Related provisions for PERG 8.14.38

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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Certain consequences flow according to whether or not a body corporate is an open-ended investment company. Different requirements apply to the marketing of the shares or securities issued by a body corporate which is an open-ended investment company, compared with one that is not (see PERG 9.10.1 G to PERG 9.10.6 G (Marketing of shares or securities issued by a body corporate)). In addition, the regulated activities that require permission may differ (see PERG 9.10.7 G to PERG
PERG 8.25.1GRP
For the purposes of article 53(1)3 of the Regulated Activities Order, a security or relevant investment is any one of the following:(1) shares;(2) debentures;(2A) alternative debentures;2(3) government and public securities;(4) warrants;(5) certificates representing certain securities;(6) units in collective investment schemes;(7) stakeholder pension schemes or personal pension schemes1;(8) options;(9) futures;(10) contracts for differences;(11) contracts of insurance;(12) funeral
PR 3.4.4EURP

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 382/2014 supplementing Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for publication of supplements to the prospectus provides that:

Recital 5

It is not possible to identify all the situations in which a supplement to the prospectus is required as this may depend on the issuer and securities involved. Therefore, it is appropriate to specify the minimum situations where a supplement is required.

Article 2

Obligation to publish a supplement

A supplement to the prospectus shall be published in the following situations:


where new annual audited financial statements are published by any of the following:


an issuer where a prospectus relates to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


an issuer of the underlying shares or other transferable securities equivalent to shares in case of equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


an issuer of the underlying shares where the prospectus is drawn up in accordance with the depository receipt schedule, set out in Annex X or XXVIII of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


where an amendment to a profit forecast or a profit estimate already included in the prospectus is published by any of the following:


an issuer where a prospectus relates to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


an issuer of the underlying shares or other transferable securities equivalent to shares where a prospectus relates to equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


an issuer of the underlying shares where the prospectus is drawn up in accordance with the depository receipt schedule, set out in Annex X or XXVIII to Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


where there is a change in control in respect of any of the following:


an issuer where a prospectus relates to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004:


an issuer of the underlying shares or other transferable securities equivalent to shares where a prospectus relates to equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


an issuer of the underlying shares where a prospectus is drawn up in accordance with a depository receipt schedule, set out in Annex X or XXVIII to Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


where there is any new public takeover bid by third parties, as defined in Article 2(1)(a) of Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and the Council and the outcome of any public takeover bid in respect of any of the following:


the equity of the issuer where a prospectus relates to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


the equity of the issuer of the underlying shares or other transferable securities equivalent to shares where a prospectus relates to equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


the equity of the issuer of the underlying shares where a prospectus is drawn up in accordance with the depository receipt schedule, set out in Annex X or XXVIII to Regulation (EC) No 809/2004;


where in relation to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004 and convertible or exchangeable debt securities which are equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of that Regulation there is a change in the working capital statement included in a prospectus when the working capital becomes sufficient or insufficient for the issuer’s present requirements;


where an issuer is seeking admission to trading on (an) additional regulated market(s) in (an) additional Member State(s) or is intending to make an offer to the public in (an) additional Member State(s) other than the one(s) provided for in the prospectus;


where a new significant financial commitment is undertaken which is likely to give rise to a significant gross change within the meaning of Article 4a(6) of Regulation (EC) No 809/2004 and the prospectus relates to shares and other transferable securities equivalent to shares referred to in Article 4(2)(1) of that Regulation and other equity securities complying with the conditions set out in Article 17(2) of that Regulation;


where the aggregate nominal amount of the offering programme is increased.

(1) The FCA3 will determine a figure dependent on the seriousness of the market abuse and whether or not it was referable to the individual’s employment. This reflects the FCA's3 view that where an individual has been put into a position where he can commit market abuse because of his employment the fine imposed should reflect this by reference to the gross amount of all benefits derived from that employment.33(2) In cases where the market abuse was referable to the individual’s
(1) The FCA3 will determine a figure which will be based on a percentage of an individual’s “relevant income”. “Relevant income” will be the gross amount of all benefits received by the individual from the employment in connection with which the breach occurred (the “relevant employment”), and for the period of the breach. In determining an individual’s relevant income, “benefits” includes, but is not limited to, salary, bonus, pension contributions, share options and share schemes;
A firm'sinitial capital consists of the sum of the following items: (1) ordinary share capital which is fully paid; (2) perpetual non-cumulative preference share capital which is fully paid; (3) share premium account; (4) reserves excluding revaluation reserves; (5) audited retained earnings; (6) externally verified interim net profits; (7) partners' capital; (8) eligible LLP members' capital


Relevance to Credit Unions

The Principles for Businesses (PRIN)

The Principles for Businesses (PRIN) set out 3high-level requirements 3imposed by the FCA3. They provide a general statement of regulatory requirements. The Principles apply to all12credit unions. In applying the Principles to credit unions, the FCA3 will be mindful of proportionality. In practice, the implications are likely to vary according to the size and complexity 3of the credit union.


Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls (SYSC)

SYSC 1,3SYSC 4 to 10 and SYSC 213 apply to all credit unions in respect of the carrying on of their regulated activities and unregulated activities in a prudential context. SYSC 4.5 (Management responsibilities maps for relevant authorised persons), SYSC 4.7 (Senior management responsibilities for relevant authorised persons: allocation of responsibilities), SYSC 4.9 (Handover procedures and material), SYSC 5.2 (Certification regime) and SYSC 18 apply3 to all credit unions in respect of both their regulated activities and their unregulated activities3.

3Code of Conduct (COCON)

This contains rules and guidance that are directly applicable to a credit union’sSMF managers, certification employees and (from 2017) other conduct rules staff. There is also guidance for credit unions on giving their staff training about COCON.

Threshold Conditions (COND)

In order to become authorised under the Act all firms must meet the threshold conditions. The threshold conditions must be met on a continuing basis by credit unions. Failure to meet one of the conditions is sufficient grounds for the exercise by the FCA3 of its powers.





The Fit and Proper test for Approved Persons (FIT)

The purpose of FIT is to set out and describe the criteria that a firm should3 consider when assessing the fitness and propriety of a person (1)3 in respect of whom an application is being made for approval to undertake a controlled function under the approved persons regime, (2)3 who has already been approved, (3) who is a certification employee or (4) whom a firm is considering appointing to be a certification employee3.

It also sets out and describes criteria that the FCA will consider when assessing the fitness and propriety of a candidate for a controlled function position and that it may consider when assessing the continuing fitness and propriety of approved persons.3


General Provisions (GEN)

GEN contains rules and guidance on general matters, including interpreting the Handbook, statutory status disclosure, the FCA's3 logo and insurance against financial penalties.


Fees manual (FEES)

This manual sets out the fees applying to credit unions.

3Prudential sourcebook for Mortgage and Home Finance Firms, and Insurance Intermediaries (MIPRU)

MIPRU applies to any credit union carrying out insurance mediation activity or home finance mediation activity, or using these services. In particular, it sets out requirements for allocation of responsibility for the credit union’sinsurance mediation activity (MIPRU 2), for the use of home finance intermediaries (MIPRU 5) and for professional indemnity insurance (MIPRU 3).

Conduct of Business sourcebook (COBS)

A credit union which acts as a CTF provider or provides a cash-deposit ISA will need to be aware of the relevant requirements in COBS. COBS 4.6 (Past, simulated past and future performance), COBS 4.7.1 R (Direct offer financial promotions), COBS 4.10 (Systems and controls and approving and communicating financial promotions), COBS 13 (Preparing product information) and COBS 14 (Providing product information to clients) apply with respect to accepting deposits as set out in those provisions, COBS 4.1 and BCOBS.

3Insurance: Conduct of Business sourcebook (ICOBS)

ICOBS applies to any credit union carrying on non-investment insurance activities, such as arranging or advising on general insurance contracts to be taken out by members. But ICOBS does not apply to a credit union taking out an insurance policy for itself, such as a policy against default by members on their loans where the credit union is the beneficiary of the policy, since in this circumstance the credit union would not be acting as an insurance intermediary, but would itself be the customer. Credit unions are reminded that they are subject to the requirements of the appropriate legislation, including the Credit Unions Act 1979, relating to activities a credit union may carry on.

3Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business sourcebook (MCOB)

MCOB applies to any credit union that engages in any home finance activity. MCOB rules cover advising and selling standards, responsible lending (including affordability assessment), charges, and the fair treatment of customers in payment difficulties.

Banking: Conduct of Business sourcebook (BCOBS)

BCOBS sets out rules and guidance for credit unions on how they should conduct their business with their customers. In particular there are rules and guidance relating to communications with banking customers3and financial promotions (BCOBS 2), distance communications (BCOBS 3), information to be communicated to banking customers3(BCOBS 4), post sale requirements (BCOBS 5), and cancellation (BCOBS 6). 3The rules in BCOBS 3.1 that relate to distance contracts may apply 3to a credit union. This is because the Distance Marketing Directive3applies where there is "an organised distance sales or service-provision scheme run by the supplier" (Article 2(a)), i.e. if the credit union routinely sells any of its services by post, telephone, fax or the internet3.

