Related provisions for PERG 6.5.2

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PERG 9.11.1GRP

Table There are some frequently asked questions about the application of the definition of an open-ended investment company in the following table. This table belongs to PERG 9.2.4 G (Introduction).




Can a body corporate be both open-ended and closed-ended at the same time?

In the FCA's view, the answer to this question is 'no'. The fact that the investment condition is applied to BC (rather than to particular shares in, or securities of, BC) means that a body corporate is either an open-ended investment company as defined in section 236 of the Act or it is not. Where BC is an open-ended investment company, all of its securities would be treated as units of a collective investment scheme for the purpose of the Act. A body corporate formed in another jurisdiction may, however, be regarded as open-ended under the laws of that jurisdiction but not come within the definition of an open-ended investment company in section 236 (and vice versa).


Can an open-ended investment company become closed-ended (or a closed-ended body become open-ended)?

In the FCA's view, the answer to this question is 'yes'. A body corporate may change from open-ended to closed-ended (and vice versa) if, taking an overall view, circumstances change so that a hypothetical reasonable investor would consider that the investment condition is no longer met (or vice versa). This might happen where, for example, an open-ended investment company stops its policy of redeeming shares or securities at regular intervals (so removing the expectation that a reasonable investor would be able to realise his investment within a period appearing to him to be reasonable). See also PERG 9.7.5 G.


Does the liquidation of a body corporate affect the assessment of whether or not the body is an open-ended investment company?

The FCA considers that the possibility that a body corporate that would otherwise be regarded as closed-ended may be wound up has no effect at all on the nature of the body corporate before the winding up. The fact that, on a winding up, the shares or securities of any investor in the body corporate may be converted into cash or money on the winding up (and so 'realised') would not, in the FCA's view, affect the outcome of applying the expectation test to the body corporate when looked at as a whole. The answer to Question 4 explains that investment in a closed-ended fixed term company shortly before its winding up does not, in the FCA view, change the closed-ended nature of the company. For companies with no fixed term, the theoretical possibility of a winding up at some uncertain future point is not, in the FCA's view, a matter that would generally carry weight with a reasonable investor in assessing whether he could expect to be able to realise his investment within a reasonable period.


Does a fixed term closed-ended investment company become an open-ended investment company simply because the fixed term will expire?

In the FCA's view, the answer to this is 'no'. The termination of the body corporate is an event that has always been contemplated (and it will appear in the company's constitution). Even as the date of the expiry of the fixed term approaches, there is nothing about the body corporate itself that changes so as to cause a fundamental reassessment of its nature as something other than closed-ended. Addressing this very point in parliamentary debate, the Economic Secretary to the Treasury stated that the "aim and effect [of the definition] is to cover companies that look, to a reasonable investor, like open-ended investment companies". The Minister added that "A reasonable investor's overall expectations of potential investment in a company when its status with respect to the definition is being judged will determine whether it meets the definition. The matter is therefore, definitional rather than one of proximity to liquidation". (Hansard HC, 5 June 2000 col 124).


In what circumstances will a body corporate that issues a mixture of redeemable and non-redeemable shares or securities be an open-ended investment company?

In the FCA's view, the existence of non-redeemable shares or securities will not, of itself, rule out the possibility of a body corporate falling within the definition of an open-ended investment company. All the relevant circumstances will need to be considered (see PERG 9.6.4 G, PERG and PERG 9.8.9 G). So the following points need to be taken into account.

  • The precise terms of the issue of all the shares or securities will be relevant to the question whether the investment condition is met, as will any arrangements that may exist to allow the investor to realise his investment by other means.
  • The proportions of the different share classes will be relevant to the impression the reasonable investor forms of the body corporate. A body corporate that issues only a minimal amount of redeemable shares or securities will not, in theFCA's view, be an open-ended investment company. A body corporate that issues a minimal amount of non-redeemable shares or securities will be likely to be an open-ended investment company. A body corporate that falls within the definition of an open-ended investment company is likely to have (and to be marketed as having) mainly redeemable shares or securities. However, whether or not the body corporate does fall within the definition in any particular case will be subject to any contrary indications there may be in its constitutional documents or otherwise.
  • Where shares or securities are only redeemable after the end of a stated period, this factor will make it more likely that the body corporate is open-ended than if the shares or securities are never redeemable.


