Related provisions for MCOB 11.6.61
181 - 200 of 310 items.
A firm should keep a record of and be ready to explain to its supervisory contacts in the appropriate regulator the reasons for any difference between the deficit reduction amount and any commitment the firm has made in any public document to provide funding in respect of a defined benefit occupational pension scheme.
An individual may advise on investments prior to being assessed as competent in accordance with the rules in the Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls sourcebook (SYSC) and, where relevant, the Training and Competence sourcebook (TC). The firm should record when that person subsequently becomes competent.
(1) The copy of the executed agreement should be a 'true copy' of the original. However, as confirmed in the case of Carey v HSBC Bank plc [2009] EWHC 3417 (QB), in this context the term 'true copy' does not necessarily mean a carbon, photocopy, microfiche copy or other exact copy of the signed agreement. There is no obligation to provide a copy which includes a copy of the signature.(2) The firm can reconstitute a copy. It can do this by re-populating a template of the relevant
(1) Subject to (2), a CASS debt management firm must make and retain an appropriate record of the person to whom responsibility is allocated in accordance with, as applicable, CASS 11.3.1 R, CASS 11.3.2 R, and CASS 11.3.4 R.(2) A CASS small debt management firm must make and retain such a record only where it allocates responsibility to a person other than the person in that firm who performs the compliance oversight function.(3) A CASS debt management firm must ensure that a
(1) A firm must make and retain a record of the customer information that has been provided to it, including that relating to:(a) the customer's income, expenditure and other resources that it has obtained from him for the purpose of assessing affordability, together with the stress testing of the rental payments; (b) the customer's needs, objectives and individual circumstances that it has obtained from him for the purpose of assessing appropriateness; and(c) the customer's entitlement
In determining whether a UK recognised body has made satisfactory arrangements for the safeguarding and administration of assets belonging to the users of its facilities, the FCA3 may have regard to: 3(1) the level of protection which the arrangements provide against the risk of theft or other types or causes of loss;(2) whether the arrangements ensure that assets are only used or transferred in accordance with the instructions of the owner of those assets or in accordance with
The following rules and guidance apply to VJ participants as part of the standard terms, except where the context requires otherwise:(1) DISP 1 (Treating complainants4fairly), except:4(a) DISP 1.94(Complaints record rule);4(b) DISP 1.104(Complaints reporting rules);84(ba) DISP 1.10A (Complaints data publication rules); 98(bb) DISP 1.10B (Payment services and electronic money complaints reporting); and9(c) DISP 1.114(Lloyd's);4(d) DISP 1.1A (Complaints handling requirements for
1(1) In relation to the carrying on of designated investment business, insurance risk transformation and activities directly arising from insurance risk transformation9, a firm's categorisation of a client under the COBS client categorisation chapter (COBS 3) will be applicable for the purposes of Principles 6, 7, 8 and 9.33(1AA) In relation to the carrying on of insurance risk transformation and activities directly arising from insurance risk transformation, the COBS client categorisation
A firm should ensure that the systems and controls include:1(1) appropriate training for its employees in relation to money laundering;(2) appropriate provision of information to its governing body and senior management, including a report at least annually by that firm'smoney laundering reporting officer (MLRO) on the operation and effectiveness of those systems and controls;(3) appropriate documentation of its risk management policies and risk profile in relation to money laundering,
(1) A firm must make an adequate record of each offer document which it issues to a consumer under MCOB 6A.(2) The record required by (1) must be retained for one year from the date that the offer document is issued to the consumer.(3) If, in accordance with MCOB 6A.4 (Information to be provided in the offer document or separately), information is included in a separate document that is sent with the offer document, that information must also be retained as part of the record
When completing the return, the respondent should take into account the following matters.(1) If a complaint could fall into more than one category, the complaint should be recorded in the category which the respondent considers to form the main part of the complaint.(2) Under DISP 1.10B.7D(2)(a), a respondent should report information relating to all complaints which are closed and upheld within the relevant reporting period, including those resolved under DISP 1.5 (Complaints
A firm should keep a record of, and be ready to explain to its supervisory contacts in the FCA, the reasons for any difference between the deficit reduction amount and any commitment the firm has made in any public document to provide funding in respect of a defined benefit occupational pension scheme.
On each occasion a CASS debt management firm receives client money from a client in relation to a debt management plan, or for the purpose of distribution to the client's creditors, and is unable for any reason other than in the circumstances described in CASS 11.10.3 R (1) to make a payment to the client's creditors within five business days of receipt, it must: (1) inform the client of the delay and the reason for the delay;(2) inform the client of the risks and implications
(1) 3This chapter also applies, as guidance, to a designated bank,5designated credit reference agency or a designated finance platform5:(a) in relation to its activities under the Small and Medium Sized Business (Credit Information) Regulations or in relation to its activities under the Small and Medium Sized Business (Finance Platforms) Regulations, as the case may be5;(b) as if, in relation to the activities in (a), references to “must” in SUP 5 were read as “should”; and (c)
(1) Any document or notice to be served on or information to be given to, any person, including the
, must be in legible form.(2) For the purposes of this rule, any form is legible form which:(a) is consistent with the ICVC's, the directors', the authorised fund manager's or the depositary's knowledge of how the recipient of the document wishes or expects to receive the document;(b) is capable of being provided in hard copy by the authorised fund manager, the depositary or
(1) Whenever a firmenters into or arranges an execution-only sale for a regulated mortgage contract, it must make and maintain a record of:(a) the information provided by the customer which satisfies MCOB 4.8A.14R (1), (2) or (3);(b) the provision of the information4 in MCOB 4.8A.14R (4);(c) (where applicable) the confirmation by the customer in MCOB 4.8A.14R (5); and(d) any advice from the firm which the customer rejected, including the reasons why it was rejected, before deciding