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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

total group tier two capital

As Published: 2004

total group tier two capital

14 the sum calculated at stage B of the calculation in INSPRU 6.1.43R 26 .

material insurance holding

As Published: 2006

material insurance holding

40 has the meaning in GENPRU 2.2.212R (Material holdings) or, for an exempt CAD firm which is an investment management firm , in IPRU(INV) Table 5.8 114 .


As Published: 2013


149 in accordance with section 189(1) of the CCA , includes money in any form.

advising on investments (except pension transfers and pension opt-outs)

As Published: 2004

advising on investments (except pension transfers and pension opt-outs)

advising on investments (except P2P agreements) other than 131 in respect of pension transfers and pension opt-outs .

non-equity transferable securities

As Published: 2005

non-equity transferable securities

(in PR ) (as defined in section 102A of the Act ) all transferable securities that are not equity securities. 15…

COBS 19 Annex 1 Retirement risk warnings - steps to take

As Published: 2015

COBS 19 Annex 1 Retirement risk warnings - steps to take

managing a UCITS

As Published: 2013

managing a UCITS

84 the regulated activity , specified in article 51ZA of the Regulated Activities Order of carrying on collective portfolio management within the meaning of the UCITS Directive , in relation to a UCIT…

retirement fund

As Published: 2001

retirement fund

the amount which will be available, at the date on which the investor retires, for the provision of benefits. 5…

general liability

As Published: 2001

general liability

(in relation to a class of contract of insurance ) the class of contract of insurance , specified in paragraph 13 of Part I of Schedule 1 to the Regulated Activities Order (Contracts of general insura…

payment initiation service provider

As Published: 2018

payment initiation service provider

159 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) a payment service provider which provides payment initiation services .

GENPRU Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2006

GENPRU Sch 4 Powers exercised

transactions by acquirers operating in the United Kingdom

As Published: 2015

transactions by acquirers operating in the United Kingdom

69 all transactions acquired by: (a) UK -based acquirers (or an operator acting as such an acquirer ) 75 resulting in payments to merchants located in the United Kingdom ; (b) UK -based acquirers (or…


As Published: 2016


66 the Union Pay International IFR card payment system .

VJ participant

As Published: 2001

VJ participant

a person subject to the Voluntary Jurisdiction by contract. 1…

scheme property

As Published: 2001

scheme property

(a) (in relation to an ICVC ) the property subject to the collective investment scheme constituted by it; (b) (in relation to an AUT or ACS 114 ) the capital property and the income property . 5…

DTR 1A.4 Fees

As Published: 2007

DTR 1A.4 Fees

mortgage lender

As Published: 2003

mortgage lender

11 12 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for entering into a regulated mortgage contract .


As Published: 2014


89 the Office of Fair Trading's Mental Capacity Guidance.

contribution of input data

As Published: 2018

contribution of input data

225 the contribution of input data as defined in article 3.1(8) of the benchmarks regulation . [Note: contributing input data is not a regulated activity .]…

IFR transactions by card issuers operating in the United Kingdom

As Published: 2016

IFR transactions by card issuers operating in the United Kingdom

149 all transactions subject to the IFR on cards issued by UK -based card issuers (or an operator acting as such an card issuer ), where the acquirer is located in the EEA .