approved persons forms
Form |
Purpose |
Handbook requirement |
the relevant Form A |
311 | Application to perform controlled functions under the approved persons regime |
Form B |
Notice to withdraw an application to perform controlled functions under the approved persons regime |
Form C |
Notice of ceasing to perform controlled functions |
Form D |
Notification of changes in personal information or application details |
Form E |
113 | Internal transfer of an approved person |
5556 | |||
5 |
Copies of Forms A, B, C, D and E may be obtained from the FCA website. Credit unions can obtain copies from the FCA's Supervision Hub8. To contact the FCA's2 Supervision Hub8 for approved persons enquiries:22(1) telephone 0300 500 0597;2or2(2) e-mail; or(3) fax 020 7066 0017; or(4) write to:Supervision Hub8The Financial Conduct Authority12 Endeavour Square4London4E20 1JN.4
Neither assisting in the administration nor assisting in the performance of a contract alone will fall within this activity. Generally, an activity will either amount to assisting in the administration or assisting in the performance but not both. Occasionally, however, an activity may amount to both assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance. For example, where a person assists a claimant in filling in a claims form, in the FCA's view this amounts
Put another way, where an intermediary's assistance in filling in a claims form is material to whether performance takes place of the contractual obligation to notify claims, it is more likely to amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance. Conversely, in the FCA's view, a person who merely gives pointers about how to fill in the claims form or merely supplies information in support of a claim will not be assisting in the performance of
More generally, an example of an activity that, in the FCA's view, is likely to amount to assisting a policyholder in both the administration and the performance of a contract of insurance is notifying a claim under a policy and then providing evidence in support of the claim, or helping negotiate its settlement on the policyholder's behalf. Notifying an insurance undertaking of a claim assists the policyholder in discharging his contractual obligation to do so (assisting in the
Where a person receives funds on behalf of a policyholder in settlement of a claim, in the FCA's view, the act of receipt is likely to amount to assisting in the performance of a contract. By giving valid receipt, the person assists the insurance undertaking to discharge its contractual obligation to provide compensation to the policyholder. He may also be assisting the policyholder to discharge any obligations he may have under the contract to provide valid receipt of funds,
(1) The purpose of this section2 is to set out the requirements for firms in the retail mortgage, investment, consumer credit lending8 and pure protection contract markets specified in SUP 16.11.1 R to report individual product sales data, and to report individual performance data on regulated mortgage contracts,7 to the FCA18. In the case of firms in the sale and rent back market, there is a requirement to record, but not to submit, sales data13. These requirements apply6 whether
(1) A firm may submit a sales 7data report more frequently than required by SUP 16.11.3 R7if it wishes.7(2) If it is easier and more practical for a firm to submit additional data relating to products other than those specified in SUP 16.11.5 R, it may submit that additional data to the FCA18 in a data report.18
(1) A firm may appoint another person to provide a 7data report on the firm's behalf if the firm has informed the FCA18 of that appointment in writing.718(2) Where (1) applies, the firm must ensure that the data report complies with the requirements of SUP 16.11 and identifies the originator of the transaction.
2These guidelines concern the following bodies (the agencies): the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA);the Serious Fraud Office (the SFO);the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS);the Crown Prosecution Service (the CPS);the Association of Chief Police Officers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (ACPO);the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS);the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (the PPS);the Association of Chief Police Officers
2The guidelines are intended to assist the agencies when considering cases concerning financial crime and/or regulatory misconduct that are, or may be, of mutual interest to the FCA and one or more of the other agencies. Their implementation and wider points arising from them will be kept under review by the agencies who will liaise regularly.
2The following are indicators of whether action by the FCA or one of the other agencies is more appropriate. They are not listed in any particular order or ranked according to priority. No single feature of the case should be considered in isolation, but rather the whole case should be considered in the round.(a) 2 Tending towards action by the FCAWhere the suspected conduct in question gives rise to concerns regarding market confidence or protection of consumers of services regulated
2The agencies will consider, as necessary, and keep under review whether an investigation has reached the point where it is appropriate to commence proceedings. Where agencies are deciding whether to institute criminal proceedings, they will have regard to the usual codes or guidance relevant to that decision. For example, agencies other than the PPS or COPFS will have regard to the Code for Crown Prosecutors (Note: Different guidance applies to the PPS and COPFS. All criminal
Section 80 (1) of the Act (general duty of disclosure in listing
particulars) requires listing particulars submitted
to the FCA to contain all such information as investors
and their professional advisers would reasonably require, and reasonably expect
to find there, for the purpose of making an informed assessment of:(1) the assets and liabilities, financial
position, profits and losses, and prospects of the issuer of
the securities; and(2) the rights attaching to the securi
A request to the FCA to authorise the omission of specific
information in a particular case must:(1) be in writing from the issuer;(2) identify the specific information
concerned and the specific reasons for the omission; and(3) state why in the issuer's opinion
one or more of the grounds in section 82 of the Act applies.
