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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

The calculation of the consolidated capital resources requirement of a firm's UK consolidation group or non-UK sub-group5 involves taking the individual components that make up the capital resources requirement on a solo basis and applying them on a consolidated basis. Those components are the capital charge for credit risk (the credit risk capital requirement), the capital charge for market risk (the market risk capital requirement)4 and the fixed overheads requirement.
A firm must calculate the consolidated capital resources requirement of its UK consolidation group or non-UK sub-group5 as the higher of the following consolidated requirements components:33(1) the sum of the consolidated credit risk requirement and the consolidated market risk requirement; and3(2) the consolidated fixed overheads requirement. 3
3Where appropriate, volatilities and correlations of market risk factors used in the joint simulation of market risk and credit risk must be conditioned on the credit risk factor to reflect potential increases in volatility or correlation in an economic downturn.[Note: BCD Annex III Part 6 point 14]
BIPRU 13.6.57RRP
(1) A firm must stress test its CCRexposures, including jointly stressing market risk and credit risk factors.(2) In its stress tests of CCR, a firm must consider concentration risk (to a single counterparty or groups of counterparties), correlation risk across market risk and credit risk, and the risk that liquidating the counterparty's positions could move the market.(3) In its stress tests a firm must also consider the impact on its own positions of such market moves and integrate
BIPRU 13.6.67RRP
(1) A firm'sCCR internal model method model must meet the validation requirements in (2) to (8).(2) The qualitative validation requirements set out in BIPRU 7.10 must be met.(3) Interest rates, foreign currency rates, equity prices, commodities, and other market risk factors must be forecast over long time horizons for measuring CCRexposure. The performance of the forecasting model for market risk factors must be validated over a long time horizon.(4) The pricing models used to
SUP 16.12.9RRP

2The applicable data items referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out according to type of firm in the table below.11

The applicable reporting frequencies for submission of data items and periods referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out in the table below and are calculated from a firm'saccounting reference date, unless indicated otherwise.

The applicable due dates for submission referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out in the table below. The due dates are the last day of the periods given in the table below following the relevant reporting frequency period. 11


Member's adviser


the Society (note 1)

Description of data item76


Submission deadline

Description of data item


Submission deadline

Annual Lloyd's return


6 months after the Society'saccounting reference date

Syndicate accounts and reports (note 2)


6 months after the Society'saccounting reference date

Quarterly reporting statement


15 business days after the quarter end

Balance Sheet

FSA001 (note89 20) or


Quarterly or half yearly

(note 14)


Quarterly (note 14)

(note 14)

Income Statement

FSA002 (note20), or


Quarterly or half yearly (note 14)

(note 14)



(note 14)

Capital Adequacy

FSA003 (notes 4, 20) or

Monthly, quarterly or half yearly (note 14)

(note 14)

FSA033 (note 12) or


(note 14)

FSA034 (note 13) or


(note 14)

FSA035 (note 13)


(note 14)

Credit Risk

FSA004 (notes 5, 20)


Quarterly or half yearly (note 14)

(note 14)

Market Risk

FSA005 (notes 6, 20)


Quarterly or half yearly (note 14)

(note 14)

13 13 13

13 13 13

Large Exposures

FSA008 (note 2089)15



20 business days (note 19)

13 13 13

13 13 13

13 13 13

13 13 13

13 13 13

Note 1

The Society must prepare its reports in the format specified in IPRU(INS) Appendix 9.11, unless Note 2 applies.

Note 2

The Society must ensure that the annual syndicate accounts and reports are prepared in accordance with the Insurance Accounts Directive (Lloyd's Syndicate and Aggregate Accounts) Regulations 2008 (S.I. 2008/1950).

Note 3



Note 4

Only firms subject to IPRU(INV) 4 report data item FSA003.

Note 5

This applies to a firm that is required to submit data item FSA003 and, at anytime within the 12 months up to its latest accounting reference date ("the relevant period"), was reporting data item FSA004 ("Firm A") or not reporting this item ("Firm B").

In the case of Firm A it must report this data item if one or both of its last two submissions in the relevant period show that the threshold was exceeded.

In the case of Firm B it must report this item if both the last two submissions in the relevant period show that the threshold has been exceeded.

The threshold is exceeded where data element 77A in data item FSA003 is greater than £10 million, or its currency equivalent, at the relevant reporting date for the firm.

Note 6

This applies to a firm that is required to submit data item FSA003 and, at anytime within the 12 months up to its latest accounting reference date ("the relevant period"), was reporting data item FSA005 ("Firm A") or not reporting this item ("Firm B").

In the case of Firm A it must report this data item if one or both of its last two submissions in the relevant period show that the threshold was exceeded.

In the case of Firm B it must report this item if both the last two submissions in the relevant period show that the threshold has been exceeded.

