Related provisions for PERG 7.7.5

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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

21The provisions in SYSC should be read in conjunction with GEN 2.2.23 R to GEN 2.2.25 G. In particular:(1) [deleted]9(2) Provisions made by the FCA, and by the9PRA in the PRA Rulebook,9 may be applied by both regulators to PRA-authorised persons. Such provisions are applied by each regulator to the extent of its powers and regulatory responsibilities.95(3) 5For Solvency II firms, the FCA considers that the requirements and guidance14 in Chapters 2, 3, 12 to 18,11 19F.2,14 21,
The firm (or, where applicable, a successor) must as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 29 November 2017, send a written communication to the complainant which:(1) informs the complainant that, despite having already made a complaint in relation to the sale of a payment protection contract, they can make a further complaint against the CCA lender in relation to a failure to disclose commission;(2) makes clear the identity of the CCA lender, where this is known to
For the purpose of BIPRU 3.2.25R (1)(e) (Prompt transfer of capital resources): 22(1) 2in the case of an undertaking that is a firm the requirement in BIPRU 3.2.25R (1)(e) for the prompt transfer of capital resources refers to capital resources in excess of the capital and financial resources requirements to which it is subject under the regulatory system; and2(2) 44[deleted](3) 4the FCA will consider the following criteria:(a) the speed with which funds can be transferred or
EG 11.2.1RP
2In deciding whether to exercise its powers to seek or require restitution under sections 382, 383 or 384 of the Act, the FCA will consider all the circumstances of the case. The factors which the FCA will consider may include, but are not limited to, those set out below. (1) Are the profits quantifiable? The FCA will consider whether quantifiable profits have been made which are owed to identifiable persons. In certain circumstances it may be difficult to prove that the conduct
The illustration provided as part of the offer document in accordance with MCOB 6.4.1 R(1) must meet the requirements of MCOB 9.4, with the following modifications:(1) the illustration must be suitably adapted and revised to reflect the fact that the firm is making an offer to a customer and updated to reflect changes to, for example, for a lifetime mortgage3 the interest rate, charges, the exchange rate or the APR required by MCOB 10 (Annual Percentage Rate) at the date the illustration
(1) Failure to comply with CONC 6.5.2 R, which sets out when a firm must give notice to a customer where a regulated credit agreement has been assigned to a third party, will be taken into account by the FCA in taking decisions about a firm'spermission or about taking other action.[Note: paragraph 3.7g of DCG](2) CONC 6.5.2 R makes it clear that where arrangements for servicing the credit change at the time of the assignment of a regulated credit agreement, notice must be given
CONC 7.19.5RRP
The notice required by CONC 7.19.4 R must contain:(1) a form of wording to the effect that it relates to default sums and is given in compliance with FCArules;(2) the date of the notice;(3) a description of the agreement sufficient to identify it;(4) the firm's name, telephone number, postal address and, where appropriate, any other address;(5) the amount and nature of each default sum payable under the agreement which has not been the subject of a previous notice of default sums;(6)
LR 18.4.4RRP
Prior to any change of the depositary of certificates representing certain securities, the new depositary must satisfy the FCA that it meets the requirements of LR 18.2.11 R to LR 18.2.14 R.
In assessing the adequacy of a firm'scapital resources, the appropriate regulator draws on more than just a review of the submitted ICA. Use is made of wider supervisory knowledge of a firm and of wider market developments and practices. When forming a view of any individual capital guidance to be given to a firm, the review of the firm'sICA along with the regulator’s risk assessment and any other issues arising from day-to-day supervision will be considered.
SUP 3.1.2RRP

Applicable sections (see SUP 3.1.1 R)

This table and the provisions in SUP 3 should be read in conjunction with GEN 2.2.23 R to GEN 2.2.25 G. In particular, the PRA does not apply any of the provisions in SUP 3 in respect of FCA-authorised persons. SUP 3.10 and SUP 3.11 are applied by the FCA only.41

(1) Category of firm

(2) Sections applicable to the firm

(3) Sections applicable to its auditor


Authorised professional firm which is required by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2R to comply with chapters 3, 519 or 13 of IPRU(INV) and which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9 (Notes 1 and 6)23


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Authorised professional firm not within (1) to which the custody chapter or client money chapter applies22


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Authorised professional firm not within (1) or (2) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Bank, building society or dormant account fund operator21which in each case carries on designated investment business21(Notes 2A and 6)23


SUP 3.1-SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Bank, building society or a dormant account fund operator which in each case does not carry on designated investment business21 (Note 2A)


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Credit union

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.824


CASS debt management firm unless subject to a requirement imposed under section 55L of the Act stating that it must not hold client money or such a requirement to the same effect30

SUP 3.1

SUP 3.10

SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1

SUP 3.10


CASS 7 loan-based crowdfunding firm

SUP 3.1-3.7, SUP 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


A CASS 13 claims management firm

SUP 3.1- 3.7, 3.11

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Insurer, the Society of Lloyd's, underwriting agent or members' adviser, UK ISPV11 (Note 5)7

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Investment management firm,39personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm)39, 15securities and futures firm or collective portfolio management firm that is an external AIFM28 which, in each case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9(Notes 3 and 623)17


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Investment management firm39, personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm39),28securities and futures firm39 or collective portfolio management firm that is an external AIFM28 not within (7) to which the custody chapter or client money chapter applies22