Does "realised on a basis calculated wholly or mainly by reference to..." in section 236(3)(b) apply to an investor buying investment trust company shares traded on a recognised investment exchange because of usual market practice that the shares trade at a discount to asset value?

In the FCA's view, the answer is 'no' (for the reasons set out in PERG 9.9.4 G to PERG 9.9.6 G).


Does the practice of UK investment trust companies buying back shares result in them becoming open-ended investment companies?

In the FCA's view, it does not, because its actions will comply with company law: see section 236(4) of the Act and PERG 9.6.5 G.


Would a body corporate holding out redemption or repurchase of its shares or securities every six months be an open-ended investment company?

In the FCA's view a period of six months would generally be too long to be a reasonable period for a liquid securities fund. A shorter period affording more scope for an investor to take advantage of any profits caused by fluctuations in the market would be more likely to be a reasonable period for the purpose of the realisation of the investment (in the context of the 'expectation' test, see PERG 9.8 and, in particular, PERG 9.8.9 G which sets out the kind of factors that may need to be considered in applying the test).


Would an initial period during which it is not possible to realise investment in a body corporate mean that the body corporate could not satisfy the investment condition?

In the FCA's view, the answer to that question is 'no'. In applying the investment condition, the body corporate must be considered as a whole (see PERG 9.6.3 G). At the time that the shares or securities in a body corporate are issued, a reasonable investor may expect that he will be able to realise his investment within a reasonable period notwithstanding that there will first be a short-term delay before he can do so. Whether or not the 'expectation test' is satisfied will depend on all the circumstances (see PERG 9.8.9 G).

3The FCA would consider it to be reasonably practicable to comply with CONC 6.8.4A R within five working days of the expiry of the six-month period.
(1) UCITS schemes have to comply with the conditions necessary in order to enjoy the rights available under the UCITS Directive. Such schemes must in particular comply with:(a) COLL 3.2.8 R (UCITS obligations); and(b) the investment and borrowing powers rules for UCITS schemes set out in COLL 5.2 to COLL 5.5 .(2) (a) 5Non-UCITS retail schemes are schemes that do not comply with all the conditions set out in the UCITS Directive.(b) 5A non-UCITS retail scheme is an AIF and must
PERG 5.15.4GRP

Types of activity – are they regulated activities and, if so, why?

Type of activity

Is it a regulated activity?



Passive display of information -for example, medical insurance brochures in doctor’s surgery (whether or not remuneration is received for this activity)


Merely displaying information does not constitute making arrangements under article 25(2) (see PERG 5.6.4 G).

Recommending a broker/insurance undertaking and providing customer with contact details (whether by phone, fax, e-mail, face-to-face or any other means of communication)

Yes, but article 72C may be available.

This will constitute making arrangements under article 25(2). But, the exclusion in article 72C will apply if all the intermediary does is supply information to the customer and the conditions of article 72C are otherwise met (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G). Generally, this will not amount to advice under article 53(1)1 unless there is an implied recommendation of a particular policy (see PERG 5.8.4 G), in which case article 72C would not be available.

Providing an insurance undertaking/broker with contact details of customer


This will constitute making arrangements under article 25(2) when undertaken in the context of regular or ongoing arrangements for introducing customers. Article 72C will not apply because the information is supplied to someone other than the policyholder or potential policyholder.

Marketing on behalf of insurance undertaking to intermediaries only (for example, broker consultants)


This amounts to work preparatory to the conclusion of contracts of insurance and so constitutes making arrangements under article 25(2). Article 72C is not available because this activity does not involve provision of information to the policyholder or potential policyholder only.

