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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

small authorised UK AIFM

As Published: 2013

small authorised UK AIFM

115 a UK AIFM which: (a) is a small AIFM ; and (b) has not opted in to AIFMD in accordance with article 3(4) of AIFMD to become a full-scope UK AIFM .

engage in investment activity

As Published: 2001

engage in investment activity

(as defined in section 21(8) of the Act ) (Restrictions on financial promotion)): (a) enter or offer to enter into an agreement the making or performance of which by either party constitutes a control…

business premises

As Published: 2013

business premises

48 (in CONC App 1.3 56 ) premises for occupation for the purposes of a business (including any activity carried on by a body of persons , whether corporate or unincorporate) or for those and other pur…

SUP 16 Annex 14 Quarterly and annual returns for Credit Unions [deleted]

As Published: 2002

SUP 16 Annex 14 Quarterly and annual returns for Credit Unions [deleted]

entering into a home reversion plan

As Published: 2006

entering into a home reversion plan

31 the regulated activity , specified in article 63B(1) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: entering into a home reversion plan as provider, or acquiring any obligations or rights…

COBS 6 Annex 5 [deleted]

As Published: 2007

COBS 6 Annex 5 [deleted]

controlled agreement

As Published: 2001

controlled agreement

(as defined in section 30 of the Act (Enforceability of agreements resulting from unlawful communications)) an agreement the making or performance of which by either party constitutes a controlled act…

RCB 3 Annex 3 Asset and liability profile form

As Published: 2008

RCB 3 Annex 3 Asset and liability profile form

complaints data publication rules

As Published: 2010

complaints data publication rules

102 DISP 1.10A .

savings account

As Published: 2015

savings account

144 an account, other than an account relating to a structured deposit , held for a banking customer : (a) on terms that interest or a dividend is to be paid on money standing to the credit of the acc…

wholesale market broker

As Published: 2001

wholesale market broker

a firm when carrying out the activities of name-passing broker , or acting on a matched principal basis, with or for market counterparties . 3…

BIPRU 3 Annex 4 Exposures to institutions: Interaction with short-term credit assessments in BIPRU 3.4.40R

As Published: 2007

BIPRU 3 Annex 4 Exposures to institutions: Interaction with short-term credit assessments in BIPRU 3.4.40R


As Published: 2001


Financial Ombudsman Service Limited . 2…

Regulated Activities Amendment Order

As Published: 2014

Regulated Activities Amendment Order

132 the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (No 2) Order 2013 (SI 2013/1881).

authorised central counterparty

As Published: 2012

authorised central counterparty

a CCP authorised or recognised under EMIR . 93…

contribution percentage charge

As Published: 2015

contribution percentage charge

184 a charge used by an operator of a qualifying scheme which is calculated as a percentage of contributions made by, or on behalf of, a member of that qualifying scheme over a defined period of time.

deposit-based stakeholder product

As Published: 2004

deposit-based stakeholder product

22 the stakeholder product specified by regulation 4 (certain deposit accounts) of the Stakeholder Regulations ;…

actuarial valuation date

As Published: 2004

actuarial valuation date

21 the date as at which the mathematical reserves are calculated.

PRIN Sch 4 Powers Exercised

As Published: 2009

PRIN Sch 4 Powers Exercised

CASS medium firm

As Published: 2010

CASS medium firm

110 has the meaning in CASS 1A.2.7 R (CASS firm types).