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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

net margined omnibus client account

As Published: 2014

net margined omnibus client account

56 an omnibus client account maintained by a clearing member firm in respect of which the margining arrangements give rise to a gross-minus-net amount which is held by the clearing member firm as clie…


As Published: 2010


90 (in BSOCS ) the total of share and deposit liabilities, excluding amounts that qualify as own funds but including accrued interest not yet payable.


As Published: 2001


the Glossary giving the meanings of the defined expressions used in the Handbook . 4…

DTR Sch 2 [to follow]

As Published: 2009

DTR Sch 2 [to follow]

lower stage of capital

As Published: 2006

lower stage of capital

22 (with respect to a particular item of capital in the capital resources table ) a stage in the capital resources table below that in which that item of capital appears.

small registered UK AIFM

As Published: 2013

small registered UK AIFM

118 a small AIFM that is registered by the FCA in accordance with regulation 10 of the AIFMD UK regulation .

trading book policy statement

As Published: 2006

trading book policy statement

56 (1) (in BIPRU ) has the meaning in BIPRU 1.2.29R (Trading book policy statements) which is in summary a single document of a person recording the policies and procedures referred to in BIPRU 1.2.26…

listed activity

As Published: 2001

listed activity

55 an activity listed in Annex 1 to the CRD .

EEA Passport Rights Regulations

As Published: 2001

EEA Passport Rights Regulations

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (EEA Passport Rights) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/2511). 1…

biomass collective investment scheme

As Published: 2008

biomass collective investment scheme

29 a collective investment scheme , the property of which consists only of property which is biomass or a biomass investment or cash awaiting investment.

regulated payment system

As Published: 2015

regulated payment system

140 a payment system designated by HM Treasury under section 43 of FSBRA .


As Published: 2001


the Interim Prudential Sourcebook for Insurers. 41…


As Published: 2014


116 a person who takes any article in pawn and includes any person to whom the rights and duties of the original pawnee have passed by assignment or operation of law.

injured party

As Published: 2002

injured party

(in ICOBS 70 ) 28 a resident of the EEA entitled to compensation in respect of any loss or injury caused by vehicles . 61 [Note: article 1(2) of Directive 72/166/EC (First Motor Insurance Directive)]…

EEA registered account information service provider

As Published: 2018

EEA registered account information service provider

121 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) a person that is registered as an account information services provider in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom unde…

UK domestic firm

As Published: 2001

UK domestic firm

a firm that has its registered office (or, if it has no registered office, its head office) in the United Kingdom . 2…

one-off promotion

As Published: 2014

one-off promotion

120 a communication meeting the requirements set out in articles 15 or 15A of the Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes Order or in articles 28 or 28A of the Financial Promotions Order.

non-profit insurance business

As Published: 2004

non-profit insurance business

13 the business of effecting or carrying out non-profit insurance contracts.

non-executive director

As Published: 2001

non-executive director

a director who has no responsibility for implementing the decisions or the policies of the governing body of a firm . 2…

premiums amount

As Published: 2004

premiums amount

25 (for the purposes of 43 INSPRU 1.1 43 ), an amount, as defined in 43 INSPRU 1.1.45R 43 , used in the calculation of the general insurance capital requirement .