Supervision manual (SUP)

The following provisions of SUP are relevant to credit unions: 13SUP 1A13 (The FCA’s 3 approach to supervision), SUP 2 (Information gathering by the FCA or PRA 3 on its own initiative), SUP 3.1 to SUP 3.8 (Auditors), SUP 5 (Skilled persons), SUP 6 (Applications to vary or cancel Part 4A12permission), SUP 7 (Individual requirements), SUP 8 (Waiver and modification of rules), SUP 9 (Individual guidance), 13SUP 10C (FCA senior management regime for approved persons in relevant authorised persons),3SUP 11 (Controllers and Close links), SUP 15 (Notifications to the FCA or PRA 3) and SUP 16 (Reporting Requirements).

Credit unions are reminded that they are subject to the requirements of the Act and SUP 11 on close links, and are bound to notify the FCA3 of changes. It may be unlikely, in practice, that credit unions will develop such relationships. It is possible, however, that a person may acquire close links with a 3credit union3 within the meaning of the Act by reason of holding the prescribed proportion of deferred shares in the credit union.

In relation to SUP 16, credit unions are exempted from the requirement to submit annual reports of 3close links.


3Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC)

CONC contains rules that apply to firms carrying on credit-related regulated activities. PERG 2.7.19IG provides guidance on relevant exemptions. Most credit union lending is therefore outside the scope of CONC. However, subject to the constraints in the Credit Unions Act 1979 or the Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (as relevant), credit unions may undertake credit-related regulated activities to which CONC does apply if the activity is carried out by way of business. This could include lending under a borrower-lender-supplier agreement, or debt adjusting or debt counselling where the credit union is not the lender. A credit union carrying on such activities should consider whether it requires permission to do so. Further information can be found on the FCA’s website.

Decision, Procedure and Penalties manual (DEPP)

DEPP is relevant to credit unions because it sets out:

(1) the FCA's12 decision-making procedure for giving statutory notices. These are warning notices, decision notices and supervisory notices (DEPP 1.2 to DEPP 5); and

(2) the FCA's12 policy with respect to the imposition and amount of penalties under the Act (see DEPP 6).


Dispute Resolution: Complaints (DISP)

DISP sets out rules and guidance in relation to treating complainants fairly and the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Compensation (COMP)

COMP sets out rules relating to the scheme for compensating consumers when authorised firms are unable, or likely to be unable, to satisfy claims against them.12

The Enforcement Guide (EG)

The Enforcement Guide (EG) describes the FCA's12 approach to exercising the main enforcement powers given to it by the Act and by other legislation.2


Financial crime: a guide for firms (FC)

FC provides guidance on steps that a firm can take to reduce the risk that it might be used to further financial crime.

PERG 8.26.4GRP
Examples of a particular investment include:(1) securities – shares in ABC plc, Treasury 10% 2001 stock, XYZ plc warrants;(2) units in collective investment schemes - ABC smaller companies fund, XYZ Growth Trust;(3) exchange-traded derivatives - LME Copper Grade A 3 months, LIFFE Japanese Government bond, ABC plc traded options;(4) contractual investments, for example, futures and other contracts having specified terms and conditions such as duration, volume, interest rate or

Glossary of defined terms for Chapter 9

Note: If a defined term does not appear in the glossary below, the definition appearing in the HandbookGlossary applies.

approved exchange

means an investment exchange listed as such in Appendix 33 to IPRU-INV 3.


means a recognised investment exchange or designated investment exchange.

initial capital

means the initial capital of a firm calculated in accordance with section 9.3.

intangible assets

the full balance sheet value of a firm's intangible assets including goodwill, capitalised development costs, licences, trademark and similar rights etc.

intermediate broker

in relation to a margined transaction, means any person through whom the firm undertakes that transaction.

material current year losses

means losses of an amount equal to 10% or more of initial capital minus B (with B calculated in accordance with Table 9.5.2R).

material holding

means a firm's holdings of shares and any other interest in the capital of a credit institution or financial institution:

(a) which exceeds 10% of the capital of the issuer, and, where this is the case, any holdings of subordinated debt of the same issuer, the full amount is a material holding; or

(b) holdings not deducted under (a) if the total amount of such holdings exceeds 10% of that firm'sown funds, in which case only the excess amount is a material holding.

material insurance holdings

(a) means the holdings of an exempt CAD firm of items of the type set out in (b) in any:

(i) insurance undertaking; or

(ii) insurance holding company that fulfils one of the following conditions:

(iii) it is a subsidiary undertaking of that firm; or

(iv) that firm holds a participation in it.