Telemarketing services (that is, companies specialising in marketing an insurance undertaking's products/services to prospective customers)


This amounts to introducing and/or other work preparatory to the conclusion of contracts of insurance and so constitutes making arrangements under article 25(2). This could also involve article 25(1) arranging where the telemarketing company actually sells a particular policy and could involve advising on investments. Article 72C will not be available where the provision of information is more than incidental to the telemarketing company’s main business or where the telemarketing company is advising on investments.


Discussion with client about need for insurance generally/need to take out a particular type of insurance

Generally, no. Article 72C available if needed.

Not enough, of itself, to constitute making arrangements under article 25(2), but you should consider whether, viewed as a whole, your activities might amount to arranging. If so, article 72C might be of application (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G).

Advising on the level of cover needed

Generally, no. Article 72C available if needed.

Not enough, of itself, to constitute making arrangements under article 25(2), but you should consider whether, viewed as a whole, your activities might amount to making arrangements under article 25(2) (see PERG 5.8.3 G). If so, article 72C might be of application (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G).

Pre-purchase questioning in the context of filtered sales (intermediary asks a series of questions and then suggests several policies which suit the answers given)

Yes. Subject to article 72 C exclusion where available.

This will constitute arranging although article 72C may be of application (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G). If there is no express or implied recommendation of a particular policy, this activity will not amount to advice under article 53(1)1 (see PERG 5.8.15 G to PERG 5.8.19 G).

Explanation of the terms of a particular policy or comparison of the terms of different policies

Possibly. Article 72C available.

This is likely to amount to making arrangements under article 25(2). In certain circumstances, it could involve advising on investments (except P2P agreements)1 (see PERG 5.8.8 G (Advice or information)). Where the explanation is provided to the potential policyholder, and does not involve advising on investments (except P2P agreements)1, article 72C may be of application (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G), and where information is provided by a professional in the course of a profession, article 67 may apply (see PERG 5.11.9 G to PERG 5.11.12 G).

Advising that a customer take out a particular policy


This amounts to advice on the merits of a particular policy under article 53(1)1 (see PERG 5.8.4 G to PERG 5.8.5 G).

Advising that a customer does not take out a particular policy


This amounts to advice on the merits of a particular policy under article 53(1)1 (see PERG 5.8.4 G to PERG 5.8.5 G).

Advice by journalists in newspapers, broadcasts etc.

Generally, no because of the article 54 exclusion.

Article 54 provides an exclusion for advice given in newspapers etc (see PERG 5.8.24 G to PERG 5.8.25 G).

Giving advice to a customer in relation to his buying a consumer product, where insurance is a compulsory secondary purchase and/or a benefit that comes with buying the product

Not necessarily but depends on the circumstances.

Where the advice relates specifically to the merits of the consumer product, it is possible that references to the accompanying insurance may be seen to be information and not advice. If, however, the advice relates, in part, to the merits of the insurance element, then it will be regulated activity.


Providing information to customer who fills in application form

Possibly. Subject to article 67 or 72C exclusions where available.

This activity may amount to arranging although the exclusions in article 67 (see PERG 5.11.9 G to PERG 5.11.12 G) and article 72C (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G) may be of application.

Helping a potential policyholder fill in an application form


This activity amounts to arranging. Article 72C will not apply because this activity goes beyond the mere provision of information to a policyholder or potential policyholder (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G).

Receiving completed proposal forms for checking and forwarding to an insurance undertaking (for example, an administration outsourcing service provider that receives and processes proposal forms)


This amounts to arranging. Article 72C does not apply because this activity goes beyond the mere provision of information to a policyholder or potential policyholder (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G).

Assisting in completion of proposal form and sending to insurance undertaking


This activity amounts to arranging. Article 72C does not apply because this activity goes beyond the mere provision of information (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G).


Negotiating terms of policy on behalf of a customer with the insurance undertaking


This activity amounts to arranging (see PERG 5.6.2 G).

