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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2014


157 the Office of Fair Trading's Credit Brokers and Intermediaries Guidance.

elective professional client

As Published: 2007

elective professional client

39 a client categorised as an elective professional client in accordance with COBS 3.5 (Professional clients).

master-feeder agreement

As Published: 2011

master-feeder agreement

75 (in COLL ) a written agreement between the management company of a master UCITS and the management company of a feeder UCITS in accordance with COLL 11.3.2 R (1) (Master-feeder agreement and intern…

MCD creditor

As Published: 2015

MCD creditor

99 an MCD mortgage lender or an MCD article 3(1)(b) creditor . [Note: article 4(2) of the MCD ]…

relevant competent authorities

As Published: 2004

relevant competent authorities

23 (in relation to a financial conglomerate ) those competent authorities which are, or which have been appointed as, relevant competent authorities in relation to that financial conglomerate under Ar…

arranging deals in contracts of insurance written at Lloyd's

As Published: 2001

arranging deals in contracts of insurance written at Lloyd's

4 the regulated activity , specified in article 58 of the Regulated Activities Order (Arranging deals in contracts of insurance written at Lloyd's), carried on by the Society of Lloyd's of arranging d…

lower tier two capital resources

As Published: 2004

lower tier two capital resources

13 the sum calculated at stage H of the calculation in the capital resources table (Lower tier two capital) 22 .

Prospectus Regulation

As Published: 2017

Prospectus Regulation

158 Regulation (EU) No 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a r…

client money distribution and transfer rules

As Published: 2017

client money distribution and transfer rules

212 CASS 7A .

reversion mediation activity

As Published: 2006

reversion mediation activity

42 any of the following regulated activities : (a) arranging (bringing about) a home reversion plan (article 25B(1)); (b) making arrangements with a view to a home reversion plan (article 25B(2)); (c)…


As Published: 2016


147 Payment Accounts Regulations .

total amount of credit

As Published: 2013

total amount of credit

(1) 67 55 (in CONC ) the credit limit or the total sums made available under a regulated credit agreement . (2) (in MCOB ) the ceiling or the total sums made available under an MCD credit agreement .

Motor Insurers' Information Centre

As Published: 2002

Motor Insurers' Information Centre

the information centre appointed to meet the United Kingdom's obligations under article 23 of the Consolidated Motor Insurance Directive 71 (Information Centres). 7…

simplified ILAS waiver

As Published: 2009

simplified ILAS waiver

83 a waiver permitting an ILAS BIPRU firm to operate simplified ILAS .

designated senior management function

As Published: 2015

designated senior management function

98 a controlled function that has been designated by the FCA or the PRA as a senior management function under section 59 of the Act (Approval for particular arrangements).

SUP 11 Annex 1 Summary of notification requirements

As Published: 2004

SUP 11 Annex 1 Summary of notification requirements

SYSC Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2009

SYSC Sch 4 Powers exercised

chair of the with-profits committee function

As Published: 2016

chair of the with-profits committee function

(for certain Solvency II firms ) FCA controlled function CF 2b in Part 2 of the table of FCA controlled functions , described more fully in SUP 10A.6.15BR .

option PRR

As Published: 2006

option PRR

29 the part of the market risk capital requirement calculated in accordance with BIPRU 7.6 (Option PRR) or, in relation to a particular position, the portion of the overall option PRR attributable to…

Immigration Regulations

As Published: 2014

Immigration Regulations

133 the Immigration Act 2014 (Bank Account) Regulations 2014(SI 2014/3085) 137 .