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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2001


the Handbook Guide for oil market participants. 2 10…


As Published: 2018


130 (a) an EEA SMCR banking firm ; or (b) any other SMCR firm that is an incoming EEA firm or incoming Treaty firm .

class meeting

As Published: 2001

class meeting

(in COLL ) a separate meeting of holders of a class of units . 3 20…

Independent Investigator

As Published: 2001

Independent Investigator

the former Ombudsman under the FSA scheme . 1…

DEPP Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

As Published: 2009

DEPP Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

dealing day

As Published: 2001

dealing day

(in COLL ) the period in a business day (in accordance with provisions of the prospectus ) during which the ACD or the operator is open for business. 3…

legal expenses

As Published: 2001

legal expenses

(in relation to a class of contract of insurance ) the class of contract of insurance , specified in paragraph 17 of Part I of Schedule 1 to the Regulated Activities Order (Contracts of general insura…

CBTL firm

As Published: 2015

CBTL firm

296 (1) (other than in DISP ) a person included by the FCA in the Financial Services Register pursuant to article 8(1) of the MCD Order . (2) (in DISP and FEES 5.5B ) a person 213 within (1) who is no…

standard methods of internal client money reconciliation

As Published: 2014

standard methods of internal client money reconciliation

(a) [deleted] (b) the methods of internal client money reconciliation described in CASS 7.16 . 124…

intra-group transactions

As Published: 2004

intra-group transactions

27 (in accordance with Article 2(18) of the Financial Groups Directive (Definitions)) all transactions by which regulated entities within a financial conglomerate rely either directly or indirectly up…

UK parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State

As Published: 2013

UK parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State

53 a parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State where the EEA State in question is the UK .

innovative tier one instrument

As Published: 2004

innovative tier one instrument

32 a potential tier one instrument that is stated in GENPRU 2.2 (Capital resources) 52 to be an innovative instrument.

SRB agreement provider

As Published: 2009

SRB agreement provider

78 (in accordance with article 63J(3)(a) of the Regulated Activities Order ) a firm which buys all or part of the qualifying interest in land in the United Kingdom from a SRB agreement seller under a…

member society

As Published: 2001

member society

2 (as defined in article 2(2) of the compensation transitionals order ) a person who at any time before commencement was a member society within the rules of the Friendly Societies Protection Scheme e…

customer’s best interests rule

As Published: 2018

customer’s best interests rule

223 ICOBS 2.5.-1R .


As Published: 2004


32 (in relation to claims (as defined for the purposes of INSPRU 52 , SUP and TC )) claims that have been incurred but not reported arising out of events that have occurred by the balance sheet date b…

high net worth offer document

As Published: 2012

high net worth offer document

28 an offer document for a regulated mortgage contract to a high net worth mortgage customer .

consolidated basis

As Published: 2013

consolidated basis

153 has the meaning in article 4(1)(48) of the EU CRR .

Deposit Guarantee Directive

As Published: 2001

Deposit Guarantee Directive

the Council Directive of 13 May 1994 on deposit-guarantee schemes (No 94/19/EC). 3…

industry block

As Published: 2001

industry block

(in FEES 40 ) a grouping of firms by common business activity for the purposes of calculating the general levy . 5 1 7…