Related provisions for MCOB 9.7.5
101 - 120 of 148 items.
The format of the financial statement sent to lenders on behalf of the customer should be uniform and logically structured in a way that encourages consistent responses from lenders and reduces queries and delays. Firms may wish to use the Common Financial Statement formerly facilitated by the Money Advice Trust, the Standard Financial Statement (SFS) facilitated by MoneyHelper2, or an equivalent or similar statement.[Note: paragraph 3.24 of DMG]
(1) 2Firms must provide advice in a durable medium, unless CONC 8.3.4AR applies. Where questions over the application of that exemption may arise, for example, in relation to advice given to a customer at an initial meeting or telephone call, the following considerations may be relevant:(a) if a firm never charges for advice and never enters into contracts with customers for debt solutions, CONC 8.3.4AR may remove the requirement to provide advice to the customer in a durable
If, notwithstanding the steps taken by a firm to comply with MCOB 1.6.3 R, it transpires that a mortgage which the firm has treated as unregulated or as a regulated credit agreement4 is in fact a regulated mortgage contract, the firm must as soon as practicable after the correct status of the mortgage has been established:(1) contact the customer and provide him with the following information in a durable medium:(a) a statement that the mortgage contract is a regulated mortgage
The Regulated Activities Order contains an exclusion (article 27: Enabling parties to communicate) to bring a degree of certainty to this area. This applies to arrangements which might otherwise fall within article 25(2) merely because they provide the means by which one party to a transaction (or potential transaction) is able to communicate with other parties. In the FCA's view, the crucial element of the exclusion is the inclusion of the word ‘merely’. So that, where a publisher,
If a firm is satisfied that the client has the necessary experience and knowledge in order to understand the risks involved in relation to the product or service, there is no duty to communicate this to the client. If the firm does so, it must not do so in a way that amounts to making a personal recommendation unless it complies with the rules in COBS 9 (Suitability (including basic advice) (non-MiFID provisions))2.
A firm must ensure that its contingency funding plan:(1) outlines strategies, policies and plans to manage a range of stresses;(2) establishes a clear allocation of roles and clear lines of management responsibility;(3) is formally documented;(4) includes clear invocation and escalation procedures;(5) is regularly tested and updated to ensure that it remains operationally robust;(6) outlines how that firm will meet time-critical payments on an intra-day basis in circumstances
A firm should establish and maintain appropriate systems and controls for the management of operational risks that can arise from employees. In doing so, a firm should have regard to:(1) its operational risk culture, and any variations in this or its human resource management practices, across its operations (including, for example, the extent to which the compliance culture is extended to in-house IT staff);(2) whether the way employees are remunerated exposes the firm to the
(1) A firm must communicate to a consumer2 the distance marketing information in a durable medium available and accessible to the consumer2 in good time before the consumer2 is bound by any distance contract or offer to enter into a home purchase plan.222(2) If the distance contract or offer has been concluded at the consumer's2 request using a means of distance communication2 which does not enable providing the information in accordance with (1) then it must be communicated no
A VJ participant may not withdraw from the Voluntary Jurisdiction unless:(1) the VJ participant has submitted to FOS Ltd a written plan for:(a) notifying its existing customers of its intention to withdraw; and(b) handling complaints against it before its withdrawal;(2) the VJ participant has paid the general levy for the year in which it withdraws and any other fees payable; and(3) FOS Ltd has approved in writing both the VJ Participant's plan and the date of withdrawal (which
(1) When considering how to notify the FCA under SUP 10C.14.18R or SUP 10C.14.22R, a firm should have regard to the urgency and significance of a matter. If appropriate, the firm should also notify its usual supervisory contact at the FCA by telephone or by other prompt means of communication, before submitting a written notification.(2) Oral notifications should be given directly to the firm's usual supervisory contact at the FCA. An oral notification left with another person
(1) Under the UK provisions which implemented2 article 31 AIFMD, an AIFM is required to submit the documentation and information set out in the law that implemented2 Annex III to AIFMD with its application for permission to market an AIF managed by it and to notify the FCA2 of any material changes to this documentation and information. Therefore, the prescribed documentation and information should be in materially final form before the AIFM may apply for permission to market an
The requirement under section 64(1)(b) of the CCA to send debtors or hirers a notice of their rights to cancel a cancellable agreement within the seven days following the making of that agreement does not apply in the case of the agreements described in SUP 8A.2.5 G, if: (1) on application by a firm to the FCA, the FCA has determined, having regard to:(a) the manner in which antecedent negotiations for the relevant agreements with the firm are conducted; and(b) the information
(1) When a firm provides information in accordance with this section, it must provide the information in a durable medium, unless (2) applies.(2) If the contract is being made by telephone, the firm may give the information orally to the customer. If the customer enters into the contract, a written version of the required information must be sent to the customer within five business days of the contract being entered into.