The threshold is exceeded where data element 93A in data item FSA003 is greater than £50 million, or its currency equivalent, at the relevant reporting date for the firm.

Note 7



Note 8



Note 9



Note 10



Note 11



Note 12

FSA033 is only applicable to firms subject to IPRU(INV) 3.80

Note 13

Only applicable to firms subject to IPRU(INV) 5. FSA034 must be completed by a firm not subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R74, unless it is a firm whose permitted business includes establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme, in which case FIN071 must be completed76.

FSA035 must be completed by a firm subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R74.

Note 14

89All UK consolidation group reports report half yearly on 45 business days submission. All other firms report monthly on 20 business days submission.


Note 15


Note 16



Note 17



Note 18



Note 19

UK consolidation group reports have 45 business days submission.

Note 20

Firms that are members of a UK consolidation group are also required to submit FSA001, FSA002, FSA003, FSA004, FSA005 and FSA008 on a UK consolidation group basis.

15Note 21


SUP 16.12.11RRP

The applicable data items referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out according to firm type in the table below:

89Description of data item

Firms’prudential category and applicable data items (note 1)

MIFIDPRU investment firms

Firms other than MIFIDPRU investment firms

IPRU(INV)Chapter 3

IPRU(INV)Chapter 5


IPRU(INV)Chapter 13

Solvency statement

No standard format (note 4)

No standard format (note 6)

No standard format (note 4)

Balance sheet


(note 2)


(note 5)



Section A RMAR

Income statement


(note 2)


(note 5)



Section B RMAR

Capital adequacy


(note 2 and 3)


(note 5)

FSA034 or FSA035 or FIN071

(note 7)


Section D1 RMAR

Supplementary capital data for collective portfolio management investment firms


(note 13)

ICARA assessment questionnaire


(note 3)

Threshold conditions

Section F RMAR

Client money and client assets





Section C RMAR


FSA040 (note 8)

FSA040 (note 8)

FSA040 (note 8)


FSA040 (note 8)



(notes 2, 3 and 10)

Metrics reporting


(notes 2 and 3)

Concentration risk (non-K-CON)


(notes 2, 3 and 11)

Concentration risk (K-CON)


(notes 2, 3 and 11)

Group capital test


(notes 3 and 12)

Liquidity Questionnaire

MLA-M (note 9)

MLA-M (note 9)

MLA-M (note 9)


MLA-M (note 9)

Note 1

All firms (except MIFIDPRU investment firms in relation to items reported under MIFIDPRU 9) must, when submitting the completed data item required, use the format of the data item set out in SUP 16 Annex 24R. Guidance notes for completion of the data items are contained in SUP 16 Annex 25G.

Note 2

A UK parent entity of an investment firm group to which consolidation applies under MIFIDPRU 2.5 must also submit this report on the basis of the consolidated situation.

Note 3

Data items MIF001 – MIF007 must be reported in accordance with the rules in MIFIDPRU 9.

Note 4

Only applicable to a firm that is a sole trader or partnership. Where the firm is a partnership, this report must be submitted by each partner.

Note 5

Except if the firm is an adviser (as referred to in IPRU-INV (3)-60(4)R).

Note 6

Only required in the case of an adviser (as referred to in IPRU-INV (3)-60(4)R)) that is a sole trader.

Note 7

FSA034 must be completed by a firm not subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R, unless it is a firm whose permitted business includes establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme, in which case FIN071 must be completed.

FSA035 must be completed by a firm subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R.

Note 8

Only applicable to firms granted a Part 30 exemption order and operating an arrangement to cover forward profits on the London Metals Exchange.

Note 9

Only applicable to RAG 3 firms carrying on home financing or home finance administration connected to regulated mortgage contracts, unless as at 26 April 2014 the firm’sPart 4A permission was and remains subject to a restriction preventing it from undertaking new home financing or home finance administration connected to regulated mortgage contracts.

Note 10

Does not apply to an SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm which has been granted an exemption from the liquidity requirements in MIFIDPRU 6.

Note 11

Only applicable to a non-SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm.

Note 12

Only applicable to a parent undertaking to which the group capital test applies.

Note 13

Only applicable to firms that are collective portfolio management investment firms.

