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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

non-discretionary management agreement

As Published: 2001

non-discretionary management agreement

an agreement for the non-discretionary management of investments : (a) under which the firm agrees to conduct a regular review of the suitability of the client's account or portfolio, based on an asse…

common platform requirements on financial crime

As Published: 2006

common platform requirements on financial crime

the requirements on financial crime applicable to common platform firms set out in 56 47 SYSC 6.3 .

domestic UCITS merger

As Published: 2011

domestic UCITS merger

71 (in COLL and in accordance with article 2(1)(r) of the UCITS Directive ) a UCITS merger between two or more UCITS schemes in relation to which a UCITS marketing notification has been made in respec…

MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediation activity

As Published: 2015

MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediation activity

99 the activity of acting as an MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediary . [Note: article 4(5) and (21) of the MCD ]…

margined contract

As Published: 2001

margined contract

3 16 (in COLL , 44 CASS 4 and CASS 7 44 ) any contract in derivatives .


As Published: 2006


23 forward rate agreement .

EEA authorised electronic money institution

As Published: 2011

EEA authorised electronic money institution

71 176 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Electronic Money Regulations ) a person authorised in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom to issue electronic money and provide payment service…

SMF manager

As Published: 2015

SMF manager

136 (in relation to an SMCR firm 174 ) a person who has approval under section 59 of the Act (Approval for particular arrangements) to perform a designated senior management function in relation to th…

chargeable case (general)

As Published: 2013

chargeable case (general)

294 a chargeable case that is not a chargeable case (PPI) .

ex-section 43 lead regulated firm

As Published: 2001

ex-section 43 lead regulated firm

an ex-section 43 firm for which the FSA (in its capacity as the regulatory body under section 43 of the Financial Services Act 1986) was lead regulator for financial supervision purposes, and that was…

CASS debt management firm

As Published: 2014

CASS debt management firm

157 a firm which: (a) carries on the activities of debt counselling or debt adjusting , alone or together, with a view to an individual entering into a particular debt solution ; or (b) carries on the…


As Published: 2016


141 Regulation (EU) 2015/751 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on interchange fees for card-based payment transactions.

non-trading book

As Published: 2006

non-trading book

19 positions, exposures, assets and liabilities that are not in the trading book .

tax exempt policy

As Published: 2001

tax exempt policy

any contract of assurance, offered or issued by a friendly society , which is tax exempt life or endowment business as defined in section 466 (2) of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 3…


As Published: 2001


(a) an agreement between a seller and buyer for the sale of securities , under which the seller agrees to repurchase the securities , or equivalent securities , at an agreed date and, usually, at a st…


As Published: 2017


139 approved publication arrangement .

DEPP Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2009

DEPP Sch 5 Rights of action for damages


As Published: 2001


(1) (in MAR 1 (Market Abuse 82 )) an offer as defined in the Takeover Code . (2) [deleted] 83 18 4 18 (3) (in LR 32 and 32 PR 32 ) an offer of transferable securities to the public . 20…

current market value

As Published: 2006

current market value

48 (in accordance with Part 1 of Annex III of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and for the purpose of BIPRU 13.5 (CCR standardised method)) the net market value of the portfolio of tr…

United Kingdom

As Published: 2001

United Kingdom

England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (but not the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man). 2…