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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

large mutual association

As Published: 2001

large mutual association

69 (1) (in COMP ) an unincorporated mutual association or unincorporated association (which is not a mutual association) with net assets of more than £1.4 million (or its equivalent in any other curre…

home territory

As Published: 2001

home territory

1 (in relation to an overseas investment exchange ) the country or territory in which its head office is situated.

store card

As Published: 2001

store card

a card restricted to paying for goods or services from a particular supplier or group of suppliers and where the price of the goods or services is paid directly to the supplier or group of suppliers b…

regulatory provisions

As Published: 2001

regulatory provisions

233 any rules, guidance, arrangements or policy issued by the investment exchange in connection with its business as an investment exchange or in connection with the provision by it of clearing facili…

EEA territorial scope rule

As Published: 2007

EEA territorial scope rule

39 COBS 1 Annex 1 , Part 2 40 paragraph 1(1) (which provides that the territorial scope of COBS is modified to the extent necessary to be compatible with European law).

IFPRU limited-activity firm

As Published: 2013

IFPRU limited-activity firm

148 124 a limited activity firm that meets the following conditions: (a) it is a firm ; and (b) its head office is in the UK and it is not otherwise excluded under IFPRU 1.1.5 R .

lead generator

As Published: 2014

lead generator

56 a person that acquires the personal contact details of customers and passes the customers' details to a firm in return for a fee.

enhanced reporting investment

As Published: 2017

enhanced reporting investment

122 any investment subject to a restriction on retail distribution under the FCA’s rules , as summarised in COBS 9.3.5G(1) .

net written premiums

As Published: 2004

net written premiums

13 gross written premiums , less reinsurance premiums payable under reinsurance ceded.

SUP 16 Annex 30C [deleted]

As Published: 2011

SUP 16 Annex 30C [deleted]

property-linked assets

As Published: 2007

property-linked assets

59 in relation to an insurer , long-term insurance assets that are, for the time being, identified in the records of the insurer as being assets by reference to the value of which property-linked bene…

key individual

As Published: 2001

key individual

12 (in relation to a UK recognised body ): (a) its chairman or president; (b) its chief executive ; (c) a member of its governing body ; (d) a person who, alone or jointly with one or more others, is…

specific risk backtesting exception

As Published: 2006

specific risk backtesting exception

45 (in BIPRU 7.10 (Use of a value at risk model) and in relation to a firm ) an exception arising out of backtesting a VaR model with respect to specific risk as more fully defined in that firm's VaR…

foreign currency loan

As Published: 2015

foreign currency loan

81 an MCD credit agreement where the credit is: (a) denominated in a currency other than that in which the consumer receives the income or holds the assets from which the credit is to be repaid; or (b…

CAD 1 model

As Published: 2006

CAD 1 model

48 a risk management model of the type described in BIPRU 7.9 (Use of a CAD 1 model).

mandate rules

As Published: 2001

mandate rules

CASS 8 . 44…

fixed-term savings account

As Published: 2015

fixed-term savings account

91 a savings account where it is agreed that money is to be held in the account for a specified period and the customer is not permitted to withdraw the money before the expiry of that period, is rest…

home purchase intermediary

As Published: 2006

home purchase intermediary

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) to carry on a home purchase mediation activity .


As Published: 2015


79 101 the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 (2013 c.33) 101 .

non-PRIIP packaged product

As Published: 2017

non-PRIIP packaged product

72 a packaged product other than a packaged retail and insurance-based investment product ( PRIIP ).