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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2012


79 Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories, sometimes referred to as the "European Markets Infrastructure Regulation".

flat-fee charge

As Published: 2015

flat-fee charge

88 a charge used by an operator of a qualifying scheme which is a specified charge for a period of time and which is not calculated by reference to member's contributions or accrued rights.

MiFID Regulation

As Published: 2006

MiFID Regulation

39 Commission Regulation (EC) 1287/2006 implementing Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment f…

benchmark contributor

As Published: 2018

benchmark contributor

74 (1) a third country benchmark contributor ; or (2) a UK benchmark contributor . [Note: neither acting as a benchmark contributor nor contributing input data to a BMR benchmark administrator is a re…

MiFID/MiFIR requirements

As Published: 2017

MiFID/MiFIR requirements

118 any of the requirements applicable to an RIE or an applicant to become an RIE imposed by MiFIR and any directly applicable regulation made under MiFID or MiFIR .

complaints reporting directions

As Published: 2018

complaints reporting directions

215 The directions in DISP 1.10B .

exercise time

As Published: 2005

exercise time

(in LR ) (in relation to securitised derivatives ), the time stipulated by the issuer by which the holder must exercise their rights. 26…

alternative investment fund

As Published: 2013

alternative investment fund

96 (in accordance with article 4(1)(a) of AIFMD ) a collective investment undertaking, including investment compartments thereof, which: (a) raises capital from a number of investors, with a view to i…

data item

As Published: 2006

data item

One or more related data elements that are grouped together into a prescribed format and required to be submitted by a firm or other regulated entity under SUP 16 or provisions referred to in SUP 16 .

EIS subscription

As Published: 2001

EIS subscription

any money which is subscribed: (a) in the case of an EIS managed portfolio , by the client of the EIS manager whose portfolio it is; (b) in the case of an EIS fund , by the participants in the EIS . 4…

CCR mark to market method

As Published: 2006

CCR mark to market method

48 the method of calculating the amount of an exposure set out in BIPRU 13.4 (CCR mark to market method).

CRD bank

As Published: 2013

CRD bank

156 a bank which uses the EU CRR to measure the capital requirement on its trading book.

residual risk

As Published: 2015

residual risk

142 (in MIPRU ) the risk that credit risk mitigation techniques used by the firm prove less effective than expected.

reverse takeover

As Published: 2005

reverse takeover

(in LR ) a transaction classified as a reverse takeover under LR 5.6 . 113 31…

reattribution expert

As Published: 2005

reattribution expert

35 the expert appointed by a firm to satisfy its obligations under COBS 20.2.47 R (Reattribution expert). 54…

foreign law contract

As Published: 2011

foreign law contract

58 any contract other than a contract: (a) governed by the laws of any part of the United Kingdom ; and (b) whose parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of any part of the United Ki…

state monopoly

As Published: 2005

state monopoly

30 a company or other legal person which is a national of an EEA state and which: (a) in carrying on its business benefits from a monopoly right granted by an EEA state ; and (b) is set up by or pursu…

stakeholder product

As Published: 2004

stakeholder product

27 (as defined in article 52B(3) of the Regulated Activities Order ): (a) a stakeholder CTF ; or (b) a stakeholder pension scheme ; or (c) an investment of a kind specified in the Stakeholder Regulati…

Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman

As Published: 2001

Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman

the office of Ombudsman established under Lloyd's Members' Ombudsman Scheme Byelaw (No 13 of 1987). 2…

securities note

As Published: 2005

securities note

(in Part 6 rules ) a securities note referred to in PR 2.2.2 R . 34…