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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

EIS subscription

As Published: 2001

EIS subscription

any money which is subscribed: (a) in the case of an EIS managed portfolio , by the client of the EIS manager whose portfolio it is; (b) in the case of an EIS fund , by the participants in the EIS . 4…

CCR mark to market method

As Published: 2006

CCR mark to market method

48 the method of calculating the amount of an exposure set out in BIPRU 13.4 (CCR mark to market method).

CRD bank

As Published: 2013

CRD bank

156 a bank which uses the EU CRR to measure the capital requirement on its trading book.

residual risk

As Published: 2015

residual risk

142 (in MIPRU ) the risk that credit risk mitigation techniques used by the firm prove less effective than expected.

reverse takeover

As Published: 2005

reverse takeover

(in LR ) a transaction classified as a reverse takeover under LR 5.6 . 113 31…

payment service customer

As Published: 2019

payment service customer

180 (in BCOBS ): (a) a consumer ; (b) a micro-enterprise ; or (c) a charity which has an annual income of less than £1 million.

reattribution expert

As Published: 2005

reattribution expert

35 the expert appointed by a firm to satisfy its obligations under COBS 20.2.47 R (Reattribution expert). 54…

foreign law contract

As Published: 2011

foreign law contract

58 any contract other than a contract: (a) governed by the laws of any part of the United Kingdom ; and (b) whose parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of any part of the United Ki…

state monopoly

As Published: 2005

state monopoly

30 a company or other legal person which is a national of an EEA state and which: (a) in carrying on its business benefits from a monopoly right granted by an EEA state ; and (b) is set up by or pursu…

stakeholder product

As Published: 2004

stakeholder product

27 (as defined in article 52B(3) of the Regulated Activities Order ): (a) a stakeholder CTF ; or (b) a stakeholder pension scheme ; or (c) an investment of a kind specified in the Stakeholder Regulati…

Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman

As Published: 2001

Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman

the office of Ombudsman established under Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman Scheme Byelaw (No 13 of 1987). 2…

non-equity transferable securities

As Published: 2005

non-equity transferable securities

(in PRR 82 ) (as defined in article 2(c) of the Prospectus Regulation 82 ) all transferable securities that are not equity securities. 15…

consumer hiring

As Published: 2014

consumer hiring

157 in accordance with article 60N of the Regulated Activities Order , entering into a regulated consumer hire agreement as owner or exercising, or having the right to exercise, the owner's rights and…

EEA parent undertaking

As Published: 2015

EEA parent undertaking

99 (a) an EEA parent institution ; or (b) an EEA parent financial holding company ; or (c) an EEA parent mixed financial holding company . [Note: article 2(1)(85) of RRD ]…

capital property

As Published: 2001

capital property

(in COLL ) the scheme property , other than income property and any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account . 3 20…

retail securitised derivative

As Published: 2002

retail securitised derivative

a securitised derivative which is not a specialist securitised derivative; in this definition, a "specialist securitised derivative" is a securitised derivative which, in accordance with the listing r…

MCD lifetime mortgage

As Published: 2015

MCD lifetime mortgage

99 a lifetime mortgage which is not an MCD exempt lifetime mortgage .

dormant account fund operator

As Published: 2009

dormant account fund operator

52 a firm with permission for operating a dormant account fund .

prohibition order

As Published: 2001

prohibition order

5 an order made under section 56 of the Act (Prohibition orders) which prohibits an individual from performing a specified function, any function falling within a specified description or any function…

MAR Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2004

MAR Sch 3 Fees and other required payments