Related provisions for MCOB 4.1.8
41 - 51 of 51 items.
If a firm makes an offer to a consumer with a view to entering into or varying an MCD regulated mortgage contract which is a distance contract, it must provide the consumer with the following information with the offer document:(1) the EEA State or states whose laws are taken by the firm as a basis for the establishment of relations with the consumer prior to the conclusion of the MCD regulated mortgage contract;(2) any contractual clause on law applicable to the MCD regulated
Where the borrowing rate under an MCD regulated mortgage contract is variable, the MCD mortgage lender must:(1) ensure that any index or reference rate used to calculate that rate is clear, accessible, objective and verifiable by the parties to the MCD regulated mortgage contract and the FCA; and(2) keep a record of the index or reference rate used to calculate that rate for as long as the MCD regulated mortgage contract remains outstanding.[Note: article 24 of the MCD]
As soon as a SRB agreement provider has provided the written pre-offer document at Stage One to a SRB agreement seller who is in arrears under his regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan on the property to which the proposed regulated sale and rent back agreement relates, it must, in a durable medium, immediately notify the mortgage lender, home purchase provider or the providers of other loans that may be secured on the property:(1) explaining that the firm is proposing
(1) A consideration of the customer's benefits position will need to focus on whether, by entering into the proposed regulated sale and rent back agreement, his entitlement to means-tested benefit will be adversely affected because of his receipt of the net proceeds of sale (if any) of the property. The customer's possible loss of entitlement to claim housing benefit should also be assessed. Where a firm has insufficient knowledge of means-tested and housing benefits to reach
A person who is concerned to know whether his proposed activities may require authorisation will need to consider the following questions (these questions are a summary of the issues to be considered and have been reproduced, in slightly fuller form, in the flowchart in PERG 4.18):(1) will I be carrying on my activities by way of business (see PERG 4.3.3 G (The business test))?(2) if so, will my activities relate to regulated mortgage contracts (see PERG 4.4 (What is a regulated