Related provisions for MCOB 7.6.11
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An illustration provided to a customer must:(1) contain the material set out in MCOB 5 Annex 1 in the order and using the numbered section headings, sub-headings and prescribed text in MCOB 5 Annex 1, except where provided for in MCOB 5.6;(2) follow the layout of the template in MCOB 5 Annex 1 with:(a) prominent use of the Key facts3 logo followed by the text 'about this mortgage';33(b) each section clearly separated;(c) all the amounts to be paid in Sections 5, 6, 8 and 9 in
As a minimum the illustration must be personalised to reflect the following requirements of the customer:(1) the specific regulated mortgage contract in which the customer is interested;(2) the amount of the loan required;(3) the price or value of the property on which the regulated mortgage contract would be secured (estimated where necessary);(4) the term of the regulated mortgage contract (where the customer is unable to suggest a date at which he expects to repay the loan,
The amount referred to in MCOB 5.6.6 R(2) is:(1) in cases where on the basis of the information obtained from the customer before providing the illustration it is clear that the customer would not be eligible to borrow the amount he requested, an estimate of the amount that the customer could borrow based on the information obtained from the customer; or(2) where the regulated mortgage contract is a revolving credit agreement such as a secured overdraft or mortgage credit card:4(a)
Under the section heading 'Description of this mortgage' the illustration must:(1) state the name of the mortgage lender providing the regulated mortgage contract to which the illustration relates (a trading name used by the mortgage lender may also be stated in accordance with MCOB 5.6.2 R(6)), and the name, if any, used to market the regulated mortgage contract;(2) (a) provide a description of the interest rate type and rate of interest that applies in accordance with the format
If, notwithstanding the steps taken by a firm to comply with MCOB 1.6.3 R, it transpires that a mortgage which the firm has treated as unregulated or as a regulated credit agreement4 is in fact a regulated mortgage contract, the firm must as soon as practicable after the correct status of the mortgage has been established:(1) contact the customer and provide him with the following information in a durable medium:(a) a statement that the mortgage contract is a regulated mortgage
A business illustration or high net worth illustration3provided to a customer must:(1) use the headings and prescribed text in MCOB 5 Annex 1 (except as provided in MCOB 5.7) but need not follow the format;(2) include the content required by MCOB 5.6.3 R to MCOB 5.6.128 R4 (except MCOB 5.6.5 R, MCOB 5.6.101 R, MCOB 5.6.109 R to MCOB 5.6.112 G, MCOB 5.6.120 R and MCOB 5.6.121 R);14(3) use the key facts logo followed by the text 'about this [term used by the firm to describe the
In relation to a regulated mortgage contract for a business purpose or with a high net worth mortgage customer7, if a firm has opted for the tailored route, it must adopt the following modifications to the sourcebook:333(1) 11substitute an alternative description of the facility provided under the regulated mortgage contract for 'mortgage' where that term is used in any disclosure;733337(2) substitute the term 'illustration' for ‘Key facts illustration’ when opting to use the
If a customer requests, or agrees to, a change to a lifetime mortgage.3(other than a change as described in MCOB 7.6.7 R to MCOB 7.6.27 R (as modified by MCOB 9)) that changes the amount paid to the customer under a drawdown mortgage, or the amount that the customer will owe under an interest roll-up mortgage5, or both, a firm must provide the customer with the following information, in a single communication, before the change takes effect:3(1) the amount outstanding on the lifetime