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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

industry block

As Published: 2001

industry block

(in FEES 40 ) a grouping of firms by common business activity for the purposes of calculating the general levy . 5 1 7…

upper tier two capital

As Published: 2002

upper tier two capital

(1) 3 11 44 100 [deleted] 44 100 (2) (in 19 BIPRU , GENPRU and INSPRU 19 ) an item of capital that is specified in stage G of the 11 19 capital resources table (Upper tier two capital) 19 .

regulatory excess capital

As Published: 2004

regulatory excess capital

29 (in relation to a with-profits fund ) has the meaning set out in 46 INSPRU 1.3.32R 46 .

Referral Fees Regulations

As Published: 2013

Referral Fees Regulations

126 the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Referral Fees) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1635).


As Published: 2001


the part of the Handbook in High Level Standards which has the title Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls. 5…


As Published: 2001


the governing body of the Society 18 constituted by section 3 of Lloyd's Act 1982. 3…

FCTR 12.2 The FSA’s findings

As Published: 2018

FCTR 12.2 The FSA’s findings

tier three capital resources

As Published: 2006

tier three capital resources

26 the sum calculated at stage Q of the capital resources table (Total tier three capital).

criminal injury claim

As Published: 2019

criminal injury claim

228 a claim of the description specified in article 89F(2)(g) of the Regulated Activities Order .

administering a regulated lifetime mortgage contract

As Published: 2003

administering a regulated lifetime mortgage contract

9 the regulated activity , specified in article 61(2) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: administering a regulated mortgage contract (which is a lifetime mortgage ) where the con…

electronic commerce activity

As Published: 2002

electronic commerce activity

an activity which: (a) consists of the provision of an information society service from an establishment in an EEA State ; and (b) is, or but for article 72A (Information society services) of the Regu…

cancellation price

As Published: 2006

cancellation price

40 (in COLL ) (in relation to the cancellation of units in a dual-priced authorised fund ) the price for each unit payable by the depositary to the authorised fund manager on that cancellation .

representative APR

As Published: 2014

representative APR

132 an APR at or below which the firm communicating or approving the financial promotion reasonably expects, at the date on which the promotion is communicated or approved , that credit would be provi…

RSRB permission

As Published: 2011

RSRB permission

96 (in FEES ) an authorisation to carry on one or more regulated sale and rent back activities .

specific non-real time financial promotion

As Published: 2001

specific non-real time financial promotion

a non-real time financial promotion which identifies and promotes a particular investment or service. 5…

administrative expenses

As Published: 2004

administrative expenses

21 has the meaning set out in the insurance accounts rules .

insurance business transfer

As Published: 2001

insurance business transfer

a transfer in accordance with an insurance business transfer scheme . 3…

group ISA

As Published: 2001

group ISA

an individual savings account of which the plan manager is the authorised fund manager , or in the same group as the authorised fund manager , of the authorised fund by reference to units in which the…

debt adjusting

As Published: 2013

debt adjusting

84 a regulated activity of the kind specified in article 39D of the Regulated Activities Order .

asset-related capital requirement

As Published: 2004

asset-related capital requirement

21 a component of the calculation of the ECR for a firm carrying on general insurance business as set out in INSPRU 2.2 37 .