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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

conditional sale agreement

As Published: 2013

conditional sale agreement

149 in accordance with article 60L of the Regulated Activities Order , an agreement for the sale of goods or land under which the purchase price or part of it is payable by instalments, and the proper…

commercial customer

As Published: 2004

commercial customer

17 (in ICOBS ) 180 a customer who is not a consumer 67 .

primary information provider

As Published: 2013

primary information provider

105 a person approved by the FCA under section 89P of the Act .

large business customer

As Published: 2003

large business customer

7 (in relation to a regulated mortgage contract or qualifying credit , and in relation to an activity to be carried on by a firm ) a client , if the credit is for the purposes of a business which has…

offer document

As Published: 2003

offer document

9 (in MCOB ) a document in which the home finance provider 26 offers to enter into a home finance transaction 26 with a customer .

notice of discontinuance

As Published: 2001

notice of discontinuance

a notice given by the appropriate regulator 107 in accordance with section 389 of the Act (Notices of discontinuance) which states that the appropriate regulator 107 has decided not to take the action…

large ACS investor

As Published: 2013

large ACS investor

49 in relation to an ACS , a person who in exchange for units in the scheme : (a) makes a payment of not less than £1,000,000; or (b) contributes property with a value of not less than £1,000,000.


As Published: 2002


(in relation to a person ): 23 (a) that person ; and (b) any person that is either: (i) a subsidiary undertaking of that person ; or (ii) an undertaking in which that person or a subsidiary undertakin…

BNPL credit

As Published: 2019

BNPL credit

credit in relation to which provision is made that: (1) (a) no, or reduced, interest or charges are payable by the borrower in respect of an initial period of 56 days or more (“the promotional period”…

annual statement provisions

As Published: 2006

annual statement provisions

32 (in MCOB ) in relation to a: (a) regulated mortgage contract , MCOB 7.5 ; (b) home purchase plan , MCOB 7.8.3 R to MCOB 7.8.6 R ; and (c) instalment reversion plan , MCOB 9.9.1 R to MCOB 9.9.3R (2)…


As Published: 2015


SUP 16 Annex 34 [deleted]

As Published: 2012

SUP 16 Annex 34 [deleted]

incoming data reporting services provider

As Published: 2017

incoming data reporting services provider

150 a data reporting services provider authorised or applying for authorisation under Title V of MiFID 150 in an EEA State , other than the UK , to provide a data reporting service in the UK .

OPS collective investment scheme

As Published: 2001

OPS collective investment scheme

a collective investment scheme the contributions to which consist entirely of assets held for an occupational pension scheme . 4…

prohibited action

As Published: 2016

prohibited action

151 an action which a ring-fenced body is prohibited from taking by an order made under section 142E of the Act .

UCITS remuneration principles

As Published: 2016

UCITS remuneration principles

69 the principles set out in SYSC 19E.2.5R to SYSC 19E.2.27R .

1986 Act

As Published: 2010

1986 Act

70 (in BSOCS ) the Building Societies Act 1986.

pension conversion

As Published: 2015

pension conversion

126 a transaction resulting from a decision of a retail client to require the trustees or managers of a pension scheme to: (a) convert safeguarded benefits into different benefits that are flexible be…

lower tier three capital resources

As Published: 2006

lower tier three capital resources

22 the sum calculated at stage P of the capital resources table (Lower tier three).

benchmark activities

As Published: 2018

benchmark activities

74 the following activities: (1) the regulated activity of administering a benchmark ; or (2) contributing input data to a BMR benchmark administrator . [Note: contributing input data to a BMR benchma…