Negotiating terms of policy on behalf of insurance undertaking with the customer and signing proposal form on his behalf


These activities amount to both arranging and dealing in investments as agent.

Concluding a contract of insurance on insurance company’s behalf, for example, motor dealer who has authority to conclude insurance contract on behalf of insurance undertaking when selling a car


A person carrying on this activity will be dealing in investments as agent. He will also be arranging (as the article 28 exclusion only applies in the limited circumstances envisaged under article 28(3)) (see PERG 5.6.12 G).

Agreeing, on behalf of a prospective policyholder, to buy a policy.


A person who, with authority, enters into a contract of insurance on behalf of another is dealing in investments as agent under article 21, and will also be arranging.

Providing compulsory insurance as a secondary purchase

Yes. It will amount to dealing in investments as agent or arranging.

The fact that the insurance is secondary to the primary product does not alter the fact that arranging the package involves arranging the insurance.


Collection of cheque for premium from the customer at the pre-contract stage.

Yes (as part of arranging).

This activity is likely to form part of arranging. But the mere collection/receipt of premiums from the customer is unlikely, without more, to amount to arranging.

Collection of premiums at post-contract stage


The mere collection of premiums from policyholders is unlikely, without more, to amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance.


Solicitors or licensed conveyancers discharging client instructions to assign contracts of insurance.

Not where article 67 applies.

As the assignment of rights under a contract of insurance (as opposed to the creation of new contracts of insurance) does not fall within the IMD, article 67 is of potential application (see PERG 5.11.9 G to PERG 5.11.12 G).

Making mid-term adjustments to a policy, for example, property manager notifies changes to the names of the leaseholders registered as “interested parties” in the policy in respect of the property.


Assuming the freeholder (as policyholder) is obliged under the terms of the policy to notify the insurance undertaking of changes to the identity of the leaseholders, the property manager is likely to be assisting in the administration and the performance of the contract of insurance.


Making introductions for the purposes of selling TEPs

Yes, unless article 72C applies.

Making introductions for these purposes is arranging unless article 72C applies (see PERG 5.6.5 G to PERG 5.6.9 G). The exclusions in article 29 (Arranging deals with or through authorised persons) and 33 (Introducing) no longer apply to arranging contracts of insurance.

Market makers in TEPs

Yes, although the exclusion in article 28 may apply.

Unauthorised market makers can continue to make use of the exclusions in articles 15 (Absence of holding out etc.) and 16 (Dealing in contractually based investments), where appropriate. In order to avoid the need for authorisation in respect of arranging they may be able to rely upon article 28 (see PERG 5.6.12 G).


Merely providing information to the insured to help him complete a claim form


Of itself, this is likely to amount to assisting in the administration but not the performance of a contract of insurance. In the FCA's view, the provision of information in these circumstances is more akin to facilitating performance of a contract of insurance rather than assisting in the performance (see PERG 5.7.3 G to PERG 5.7.5 G)

Completion of claim form on behalf of insured


This activity amounts to assisting in the administration of a contract of insurance. Whether this activity amounts to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance will depend upon whether a person's assistance in filling in a claims form is material to whether performance of the contractual obligation to notify a claim takes place (see PERG 5.7.2 G to PERG 5.7.3 G).

Notification of claim to insurance undertaking and helping negotiate its settlement on the policyholder's behalf


This activity amounts to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance (see PERG 5.7.4 G).


Negotiation of settlement of claims on behalf of an insurance undertaking


Claims management on behalf of an insurance undertaking does not amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance by virtue of the exclusion in article 39B (see PERG 5.7.7 G).

Providing information to an insurance undertaking in connection with its investigation or assessment of a claim


This activity does not amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance.

Loss adjusters and claims management services (for example, by administration outsourcing providers)


These activities may amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance. Article 39B excludes these activities, however, when undertaken on behalf of an insurance undertaking only (see PERG 5.7.7 G).