General guidance on the perimeter is also contained in various FCA documents (mainly fact sheets and frequently asked questions) that are available on the FCA website at documents, and the URL on which they may be accessed, include:(1) [deleted]612446(2) [deleted]212(3) [deleted](4) [deleted]313(5) [deleted]313(6) [deleted]313(7) guidance about the position under the Insurance Mediation Directive and the Regulated Activities Order of the company appointed
Any person who, having read relevant general guidance and, where appropriate, taken legal advice, remains uncertain about whether his activities amount to regulated activities or his communications will be subject to the restriction in section 21 of the Act, may seek individual guidance from the FCA. Requests for individual guidance should be made in line with SUP 9.
In addition, the FCA has established a team to provide general assistance and guidance to persons generally about the scope of the Act. Enquiries of this kind may be made:(1) by authorised firms, to either the Contact Centre (email, Tel 0300 500 05977) or their normal supervisory contact; or77(2) by individuals or non-authorised firms, to the Consumer Contact Centre (email, Tel 0800 111 6768 ).8
The CUA79 and CU(NI)O85 enable certain2 societies in Great Britain and Northern Ireland to be registered under CCBSA14 and CU(NI)O85 respectively. CUA79 and CU(NI)O85 also make2 provisions in respect of these societies. They give2 the FCA certain powers in addition to the powers that it has under the Act in respect of those credit unions which are authorised persons. The FCA's powers under CUA79, CCBSA14 and CU(NI)O852 include the power to:1(1) require the production of books,
The deterrent effect and impact
on a person of a combination of sanctions3 may
be greater than where only a single sanction3 is imposed. The FCA1 will consider the overall impact and deterrent effect of the
sanctions it imposes when determining the level of any3 penalty and the length
of suspension,3 restriction, condition, limitation or disciplinary prohibition3.212
The FCA1 expects usually to take the following approach in respect of
the interaction between sanctions3:12(1) The FCA1 will determine which sanction, or combination of sanctions, is
appropriate for the breach.1(2) If the FCA1, following the approach set out in DEPP 6.2, considers it appropriate
to impose a financial penalty, it will calculate the appropriate level of
the financial penalty, following the approach set out in DEPP 6.5 to DEPP 6.5D.1(3) If the FCA1, following the
The FCA1 may depart from the approach set out in DEPP 6A.4.2 G.
For example, the FCA1 may
at the outset consider that a financial penalty is the only appropriate sanction
for a breach but, having determined
the appropriate level of financial penalty, may consider it appropriate to
reduce the amount of the financial penalty for serious financial hardship
reasons. In such a situation, the FCA1 may consider it appropriate to impose a suspension, restriction, condition,3 limitation
The FCA1 would not normally seek to gather information using the methods described in SUP 2.3 or SUP 2.4 in a situation where the FCA1 could not have obtained it under the powers in Part XI of the Act (Information Gathering and Investigations). In particular, the limitations in the following sections of the Act are relevant to this chapter:11(1) section 175(5) (Information and documents: supplementary powers) under which no person may be required under Part XI of the Act (Information
When the FCA1 obtains confidential information using the methods of information gathering described in SUP 2.3 or SUP 2.4, it is obliged under Part XXIII of the Act (Public Record, Disclosure of Information and Co-operation) to treat that information as confidential. The FCA1 will not disclose confidential information without lawful authority, for example if an exception applies under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Disclosure of Confidential Information) Regulations
Within the legal constraints that apply, the FCA1 may pass on to a skilled person any information which it considers relevant to the skilled person's function. A skilled person, being a primary recipient under section 348 of the Act (Restrictions on disclosure of confidential information by Authority etc.), is bound by the confidentiality provisions in Part XXIII of the Act (Public record, disclosure of information and cooperation) as regards confidential information received1
2In respect of the appointment of a skilled person under section 166A (Appointment of skilled person to collect and update information) of the Act, a contractual or other requirement imposed on a person to keep any information confidential will not apply if:(1) the information is or may be relevant to anything required to be done as part of the skilled person's appointment under section 166A (Appointment of skilled person to collect and update information) of the Act;(2) a firm
2A firm may provide information that would otherwise be subject to a contractual or other requirement to keep it in confidence if it is provided for the purposes of anything required to be done in respect of the skilled person's collection or updating of information under section 166A (Appointment of skilled person to collect and update information) of the Act.