(b) An item falls into this provision for the purpose of (a) if it is:

(i) an ownership share; or

(ii) subordinated debt or another item of capital that forms part of the tier two capital resources that1 falls into GENPRU 2 or, as the case may be, INSPRU 7, or is an item of “basic own funds” defined in the PRA Rulebook: Glossary.

own funds

means the own funds of a firm calculated in accordance with 9.2.9R(2) and The Interim Prudential Sourcebook for Investment Businesses Chapter 9: Financial resources requirements for an exempt CAD firm Page 2 of 2 Version: November 2007 9.2.8R(b).

own funds requirement

means the requirement set out in 9.2.9R(1) and 9.2.8R(b).


means checked by an external auditor who has undertaken at least to:

(a) satisfy himself that the figures forming the basis of the interim profits have been properly extracted from the underlying accounting records;

(b) review the accounting policies used in calculating the interim profits so as to obtain comfort that they are consistent with those normally adopted by the firm in drawing up its annual financial statements and are in accordance with the relevant accounting principles;

(c) perform analytical procedures on the result to date, including comparisons of actual performance to date with budget and with the results of prior period(s);

(d) discuss with management the overall performance and financial position of the firm;

(e) obtain adequate comfort that the implications of current and prospective litigation, all known claims and commitments, changes in business activities and provisioning for bad and doubtful debts have been properly taken into account in arriving at the interim profits; and

(f) follow up problem areas of which he is already aware in the course of auditing the firm's financial statements.

SUP 10A.17.2GRP
If the firm or its advisers have further questions, they should contact the FCA's Contact Centre (see SUP 10A.12.6 G).
Examples of cover by assets for the purposes of INSPRU 3.2.16 R:(1) a bought put option (or a sold call option) on 1000 1 shares (fully paid) of ABC plc is covered by an existing holding in the fund of 1000 1 shares (fully paid) of ABC plc;(2) a bought call option (or sold put option) on 1000 ordinary 1 shares (fully paid) of ABC plc is covered by cash (or its equivalent) which is sufficient in amount to meet the purchase price of the shares on exercise of the option;(3) a bought
SUP 11.4.8GRP
Principle 11 requires firms to be open and cooperative with the appropriate regulator6. A firm should discuss with the appropriate regulator6, at the earliest opportunity, any prospective changes of which it is aware, in a controller's4or proposed controller's4shareholdings or voting power (if the change is material). These discussions may take place before the formal notification requirement in SUP 11.4.2 R or SUP 11.4.4 R arises. (See also SUP 11.3.2 G). As a minimum, the appropriate
PR 5.5.3RRP
(1) This rule applies to a prospectus relating to:(a) equity shares;(b) warrants or options to subscribe for equity shares, that are issued by the issuer of the equity shares; and(c) other transferable securities that have similar characteristics to transferable securities referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b).(2) Each of the following persons are responsible for the prospectus:(a) the issuer of the transferable securities;(b) if the issuer is a body corporate:(i) each person who
In BIPRU 8.5.5 R, the relevant proportion is either:(1) (in the case of a participation) the proportion of shares issued by the undertaking held by the UK consolidation group or the non-EEA sub-group; or(2) (in the case of a consolidation Article 12(1) relationship or an Article 134 relationship), such proportion (if any) as stated in the Part 4A permission of the firm.
FEES 4.2.11RRP

Table of periodic fees payable to the FCA65


1 Fee payer

2 Fee payable

3 Due date

4 Events occurring during the period leading to modified periodic fee

Any firm (except an AIFM qualifier,25ICVC or a UCITS qualifier)

(1) Unless (2) applies, as37 specified in FEES 4.3.1 R in relation to FEES 4 Annex 2AR and FEES 4 Annex 11 R65.37

(2) Where a firm is paying a ring-fencing implementation fee, as specified in FEES 4 Annex 2BR.37

(1) Unless (2) or (3) apply7, on or before the relevant dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R.12

(2) Unless (3) applies, if 7an event specified in column 4 occurs during the course of a fee year,64 30 days after the occurrence of that event, or if later the dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R.7

(3) Where the permission is for operating a multilateral trading facility, the date specified in FEES 4 Annex 10 (Periodic fees for MTF operators).


Firm receives permission, or becomes authorised or registered under the Payment Services Regulations, article 8 of the MCD Order32 or the Electronic Money Regulations12;9 or firm9extends permission or its payment service activities916


Persons who hold a certificate issued by the FCA64 under article 54 of the Regulated Activities Order (Advice given in newspapers etc.)