Providing an expert appraisal of a claim


This activity does not amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance whether carried out on behalf of an insurance undertaking or otherwise.

Jeweller repairs customer’s jewellery pursuant to a policy which permits the jeweller to carry out repairs


This activity does not amount to assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance. It amounts to managing claims on behalf of an insurance undertaking and so falls within the exclusion in article 39B (see PERG 5.7.7 G).

Section 21(2) of the Act sets out two circumstances in which a financial promotion will not be caught by the restriction in section 21(1). These are where the communicator is an authorised person or where the content of the financial promotion has been approved for the purposes of section 21 by an authorised person. Where approval is concerned it must be specifically for the purposes of enabling the financial promotion to be communicated by unauthorised persons free of the restriction
A firm must:(1) ensure the OTF has at least three materially active members or users who each have the opportunity to interact with all the others in respect of price formation;[Note: article 18(7) of MiFID](2) provide the following to the FCA: (a) a detailed description of the functioning of the OTF, including any links to or participation by a regulated market, an MTF or OTF or systematic internaliser owned by the same firm; and(b) a list of its members, participants and users;
2Where a firm has entered into an agreement with a client under article 91 (Reporting obligations for prime brokers) of the AIFMD level 2 regulation, and to the extent that the firm makes available to the client the same statements as specified by that article that it is required to provide to the relevant depositary, the FCA will treat the obligations under CASS 9.2.1 R as satisfied by the firm.
SUP 10C.4.1RRP
(1) Each function described in SUP 10C.4.3R is an FCA controlled function.(2) In accordance with section 59(6A) of the Act (Approval for particular arrangements), the FCA designates each function in (1) as a senior management function.
Principles 3, 4 and (in so far as it relates to disclosing to the FCA5) 11 (and this chapter) also:(1) apply with respect to the carrying on of unregulated activities (for Principle 3 this is only in a prudential context); and(2) take into account any activity of other members of a group of which the firm is a member.
SYSC 18.6.4GRP
In addition to obligations under MiFID, similar whistleblowing obligations apply to miscellaneous persons subject to regulation by the FCA under the following non-exhaustive list of EU legislation(1) article 32(3) of the Market Abuse Regulation, as implemented in section 131AA of the Act;(2) article 71(3) of the CRD (see IFPRU 2.4.1R in respect of IFPRU investment firms);(3) article 99d(5) of the UCITS Directive (see SYSC 4.1.1ER in respect of UKUCITS management companies, and
(1) The FCA expects it will generally be in the customer's best interests to maintain regular payments to lenders (even if the repayment is less than the full sum due).(2) An example where it might be in the customer's best interests not to repay at the rate necessary to meet interest and charges accruing is where there is insufficient disposable income to meet essential expenditure of the type referred to in CONC 8.5.3 G. Where that is the case, the firm should explain clearly
If a firm is found to have provided support to a securitisation this implies that the firm may be likely to provide future support to its securitisations, thus failing to achieve a significant transfer of risk. The FCA will consider taking appropriate measures to reflect this increased expectation after any instance of support is found.
MAR 10.3.3RRP
(1) This rule applies to a UK firm operating a multilateral trading facility or an OTF and a UK branch of a third country investment firm operating a multilateral trading facility or an OTF.(2) A firm must apply position management controls which enable an MTF or OTF at least to: (a) monitor the open interest positions of persons;(b) access information, including all relevant documentation, from persons about: (i) the size and purpose of a position or exposure entered into;(ii)

This table belongs to COLL 8.2.5 R


Description of the authorised fund

Information detailing:


the name of the authorised fund;


that the authorised fund is a qualified investor scheme; and


in the case of an ICVC, whether the head office of the company is situated in England and Wales or Wales or Scotland or Northern Ireland.