The FCA5 recognises that there may be occasions when, because of a particular emergency, a person (generally a firm, but in certain circumstances, for example in relation to price stabilising rules, an unauthorised person) may be unable to comply with a particular rule in the Handbook. The purpose of GEN 1.3.2 R is to provide appropriate relief from the consequences of contravention of such a rule in those circumstances.1993
(1) If any emergency arises which:(a) makes it impracticable for a person to comply with a particular rule in the Handbook; (b) could not have been avoided by the person taking all reasonable steps; and(c) is outside the control of the person, its associates and agents (and of its and their employees);the person will not be in contravention of that rule to the extent that, in consequence of the emergency, compliance with that rule is impracticable. (2) Paragraph (1) applies only
GEN 1.3.2 R operates on the FCA's5rules. It does not affect the FCA's5 powers to take action against a firm in an emergency, based on contravention of other requirements and standards under the regulatory system. For example, the FCA5 may exercise its own-initiative power in appropriate cases to vary a firm'sPart 4A permission9 based on a failure or potential failure to satisfy the threshold conditions (see SUP 7 (Individual9 requirements) and EG 8 (Variation and cancellation
(1) A firm must monitor the transactions made by clients using the service to identify:
(a) infringements of the rules of the trading venue; or
(b) disorderly trading conditions; or
(c) conduct which may involve market abuse and which is to be reported to the FCA.(2) A firm must have a binding written agreement with each client which:
(a) details the essential rights and obligations of both parties arising from the provision of the service; and
(b) states that the firm is responsible
A firm must provide the following, at the FCA’s request, within 14 days from receipt of the request:
(1) a description of the systems mentioned in MAR 7A.4.2R(1);
(2) evidence that those systems have been applied; and
(3) information stored in accordance with MAR 7A.4.6R.[Note: article 17(5) of MiFID]
1Where the FCA believes that a company or partnership to which sections 359(1) and 367(1) of the Act applies is, or is likely to become, unable to pay its debts, the FCA will consider whether it is appropriate to seek an administration order or a compulsory winding up order from the court. The FCA's approach will be in two stages: the first is to consider whether it is appropriate to seek any insolvency order; the second is to consider which insolvency order will meet, or is likely
1In determining whether it is appropriate to seek an insolvency order on this basis, the FCA will consider the facts of each case including, where relevant: (1) whether the company or partnership has taken or is taking steps to deal with its insolvency, including petitioning for its own administration, placing itself in voluntary winding up or proposing to enter into a company voluntary arrangement, and the effectiveness of those steps; (2) whether any consumer or other creditor
1After the FCA has determined that it is appropriate to seek an insolvency order, and there is no moratorium in place under Schedule A1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended by the Insolvency Act 2000) (hereafter referred to in this chapter as 'the 1986 Act'), it will consider whether this order should be an administration order or a compulsory winding up order.
1DEPP 6A sets out the FCA's2 statement of policy with respect to:423323(1) 4the imposition of suspensions or restrictions under sections 88A, 143W8 and 206A of the Act, and the period for which those suspensions or restrictions are to have effect, as required by sections 88C(1), 89S(1) and 210(1) of the Act;4(2) 4the imposition of suspensions, conditions or limitations under section 66 of the Act, the period for which suspensions or conditions are to have effect, and the period
The power to impose a suspension, restriction, condition,4 limitation or disciplinary prohibition4 is a disciplinary measure which the FCA2 may use in addition to, or instead of, imposing a financial penalty
or issuing a public censure.
The principal purpose of imposing such a measure3 is to promote
high standards of regulatory and/or market conduct by deterring persons who have committed breaches from
committing further breaches,
helping to deter other persons from
The powers to impose a suspension, restriction, condition or limitation3 in relation
to authorised persons and approved persons, to impose a restriction on non-authorised parent undertakings of FCA investment firms, members of the management body and employees of non-authorised parent undertakings who are knowingly concerned in contravention of FCA rules8 and to impose a disciplinary prohibition in relation to individuals,4 are disciplinary measures;2 where the FCA2 considers
3The FCA expects to impose a limitation in two situations. The FCA may impose a limitation where it considers it appropriate for an approval to cease to have effect:(1) after a certain period, unless the approved person demonstrates during the period of limitation that it is appropriate for them to be reapproved without the limitation;(2) after a short period, without giving the approved person the opportunity to demonstrate that they should be re-approved.The imposition of a