SUP 16.12.15RRP

The applicable data items referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out76 according to firm type76 in the table below:

89Description of data item

Firms’ prudential category and applicable data items (note 1)

MIFIDPRU investment firms

Firms other than MIFIDPRU investment firms


Chapter 3


Chapter 5



Chapter 11

(collective portfolio management firms only)


Chapter 12


Chapter 13

Solvency statement

(note 2)

No standard format

No standard format

No standard format

Balance sheet


(note 3)






Section A RMAR

Income statement


(note 3)






Section B RMAR

Capital adequacy


(note 3 and 4)


FSA034 or FSA035 or FIN071

(note 5)




Section D1 RMAR

ICARA assessment questionnaire


(note 4)

Supplementary capital data for collective portfolio management investment firms


(note 9)

Threshold conditions

Section F RMAR

Volumes and types of business






Client money and client assets







Section C RMAR



(notes 3, 4 and 6)

Metrics monitoring


(notes 3 and 4)

Concentration risk (non-K-CON)


(notes 3, 4 and 7)

Concentration risk (K-CON)


(notes 3, 4 and 7)

Group capital test


(notes 4 and 8)

Information on P2P agreements


Note 1

All firms, except MIFIDPRU investment firms in relation to items reported under MIFIDPRU 9, must, when submitting the completed data item required, use the format of the data item set out in SUP 16 Annex 24. Guidance notes for completion of the data items are contained in SUP 16 Annex 25.

Note 2

Only applicable to a firm that is a sole trader or partnership. Where the firm is a partnership, this report must be submitted by each partner.

Note 3

A UK parent entity of an investment firm group to which consolidation applies under MIFIDPRU 2.5 must also submit this report on the basis of the consolidated situation.

Note 4

Data items MIF001 – MIF007 must be reported in accordance with the rules in MIFIDPRU 9.

Note 5

FSA034 must be completed by a firm not subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R, unless it is a firm whose permitted business includes establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme, in which case FIN071 must be completed.

FSA035 must be completed by a firm subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R.

Note 6

Does not apply to an SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm which has been granted an exemption from the liquidity requirements in MIFIDPRU [6].

Note 7

Only applicable to a non-SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm.

Note 8

Only applicable to a parent undertaking to which the group capital test applies.

Note 9

Only applicable to firms that are collective portfolio management investment firms.

SUP 16.12.22ARRP

2The applicable data items referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out according to type of firm in the table below:

89Description of data item

Firms’ prudential category and applicable data item (note 1)

MIFIDPRU investment firms

Firms subject to IPRU(INV)

Chapter 13

Firms that are also in one or more of RAGs 2 to 6 and not subject to IPRU(INV)

Chapter 13

Solvency statement

No standard format

(note 2)

Balance sheet


(note 3)

Section A RMAR

Income statement


(note 3)

Section B RMAR

Capital adequacy


(notes 3 and 6)

Section D1 RMAR (note 9)


MIF002 (notes 3, 4 and 6)

Metrics monitoring


(notes 3 and 6)

Concentration risk



(notes 3, 5 and 6)

Concentration risk



(notes 3, 5 and 6)

Group capital test


(notes 6 and 8)

ICARA assessment questionnaire


(note 6)

Supplementary capital data for collective portfolio management investment firms


(note 10)

Professional indemnity insurance (note 11)90

Section E RMAR

Section E RMAR

Section E RMAR

Threshold conditions

Section F RMAR

Training and competence

Section G RMAR

Section G RMAR

Section G RMAR

COBS data

Section H RMAR

Section H RMAR

Section H RMAR

Client money and client assets

Section C RMAR

Section C RMAR

Fees and levies

Section J RMAR

Section J RMAR

Adviser charges

Section K RMAR (note 7)

Section K RMAR (note 7)

Section K RMAR (note 7)

Note 1

When submitting the completed data item required, a firm (except a MIFIDPRU investment firm in relation to an item reported under MIFIDPRU 9) must use the format of the data item set out in SUP 16 Annex 24R, or SUP 16 Annex 18AR in the case of the RMAR. Guidance notes for completion of the data items are contained in SUP 16 Annex 25, or SUP 16 Annex 18BG in the case of the RMAR.

Note 2

Only applicable to a firm that is a sole trader or partnership. Where the firm is a partnership, this report must be submitted by each partner.

Note 3

A UK parent entity of an investment firm group to which consolidation applies under MIFIDPRU 2.5 must also submit this report on the basis of the consolidated situation.

Note 4

Does not apply to an SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm which has been granted an exemption from the liquidity requirements in MIFIDPRU 6.

Note 5

Only applicable to a non-SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm.

Note 6

Data items MIF001 – MIF007 must be reported in accordance with the rules in MIFIDPRU 9.

Note 7

This item only applies to firms that provide advice on retail investment products and P2P agreements.

Note 8

Only applicable to a parent undertaking to which the group capital test applies.

Note 9

Where a firm submits data items for both RAG 7 and RAG 9, the firm must complete Section D1.

Note 10

Only applicable to firms that are collective portfolio management investment firms.