3Property Authorised Investment Funds


For a property authorised investment fund, a statement that:


it is a property authorised investment fund;


no body corporate may seek to obtain or intentionally maintain a holding of more that 10% of the net asset value of the fund; and


in the event that the authorised fund manager reasonably considers that a body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset value of the fund, the authorised fund manager is entitled to delay any redemption or cancellation of units in accordance with 6A if the authorised fund manager reasonably considers such action to be:


necessary in order to enable an orderly reduction of the holding to below 10%; and


in the interests of the unitholders as a whole.



The following statements:


the scheme property of the scheme is entrusted to a depositary for safekeeping (subject to any exception permitted by the rules);


if relevant, the duration of the scheme is limited and, if so, for how long;


charges and expenses of the scheme may be taken out of scheme property;


for an ICVC:


what the maximum and minimum sizes of the scheme's capital are; and


the unitholders are not liable for the debts of the company;5



for an ICVC which is an umbrella, a statement that the assets of a sub-fund belong exclusively to that sub-fund and shall not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of, or claims against, any other person or body, including the umbrella, or any other sub-fund, and shall not be available for any such purpose;6


for a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella, the property subject to a sub-fund is beneficially owned by the participants in that sub-fund as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of the participants in that sub-fund) and must not be used to discharge any liabilities of, or meet any claims against, any person other than the participants in that sub-fund;


for a limited partnership scheme, that the scheme prohibits pooling as is mentioned in section 235(3)(a) of the Act in relation to separate parts of the scheme property, with the effect that the scheme cannot be an umbrella;


for an AUT:


the trust deed:


is made under and governed by the law of England and Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern Ireland;


is binding on each unitholder as if he had been a party to it and that he is bound by its provisions; and


authorises and requires the trustee and the manager to do the things required or permitted of them by its terms;


subject to the provisions of the trust deed and all the rules made under section 247 of the Act (Trust scheme rules):


the scheme (other than sums held to the credit of the distribution account) is held by the trustee on trust for the unitholders according to the number of units held by each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the number of individual shares in the scheme property represented by the units held by each unitholder; and


the sums standing to the credit of any distribution account are held by the trustee on trust to distribute or apply in accordance with COLL 8.5.15 R (Income);


a Unitholder is not liable to make any further payment after he has paid the price of his units and that no further liability can be imposed on him in respect of the units he holds; and


payments to the trustee by way of remuneration are authorised to be paid (in whole or in part) out of the scheme property; and6



for an ACS:


the contractual scheme deed:


is made under and governed by the law of England and Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern Ireland;


is binding on each unitholder as if he had been a party to it and that he is bound by its provisions;


authorises and requires the depositary and the authorised contractual scheme manager to do the things required or permitted of them by its terms; and


states that units may not be issued to a person other than a person7:


who 7is a:


professional ACS investor;


large ACS investor; or


person who already holds units in the scheme; and


to whom units in a qualified investor scheme may be promoted under COBS 4.12.4 R;7



states that the authorised contractual scheme manager of an ACS must redeemunits as soon as practicable after becoming aware that those units are vested in anyone (whether as a result of subscription or transfer of units) other than a person meeting the criteria in (iv)(A) and (B);


states that for a co-ownership scheme:


the scheme property is beneficially owned by the participants as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of the participants);


the arrangements constituting the scheme are intended to constitute a co-ownership scheme as defined in section 235A(2) of the Act; and


the operator and depositary are required to wind up the scheme if directed to do so by the FCA in exercise of its power under section 261X (Directions) or section 261Z (Winding up or merger of master UCITS) of the Act;




whether the transfer of units in the ACS scheme or, for a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella (sub-funds of which pursue differing policies in relation to transfer of units), in each particular sub-fund, is either:


prohibited; or




where transfer of units is allowed by the scheme or, where appropriate the sub-fund, in accordance with (A)(ii), units may only be transferred in accordance with the conditions specified by FCArules, including that units may not be transferred to a person other than a person :



who 7is a:


