Related provisions for PERG 8.29.6
Table 1: CRD activities6 6 |
Part II RAO Activities |
Part III RAO Investments |
1. |
Taking6 deposits and other repayable funds from the public 6 |
Article 5 |
Article 74 |
2. |
Lending |
Article 61, 64 |
Article 88 |
3. |
Financial leasing |
4. |
Money transmission services |
5. |
Issuing and administering means of payment (eg credit cards, travellers' cheques and bankers' drafts) |
6. |
Guarantees and commitments |
7. |
Trading for own account or for account of customers in: (a) money market instruments (b) foreign exchange (c) financial futures and options (d) exchange and interest rate instruments (e) transferable securities |
Article 14, 21, 25 (see Note 1), 64 Article 14, 21, 25, 64 Article 14, 21, 25, 64 Article 14, 21, 25, 64 Article 14, 21, 25, 64 |
Article 77, 78, 80, 83-85, 89 Article 83-85, 89 Article 83-85, 89 Article 83-85, 89 Article 76-81, 89 |
8. |
Participation in share issues and the provision of services relating to such issues |
Article 14, 21, 25, 53(1)10, 64 |
Article 76-81, 89 |
9. |
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings |
Article 14, 21, 25, 53(1)10, 64 |
Article 76-80, 83-85, 89 |
10. |
Money broking |
Article 25, 64 |
Article 77, 78, 89 |
11. |
Portfolio management and advice |
Article 14, 21, 25, 37, 53(1)10, 64 |
Article 76-81, 83-85, 89 |
12. |
Safekeeping and administration of securities |
Article 40, 45, 64 |
Article 76-81, 83-85, 89 |
13. |
Credit reference services |
14. |
Safe custody services |
1 | 16 |
615. |
Issuing electric money |
Article 9B |
Article 74A |
3Note 12: The services and activities provided for in Sections A and B of Annex I of MiFID when referring to the financial instruments provided for in Section C of Annex I of that Directive are subject to mutual recognition according to the CRD from 1 January 2013.6See2 the table at SUP App 3.9.5 G below for mapping of MiFIDinvestment services and activities.For further details relating to this residual category, please see the "CRD"6section of the passporting forms entitled "Notification of intention to establish a branch in another EEA State" and "Notification of intention to provide cross border services in another EEA State".2 266 |
Table 2ZA: AIFMD activities |
Part II RAO Activities |
Part III RAO Investments |
1. |
Article 51ZC |
N/A (activity relates to property of any kind) |
2. |
Management of portfolios of investments, including those owned by pension funds and institutions for occupational retirement in accordance with article 19(1) of Directive 2003/41/EC, in accordance with mandates given by investors on a discretionary client-by-client basis (Note 2). |
Articles 14, 21, 25, 37, 40 (arranging only), 64 |
Articles 76 to 81, 82B,12 83 to 85, 89 |
3. |
Investment advice (Note 2). |
Articles 53(1)10, 64 |
Articles 76 to 81, 82B,12 83 to 85, 89 |
4. |
Safe-keeping and administration in relation to shares or units of collective investment undertakings. |
Articles 40, 45, 64 |
Articles 76 to 81, 82B,12 83 to 85, 89 |
5. |
Reception and transmission or orders in relation to financial instruments. |
Articles 25(1), 64 |
Articles 76 to 81,82B,12 83 to 85, 89 |
Note 1. See FUND 1.4.2 R to FUND 1.4.4 R for further information in relation to the activities that full-scope UK AIFMs are able to perform. |
Note 2. See FUND 1.4.5 G for the position with respect to assets which are not financial instruments. |
Table 2A: UCITS Directive activities |
Part II RAO Activities |
Part III RAO Investments |
1. |
The management of UCITS in the form of unit trusts / common funds or of investment companies; this includes the function mentioned in Annex II of the UCITS Directive (see Note 2). |
Article 51ZA8 8 |
N/A (activity relates to property of any kind) (Note 3)8 88 |
2. |
Managing portfolios of investments, including those owned by pension funds, in accordance with mandates given by investors on a discretionary, client-by-client basis, where such portfolios include one or more of the instruments listed in Section C 3of Annex I 3to MiFID3. 33 |
Articles 14, 21, 25, 37, 40 (arranging only),8 64 8 |
Articles 76-81, 82B,12 83-85, 89 |
3. |
Investment advice concerning one or more of the instruments listed in Section C3of Annex I 3to MiFID3. 3 |
Articles 53(1)10, 64 |
Articles 76-81, 82B,12 83-85, 89 |
4. |
Safekeeping and administration services in relation to units of collective investment undertakings. |
Articles 40, 45, 64 |
Articles 76-81, 82B,12 83-85, 89 |
Note 1. A UCITS management company can only be authorised to carry on the non-core services set out in rows (3) and (4) of Table 2A if it is also authorised to carry on the activity set out in row (2) of the table (see COLL 6.9.9 R)8. 338 |
Note 2. The functions set out in Annex 2 to the UCITS Directive are: |
1. |
Investment management. |
2. |
Administration: |
a. |
legal and fund management accounting services; |
b. |
customer inquiries; |
c. |
valuation and pricing (including tax returns); |
d. |
regulatory compliance monitoring; |
e. |
maintenance of unit-holder register; |
f. |
distribution of income; |
g. |
unit issues and redemptions; |
h. |
contract settlements (including certificate dispatch); |
i. |
record keeping. |
3. |
Marketing. |
8Note 3. The regulated activity of managing a UCITS may be carried on for property of any kind (article 4(2) of the regulated activities order). However, the scheme property of a UCITS scheme is limited to certain types of property, in line with COLL 5 (Investment and borrowing powers). |
Table 2B: Insurance Mediation Directive2 Activities 2 |
Part II RAO Activities |
Part III RAO Investments |
1. |
