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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2010


the consumer financial education body originally 287 established by the FSA under section 6A(1) of the Act (Enhancing public understanding of financial matters etc) (as it had effect before the passin…


As Published: 2017


118 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/824 of 25 May 2016 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the content and format of the description of the functioning of MTFs and…


As Published: 2013


50 an AIF that is: (a) an authorised fund ; or (b) not an authorised fund but has its registered office or head office in the UK ;…


As Published: 2006


45 a securitisation special purpose entity .

risk capital requirement

As Published: 2006

risk capital requirement

46 (1) (in relation to the 234 130 FCA's 130 rules ) one of the following: (a) the credit risk capital requirement ; (b) the fixed overheads requirement ; (c) the market risk capital requirement ; or…

CASS 5.7 Mandates

As Published: 2007

CASS 5.7 Mandates

former Ombudsman

As Published: 2001

former Ombudsman

an ombudsman, arbitrator or independent investigator appointed under a former scheme . 1…

CONC 5.1 Application [deleted]

As Published: 2018

CONC 5.1 Application [deleted]

chief finance officer function

chief finance officer function

236 FCA controlled function SMF2 in the table of FCA-designated senior management functions , described more fully in SUP 10C.6A.3R .

equity share

As Published: 2005

equity share

25 shares comprised in a company's equity share capital .

COMP 16.2 Informing depositors of limitations to coverage

As Published: 2009

COMP 16.2 Informing depositors of limitations to coverage

self-certified sophisticated investor

As Published: 2014

self-certified sophisticated investor

227 a person who meets the requirements set out in article 23A of the Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes Order , in article 50A of the Financial Promotions Order or in COBS 4.12.8 R .

limited redemption arrangements

As Published: 2004

limited redemption arrangements

the arrangements operated by an authorised fund manager for the redemption of units in an authorised fund where the authorised fund manager holds himself out to redeem units in that scheme less freque…

related party circular

As Published: 2005

related party circular

(in LR ) a circular relating to a related party transaction . 31…

Non-Exempt Activities Order

As Published: 2001

Non-Exempt Activities Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Professions) (Non-Exempt Activities) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1227). 2…

Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment

As Published: 2009

Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment

86 a standard ILAS BIPRU firm's assessment of the adequacy of its liquidity resources and systems and controls as required by the rules in BIPRU 12.5.

tariff of charges

As Published: 2003

tariff of charges

9 a list of all the charges (including amounts) that are payable on a home finance transaction 23 , including the reason for, and amount of, each charge.

MCD credit agreement

As Published: 2015

MCD credit agreement

99 an MCD regulated mortgage contract or an MCD article 3(1)(b) credit agreement . [Note: article 3(1) of the MCD ]…


As Published: 2001


4 (as defined in section 59(10) of the Act (Approval for particular arrangements)) any kind of arrangement for the performance of a function of an authorised person ("A") which is entered into by A or…

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)

As Published: 2010

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)

96 a 12-character, alphanumeric code which uniquely identifies a financial instrument and provides for the uniform identification of securities at trading and settlement.