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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Treaty right

As Published: 2004

Treaty right

the entitlement of a Treaty firm to qualify for authorisation under Schedule 4 to the Act (Treaty Rights).2001/7…

BCOBS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2009

BCOBS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

CONRED 2 Annex 5 Final letter to consumers who have not sent a request for review

As Published: 2013

CONRED 2 Annex 5 Final letter to consumers who have not sent a request for review

national guarantee fund

As Published: 2001

national guarantee fund

(in relation to an EEA State ) a body which: (a) has been set up or authorised in that State in accordance with article 1(4) of Council Directive (84/5/EEC); and (b) provides compensation for damages…


As Published: 2015


135 (in COBS 19.5 and COBS 19.8 152 ) an independent governance committee established by a firm with terms of reference which satisfy COBS 19.5.5R with the purpose, in summary, to represent the intere…

rolling stock method

As Published: 2014

rolling stock method

135 a method for performing a physical asset reconciliation , as described in CASS 6.6.28 R .

systemically important institution

As Published: 2013

systemically important institution

120 (in accordance with article 3(30) of CRD ) an EEA parent institution , an EEA parent financial holding company , an EEA parent mixed financial holding company or an institution the failure or malf…

regulated sale and rent back activity

As Published: 2009

regulated sale and rent back activity

76 any of the following regulated activities : (a) arranging (bringing about) a regulated sale and rent back agreement (article 25E(1)); (b) making arrangements with a view to a regulated sale and ren…

COLL Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2009

COLL Sch 4 Powers exercised

CONC Sch 3 Fees and other required payment

As Published: 2014

CONC Sch 3 Fees and other required payment

other overall responsibility function

As Published: 2015

other overall responsibility function

74 FCA controlled function SMF18 in Part 1 of the table in SUP 10C.4.3R (Table of FCA-designated senior management 75 functions for relevant authorised persons), described more fully in SUP 10C.7.1R .

general stress and scenario testing rule

As Published: 2006

general stress and scenario testing rule

48 (1) (in GENPRU , BIPRU and INSPRU ) GENPRU 1.2.42 R (Stress and scenario tests). (2) (for the purpose of IFPRU ) IFPRU 2.2.37R (Stress and scenario tests).

gross adjusted claims amount

As Published: 2004

gross adjusted claims amount

12 (for the purposes of INSPRU 1.1 20 ) an amount, as defined in INSPRU 1.1.60R 20 to INSPRU 1.1.65G 20 , used in calculating the claims amount .

retail customer

As Published: 2003

retail customer

14 17 22 (in accordance with the meaning of 'consumer' in article 2(d) of the Distance Marketing Directive an individual who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business or profession.

additional tier 1 capital

As Published: 2013

additional tier 1 capital

105 as defined in article 61 of the EU CRR .

MiFID optional exemption firm

As Published: 2017

MiFID optional exemption firm

118 a firm that is an exempt investment firm for the purpose of regulation 8 of the MiFI Regulations .

GAP contract

As Published: 2015

GAP contract

57 a guaranteed asset protection contract; this is a contract of insurance covering a policyholder , in the event of total loss to a vehicle , against the difference between: (a) the amount claimed un…

market counterparty

As Published: 2001

market counterparty

(for the purposes only of COBS TP 1 (Transitional Provisions in relation to Client Categorisation)) 90 any person classified as a 'market counterparty' under COB on 31 October 2007, in accordance with…

market interface specification

As Published: 2017

market interface specification

118 a document setting out the technical details required to format and submit market data to the FCA using the market data processor system .

online notification and application system

As Published: 2017

online notification and application system

84 the FCA’s and the PRA’s online notification and applications system, by whatever name known. [Note: before 1 October 2014 this was known as ONA, and from 1 October 2014 it has been known as the CON…