Note 11

Only applicable to firms that are subject to an FCA requirement to hold professional indemnity insurance and are not MIFIDPRU investment firms.90

SUP 16.12.25ARRP

2The applicable data items referred to in SUP 16.12.4 R are set out according to type of firm in the table below:

89Description of data item

Firms’ prudential category and applicable data items (note 1)

MIFIDPRU investment firms

Firms other than MIFIDPRU investment firms


Chapter 3


Chapter 5



Chapter 13

Solvency statement

(note 2)

No standard format

Balance sheet


(note 3)




Section A RMAR

Income statement


(note 3)




Section B RMAR

Capital adequacy


(notes 3 and 5)


FSA034 or FSA035 or FIN071

(note 4)


Section D1 RMAR



(notes 3 and 5)

Metrics monitoring


(notes 3 and 5)

Concentration risk (non-K-CON)


(notes 3, 5 and 7)

Concentration risk (K-CON)


(notes 3, 5 and 7)

Group capital test


(notes 5 and 6)

ICARA assessment questionnaire


(note 5)

Threshold conditions

Section F RMAR (note 17)

Client money and client assets





Section C RMAR (note 13) or FSA039

Note 1

All firms (except MIFIDPRU investment firms in relation to items reported under MIFIDPRU 9) when submitting the completed data item required, must use the format of the data item set out in SUP 16 Annex 24. Guidance notes for completion of the data items are contained in SUP 16 Annex 25.

Note 2

Only applicable to a firm that is a sole trader or partnership. Where the firm is a partnership, this report must be submitted by each partner.

Note 3

A UK parent entity of an investment firm group to which consolidation applies under MIFIDPRU 2.5 must also submit this report on the basis of the consolidated situation.

Note 4

FSA034 must be completed by a firm not subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R, unless it is a firm whose permitted business includes establishing, operating or winding up a personal pension scheme, in which case FIN071 must be completed.

FSA035 must be completed by a firm subject to the exemption in IPRU(INV) 5.4.2R.

Note 5

Data items MIF001 – MIF007 must be reported in accordance with the rules in MIFIDPRU 9.

Note 6

Only applicable to a parent undertaking to which the group capital test applies.

Note 7

Only applicable to a non-SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm.

BIPRU 11.5.17RRP
A firm calculating risk weighted exposure amounts in accordance with BIPRU 9 or capital resource requirements according to BIPRU 7.2.48A R to BIPRU 7.2.48K R4 must disclose the following information, where relevant separately for its trading book and non-trading book:4(1) a description of the firm's objectives in relation to securitisation activity;(1A) the nature of other risks, including liquidity risk inherent in securitised assets;4(1B) the type of risks in terms of seniority
(1) This paragraph applies to a proportional ICAAP in the case of a firm whose activities are complex.(2) A proportional approach to that firm'sICAAP should cover the matters identified in BIPRU 2.2.26 G, but is likely also to involve the use of models, most of which will be integrated into its day-to-day management and operation.(3) Models of the sort referred to in (2) may be linked so as to generate an overall estimate of the amount of capital that a firm considers appropriate
Where a securities firm deals in illiquid securities (for example, unlisted securities or securities listed on illiquid markets), or holds illiquid assets, potentially large losses can arise from trades that have failed to settle or because of large unrealised market losses. A securities firm may therefore consider the impact of liquidity risk on its exposure to:(1) credit risk; and(2) market risk.
(1) The appropriate regulator expects firms to conduct regular stress testing in relation to their securitisation activities and off-balance sheet exposures. The stress tests should consider the firm-wide impact of those activities and exposures in stressed market conditions and the implications for other sources of risk, for example, credit risk, concentration risk, counterparty risk, market risk, liquidity risk and reputational risk. Stress testing of securitisation activities
REC 2.3.11GRP
4For the purposes of REC 2.3, "eligible financial resources" should consist of liquid financial assets held on the balance sheet of a UK recognised body, including cash and liquid financial instruments where the financial instruments have minimal market and credit risk and are capable of being liquidated with minimal adverse price effect.
SYSC 13.2.1GRP
SYSC 13 provides guidance on how to interpret SYSC 3.1.1 R and SYSC 3.2.6 R, which deal with the establishment and maintenance of systems and controls, in relation to the management of operational risk. Operational risk has been described by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as "the risk of loss, resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events". This chapter covers systems and controls for managing risks concerning any
When a3collective portfolio management investment firm9 calculates the credit risk capital requirement and the market risk capital requirement for the purpose of calculating the variable capital requirement under GENPRU 2.1.40 R it must do so only3 in respect of designated investment business. For this purpose managing an AIF or managing a UK UCITS17 is excluded from designated investment business.39399
RCB 2.3.7GRP
The risk factors which the FCA will take into account in assessing the issuer's and owner's compliance with Regulations 17(2)(d) (general requirements on issuer in relation to the asset pool) and 23(2) (requirements on owner relating to the asset pool) will include credit risk of the assets, concentration risk, market risk and counterparty risk.
(1) [deleted]32(2) [deleted]32