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MIPRU 4.2D Liquidity resources requirements
As Published: 2013
MIPRU 4.2D Liquidity resources requirements
IFPRU 4.7 Internal ratings based approach: loss given default
As Published: 2014
IFPRU 4.7 Internal ratings based approach: loss given default
BIPRU 5.5 Other funded credit risk mitigation
As Published: 2010
BIPRU 5.5 Other funded credit risk mitigation
BIPRU 4.1 The IRB approach: Application, purpose and overview
As Published: 2006
BIPRU 4.1 The IRB approach: Application, purpose and overview
BIPRU 8.4 CAD Article 22 groups and investment firm consolidation waiver
As Published: 2013
BIPRU 8.4 CAD Article 22 groups and investment firm consolidation waiver
BIPRU 4.8 The IRB approach: Purchased receivables
As Published: 2006
BIPRU 4.8 The IRB approach: Purchased receivables
REC 3.13 Delegation of relevant functions
As Published: 2011
REC 3.13 Delegation of relevant functions
DISP 2.5 To which activities does the Voluntary Jurisdiction apply?
As Published: 2005
DISP 2.5 To which activities does the Voluntary Jurisdiction apply?
BIPRU 3.6 Use of rating agencies' credit assessments for the determination of risk weights under the standardised approach to credit risk
As Published: 2006
BIPRU 3.6 Use of rating agencies' credit assessments for the determination of risk weights under the standardised approach to credit risk
LR 10.7 Transactions by specialist companies
As Published: 2010
LR 10.7 Transactions by specialist companies
BIPRU 13.3 Calculation of exposure values for financial derivatives and long settlement transactions: General provisions
As Published: 2010
BIPRU 13.3 Calculation of exposure values for financial derivatives and long settlement transactions: General provisions