professional ACS investor; or


large ACS investor; or


person who already holds units in the scheme; and


to whom units in a qualified investor scheme may be promoted under COBS 4.12.4 R; and7



states that for a limited partnership scheme, the scheme is not dissolved on any person ceasing to be a limited partner or nominated partner provided that there remains at least one limited partner;


subject to the provisions of the contractual scheme deed and all the rules made under section 261I of the Act (Contractual scheme rules) and for the time being in force:


the scheme property (other than sums standing to the credit of the distribution account) is held by, or to the order of, the depositary for and on behalf of the unitholders according to the number of units held by each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the number of individual shares in the scheme property represented by the units held by each unitholder; and


the sums standing to the credit of any distribution account are held by the depositary to distribute or apply them in accordance with COLL 8.5.15 R(Income); and


a unitholder in a co-ownership scheme is not liable to make any further payment after he has paid the price of his units and that no further liability can be imposed on him in respect of the units he holds;


a unitholder in a limited partnership scheme is not liable for the debts or obligations of the limited partnership scheme beyond the amount of the scheme property which is available to the authorised contractual scheme manager to meet such debts or obligations, provided that the unitholder does not take part in the management of the partnership business;


the exercise of rights conferred on limited partners by FCA rules does not constitute taking part in the management of the partnership business;


the limited partners, other than the nominated partner, are to be the participants in the scheme; and


the operator of a co-ownership scheme is authorised to:


acquire, manage and dispose of the scheme property; and


enter into contracts which are binding on unitholders for the purposes of, or in connection with, the acquisition, management or disposal of scheme property.


Investment objectives

A statement of the object of the scheme, in particular the types of investments and assets in which it and each sub-fund (where applicable) may invest and that the object of the scheme is to invest in property of that kind with the aim of spreading investment risk.


Units in the scheme

A statement of:


the classes of units which the scheme may issue, indicating, for a scheme which is an umbrella, which class or classes may be issued in respect of each sub-fund; and


the rights attaching to units of each class (including any provisions for the expression in two denominations of such rights).


Limitation on issue of and redemption of units

Details as to:


the provisions relating to any restrictions on the right to redeem units in any class; and


the circumstances in which the issue of the units of any particular class may be limited.


Income and distribution

Details of the person responsible for the calculation, transfer, allocation and distribution of income for any class of unit in issue during the accounting period.

3Redemption or cancellation of units on breach of law or rules


A statement that where any holding of units by a unitholder is (or is reasonably considered by the authorised fund manager to be) an infringement of any law, governmental regulation or rule, those units must be redeemed or cancelled.


Base currency

A statement of the base currency of the scheme.



Details of the procedures for the convening of meetings and the procedures relating to resolutions, voting and the voting rights for unitholders.


Powers and duties of the authorised fund manager and depositary

Where relevant, details of any function to be undertaken by the authorised fund manager and depositary which the rules in COLL require to be stated in the instrument constituting the fund.8



Termination and suspension

Details of:


the grounds under which the authorised fund manager may initiate a suspension of the scheme and any associated procedures; and


the methodology for determining the rights of unitholders to participate in the scheme property on winding up.


Investment in overseas2 property through an intermediate holding vehicle1

If investment in an overseas2 immovable is to be made through an intermediate holding vehicle or a series of intermediate holding vehicles, a statement that the purpose of that intermediate holding vehicle or series of intermediate holding vehicles will be to enable the holding of overseas2 immovables by the scheme.1


Other relevant matters

Details of those matters which enable the scheme, authorised fund manager or depositary to obtain any privilege or power conferred by the rules in COLL which is not otherwise provided for in the instrument constituting the fund.8

Reconciliation differences under GENPRU 1.3.34 R should not be reflected in the valuations under GENPRU 1.3 but should be disclosed to the FCA14 in prudential returns.10Firms which are subject to the reporting requirement under SUP 16.16 should disclose those reconciliation differences in the Prudent Valuation Return which they are required to submit to the FCA14 under SUP 16.16.4 R.