Related provisions for REC 6A.2.3
381 - 400 of 488 items.
(1) This chapter sets out rules governing the amounts payable by
FOS Ltd to the FCA to
fund the FCA’s functions under the ADR
Regulations.(2) These rules are made
using the rule-making power in paragraph 23 (Fees) Schedule 1ZA of the Act, as
applied with modifications by Regulation 15A of the ADR
1Except where the FCA has issued a warning notice, and the FCA has subsequently discontinued the proceedings, the Act does not require the FCA to provide notification of the termination of an investigation or subsequent enforcement action. However, where the FCA has given a person written notice that it has appointed an investigator and later decides to discontinue the investigation without any present intention to take further action, it will confirm this to the person concerned
1When deciding whether or not to disqualify an auditor under section 249(1) or section 261K(1) of the Act (concerning the power to disqualify an auditor for breach of trust scheme
rules or contractual scheme rules), and in setting the disqualification, the FCA will take into account all the circumstances of the case. These may include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances: (1) the effect of the auditor's breach of a duty imposed by trust scheme
1In cases where it decides to petition for the compulsory winding up of a body under section 367 of the Act, the FCA will also consider whether it should seek the appointment of a provisional liquidator. The FCA will have regard, in particular, to the extent to which there may be a need to protect consumers' claims and consumers' funds or other assets. Where the FCA decides to petition for the compulsory winding up of a company or partnership on the just and equitable ground and
1Even where action is not taken against connected parties, these parties may have what the Act calls ‘third party rights’. Broadly, if any of the reasons contained in a warning notice or decision notice identifies a person (the third party) other than the person to whom the notice is given, and in the opinion of the FCA is prejudicial to the third party, a copy of the notice must be given to the third party unless that person receives a separate warning notice or decision notice
Sections 393 (Third party rights) and 394 (Access to FCA1 material) of the Act confer additional procedural rights relating to third parties and to disclosure of FCA1 material. These rights apply in certain warning notice and decision notice cases referred to in section 392 of the Act (Application of sections 393 and 394). The cases in which these additional rights apply are identified in DEPP 2 Annex 1 by asterisks; these are generally cases in which the warning notice or decision
1This chapter explains the FCA's policies on how it uses its powers under the Act to apply to the court for orders under existing insolvency legislation and exercise its rights under the Act to be involved in proceedings under that legislation. The FCA's effective use of its powers and rights in insolvency proceedings helps it pursue its statutory objectives, including its operational objectives of securing an appropriate degree of protection for consumers, protecting and enhancing
1As is explained in the chapter of this guide on publicity (chapter 6), the FCA will not normally make public the fact that it is or is not investigating a matter and its expectation is that the person under investigation will also treat the matter as confidential. However, subject to the restrictions on disclosure of confidential information in section 348 of the Act, this does not stop the person under investigation from seeking professional advice or making their own enquiries
1An auditor or actuary may ask the FCA to remove the disqualification at any time after it has been imposed. The FCA will remove a disqualification if it is satisfied that the disqualified person will in future comply with the duty in question (and other duties under the Act). When it considers whether to grant or refuse a request that a disqualification be removed on these grounds, the FCA will take into account all the circumstances of a particular case. These circumstances
This guidance is issued under section 139A of the Act (Guidance). It represents the FCA's views and does not bind the courts. For example, it would not bind the courts in an action for damages brought by a private person for breach of a rule (see section 138D of the Act (Actions for damages)), or in relation to the enforceability of a contract where there has been a breach of sections 19 (The general prohibition) or 21 (Restrictions on financial promotion) of the Act (see sections
Where a UK recognised body has evidence tending to suggest that any person has:(1) been carrying on any regulated activity in the United Kingdom in contravention of the general prohibition; or(2) been engaged in market abuse; or(3) committed a criminal offence under the Act or subordinate legislation made under the Act; or(4) committed a criminal offence under Part V of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (Insider dealing); or(5) committed a criminal offence under the Money Laundering
A person who is concerned to know whether his proposed activities may require authorisation will need to consider the following questions (these questions are a summary of the issues to be considered and have been reproduced, in slightly fuller form, in the flowchart in PERG 4.18):(1) will I be carrying on my activities by way of business (see PERG 4.3.3 G (The business test))?(2) if so, will my activities relate to regulated mortgage contracts (see PERG 4.4 (What is a regulated
A contravention of a rule in SYSC 11 to 2SYSC 14, SYSC 18 to10SYSC 21,7SYSC 22.8.1R, SYSC 22.9.1R or to 9SYSC 288 does not give rise to a right of action by a private person under section 138D of the Act (and each of those rules is specified under section 138D(3) of the Act as a provision giving rise to no such right of action). 34437
(1) A proposal that an authorised fund should be involved in a scheme of arrangement is subject to written notice to and approval by the FCA under section 251 of the Act (Alteration of schemes and changes of manager or trustee), section 261Q of the Act (Alteration of contractual schemes and changes of operator or depositary)2 or regulation 21 of the OEIC Regulations (The Authority's approval for certain changes in respect of a company). Effect cannot be given to such a change