Introducing, proposing or carrying out other work preparatory to the conclusion of contracts of insurance. |
Articles 25, 53(1)10 and 64 |
Articles 75, 89 (see Note 1) |
2. |
Concluding contracts of insurance |
Articles 21, 25, 53(1)10 and 64 |
Articles 75, 89 |
3. |
Assisting in the administration and performance of contracts of insurance, in particular in the event of a claim. |
Articles 39A, 64 |
Articles 75, 89 |
Note 1. Rights to or interests in life policies are specified investments under Article 89 of the Regulated Activities Order, but rights to or interests in general insurance contracts are not. |
1Typical recommendations and whether they will be regulated as advising on investments (except P2P agreements)3 under article 53(1)3 of the Regulated Activities Order. This table belongs to PERG 8.29.1 G to PERG 8.29.6 G.2
Recommendation |
Regulated under article 53(1)3 or not? |
I recommend that you take out the ABC investment. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of a particular investment which the client could buy. |
I recommend that you do not take out the ABC investment. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client away from a particular investment which the client could have bought. |
I recommend that you take out either the ABC investment or the DEF investment. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of more than one particular investment which the client could buy. |
I recommend that you sell your ABC investment. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of a particular investment which the client could sell. |
I recommend that you do not sell your ABC investment. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client away from a particular investment which the client could have sold. |
I recommend that you transfer ownership of your ABC investment to your spouse. |
Advising the client to gift an investment to another person will not be advice because it does not involve advice on buying, selling, subscribing for or underwriting an investment. |
I recommend that you increase the regular payments you are making to your GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of acquiring further units in a particular fund. |
I recommend that you decrease the regular payments you are making to your GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of acquiring further units in a particular fund but advises against the client buying as many as he intended. |
I recommend that you keep making the same regular payments to your GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of acquiring further units in a particular fund. |
I recommend that you stop making the regular payments you are making to the GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client away from buying units in a particular fund which the client could have bought. |
I recommend that you pay a lump sum into your GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of acquiring further units in a particular fund. |
I recommend that you do not pay a lump sum into your GHI fund*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client away from buying units in a particular fund which the client could have bought. |
I recommend that you move part of your investment in the JKL investment from fund X into fund Y*. |
Yes. This is advice which steers the client in the direction of selling units in a particular fund and buying units in another specific fund. Where the two funds are sub-funds of the same main fund it is still advice. The terms ‘bought’ and ‘sold’ are given a wide meaning and include any acquisition or disposal for valuable consideration. |
I recommend that you move all of your investment in JKL investment from fund X into fund Y*. |
Yes, for the same reason. |
4I recommend that you keep your investment in fund X*. |
Yes. This is advice because it is advice to hold on to an investment and advice not to sell it. |
I recommend that you move your MNO investment from platform X and re-register it on platform Y. |
This is unlikely to be advice because normally it will not involve buying and selling the investment held on the platform. |
A client decides of his own accord to increase, decrease or temporarily suspend his regular payments or the payments are increased automatically into an investment without advice being given. |
No. No advice is being given. |
The firm is providing discretionary management services under a mandate and makes changes to a client'sinvestment without providing advice. |
No. No advice is being given. |
Dividends are re-invested into an investment without advice being given. |
No. No advice is being given. |
* The same answer would apply where the fund is a life policy as rights under a contract of insurance are regulated investments under the Act. The position under a personal pension scheme is similar, as explained in more detail in PERG 12.3. |
This is a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice
in individual cases.
Table 3: Solvency II Directive activities7 7 |
Part II RAO Activities |
Part III RAO Investments |
1. Non-life insurance activities |
1. |
Taking up and carrying on direct non-life insurance business |
Article 10 |
Article 75 |
2. |
Classes 1 to 18 of non-life insurance business in Point A of Annex I to the Solvency II7 Directive 77 |
Corresponding paragraphs 1 to 18 of Schedule 1, Part I |
2. Life insurance activities7 7 |
1. |
Taking up and carrying on direct life insurance business |
Article 10 |
Article 75 |
2. |
Classes I to IX of direct life insurance business in Annex II to the Solvency II Directive7 7 |
Corresponding paragraphs I to IX of Schedule 1, Part II |