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.1025




Collective portfolio management firm that is a 28UCITS firm13or an internally managed AIF28 (Note 6)23


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



MiFID investment firm38, which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act (Notes 3B and 6)2320


SUP 3.1 - 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.1014


Sole trader or partnership that is a MiFID investment firm3839(Notes 3C and 6)2320


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Small personal investment firm or service company which, in either case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Home finance provider10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Insurance intermediary (other than an exempt insurance intermediary) to which the insurance client money chapter17 (except for CASS 5.2 (Holding money as agent)) applies (see Note 4)8


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78, SUP 3.1123

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.108


Exempt insurance intermediary and insurance intermediary not subject to SUP 3.1.2 R(10) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Home finance intermediary10 or home finance administrator10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88

Note 1 = This chapter applies to an authorised professional firm in row (1) (and its auditor) as if the firm were of the relevant type in the right-hand column of IPRU(INV) 2.1.4R.

Note 2 [deleted]23


Note 2A = For this purpose, designated investment business does not include either or both:

(a) dealing which falls within the exclusion in article 15 of the Regulated Activities Order (Absence of holding out etc) (or agreeing to do so); and

(b) dealing in investments as principal (or agreeing to do so):

(i) by a firm whose permission to deal in investments as principal is subject to a limitation to the effect that the firm, in carrying on this regulated activity, is limited to entering into transactions in a manner which, if the firm was an unauthorised person, would come within article 16 of the Regulated Activities Order (Dealing in contractually based investments); and

(ii) in a manner which comes within that limitation;

having regard to article 4(4) of the Regulated Activities Order (Specified activities: general23).


Note 3 = This note applies in relation to an oil market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply and in relation to an energy market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply. In SUP 3:

(a) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.7 are applicable to such a firm; and

(b) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 are applicable to its auditor;

and, in each case, only if it has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.

17Note 3A [deleted]23


20Note 3B = MiFID investment firms38 include firms that are eligible to be MiFID optional exemption firms but have chosen not to exercise the article 3 exemption. However, such firms may still benefit from the audit exemption for small companies in the Companies Act legislation39.


17Note 3C20 = A sole trader or a partnership that is a MiFID investment firm38 to which the custody chapter22 or client money chapter applies2220 must have its annual accounts audited.


Note 4 = The client money audit requirement in SUP 3.1.2 R(10) therefore applies to all insurance intermediaries except:8

• those which do not hold client money or other client assets in relation to insurance distribution activities34; or 8

• those which only hold up to, but not exceeding, £30,000 of client money under a statutory trust arising under CASS 5.3.8

Insurance intermediaries which, in relation to insurance distribution activities34, hold no more than that amount of client money only on a statutory trust are exempt insurance intermediaries.8

Note (5) = In row (6):7


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7 applies to a managing agent in respect of its own business and in respect of the insurance business of each syndicate which it manages; and7


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 apply to the auditors of a managing agent and the auditors of the insurance business of each syndicate which the managing agent manages.1234567

23Note 6 = Where SUP 3.11 applies to a firm, and SUP 3.10 applies to the auditor of that firm, those sections apply whether or not that firm'spermission prevents it from holding client money or custody assets and whether or not it holds client money or custody assets.A collective portfolio management firm that is an internally managed AIF is required to appoint an auditor under FUND 3.3.6R (2) (Annual report of an AIF) because the AIFM is also an AIF.28

1The FCA would not view the removal of a party to the regulated mortgage contract following the death of that party (and where no other variation is proposed) as a variation for the purposes of MCOB 4.1.4 R(1).
Where Principle 11 refers to regulators, this means, in addition to the FCA7, other regulators with recognised jurisdiction in relation to regulated activities, payment services and electronic money10 whether in the United Kingdom or abroad.
Guidance on the application provisions is in ICOBS 1 Annex 1 (Part 4).
(1) The diagram in COLL 4.3.3 G explains how an authorised fund manager should treat changes it is proposing to a scheme and provides an overview of the rules and guidance in this section.(2) Regulation 21 of the OEIC Regulations (The Authority's approval for certain changes in respect of a company), section 261Q of the Act (Alteration of contractual schemes and changes of operator or depositary)5 and section 251 of the Act (Alteration of schemes and changes of manager or trustee)
A person who is concerned to know whether his proposed activities may require authorisation will need to consider the following questions (these questions are a summary of the issues to be considered and have been reproduced, in slightly fuller form, in the flowchart in PERG 4.18):(1) will I be carrying on my activities by way of business (see PERG 4.3.3 G (The business test))?(2) if so, will my activities relate to regulated mortgage contracts (see PERG 4.4 (What is a regulated
PERG 5.12.13GRP
CONC 7.12.3GRP
(1) CONC 1.2.2 R requires a firm to ensure its employees and agents comply with CONC and that it takes reasonable steps to ensure other persons who act on its behalf do so. This rule would apply where a debt collector acts as agent or on behalf of a lender.(2) Situations where it may be justified for a firm to refuse to deal with a person acting on behalf of a customer may include, for example, refusing to deal with that person where the firm is able to show that the person has
MCOB 5.1.10GRP
A firm that finds any rule in MCOB 5.6 (Content of illustrations) inappropriate for the particular kind of regulated mortgage contract that the mortgage lender provides will need to seek from the FCA a waiver of that rule, unless another rule provides otherwise7. SUP 8 contains details of the waiver procedure.