(1) Unless (2) applies, on or before 1 August or, if later, within 30 days of the date of the invoice23

(2) If an event in column 4


during the course of a fee year,64 30 days after the occurrence of that event


Certificate issued to person by FCA64 under Article 54 RAO


Any manager of an AUT23;


In relation to each unit trust the amount specified in part 1 of 25FEES 4 Annex 4

Authorisation order is made in relation to the relevant scheme24

24Any authorised fund manager of an authorised contractual scheme;

In relation to each authorised contractual scheme the amount specified in part 1 of25FEES 4 Annex 4

Any ACD of an ICVC; and

In relation to each ICVC,25 the amount specified in part 1 of25FEES 4 Annex 4

Persons who, under the constitution or founding arrangements of a recognised scheme, are 33responsible for the management of the property held for or within the scheme;

In relation to each recognised scheme the amount specified in part 1 of25FEES 4 Annex 4

The relevant scheme becomes a recognised scheme25

Not applicable


In relation to each ELTIF the amount specified in part 1 of FEES 4 Annex 433

(1) Unless (2) applies, on or before 1 August or, if later, within 30 days of the date of the invoice.33

(2) If an event in column 4 occurs during the course of a fee year, 30 days after the occurrence of that event.33

The ELTIF is authorised by the FCA under the ELTIF regulation33

Designated professional body

FEES 4 Annex 5

On or before the relevant dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R23


Not applicable

UK recognised body

FEES 4 Annex 6, part 1 for a UK RIE ; and

FEES 4 Annex 6 R, part 1A for a UK RIE that is also an RAP13


(1) On or before the relevant dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R23

(2) If the event in column 4 occurs during the course of a fee year64, 30 days after the occurrence of that event


Recognition order is made.

The modified1166 periodic fee is specified in FEES 4 Annex 6 R, Part 1and (in the case of an RAP) Part 1A.131166




FEES 4 Annex 6, part 2

(1) On or before the relevant dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R23

(2) If the event in column 4 occurs during the course of a fee year64, 30 days after the occurrence of that event.


Recognition order is made.

The modified1166 periodic fee is specified in FEES 4 Annex 6, Part 2.1166


A listed issuer35 (in LR) of shares and certificates representing certain securities35.


FEES 4 Annex 14R35

Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

Listedissuer3 (in LR) becomes subject to listing rules


A sponsor35

FEES 4 Annex 14R35


Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

35Approval of a35sponsor35


All non-listed issuers (in DTR) of shares and certificates representing certain securities35.


FEES 4 Annex 14R35


Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

Non-listed issuer (in DTR) becomes subject to disclosure requirements36 and transparency rules629

29Any primary information provider

FEES 4 Annex 14R35

Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

A person is approved as a primary information provider

6All firms reporting transactions in securities derivatives10to the FCA64 in accordance with SUP 17, and market operators who provide facilities for trading in securities derivatives.10


FEES 4 Annex 9 R

Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

Not applicable

15Any issuer of a regulated covered bond.

FEES 4 Annex 11R

(1) Unless (2) applies, on or before the relevant dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R

(2) If an event specified in column 4 occurs during the course of a fee year64, 30 days after the occurrence of that event or, if later, the dates specified in FEES 4.3.6 R


A person becomes registered as an issuer of a regulated covered bond

26(i) An AIFM (other than a UK AIFM or an EEA AIFM with a branch in the UK) which has notified the FCA of its intention to market an AIF in the UK under regulation 57 of the AIFMD UK regulation and which has not ceased to market that AIF in the UK as at 1 April of the current fee year.

(ii) An AIFM which has notified the FCA of its intention to market an AIF in the UK under regulation 58 or 59 of the AIFMD UK regulation and which has not ceased to market that AIF in the UK as at 1 April of the current fee year.

For each notification made by the AIFM of the kind specified in part 2 of FEES 4 Annex 4, the amount specified in part 2 of FEES 4 Annex 4

(1) Unless (2) applies, on or before 1 August, or, if later, within 30 days of the date of the invoice

(2) If an event in column 4 occurs during the course of a financial year, 30 days after the occurrence of that event

The FCA receives a notification to market in the UK

26A small registered UK AIFM

The basic fee contained in part 3 of FEES 4 Annex 4

The AIFM is registered by the FCA under regulation 10 of the AIFMD UK regulation.

30Each of the following that makes transaction reports directly to the FCA under SUP 17 (Transaction reporting):

(1) a firm;

(2) a third party acting on a firm's behalf;

(3) an approved reporting mechanism;

(4) an operator of a regulated market; and

(5) an operator of an MTF.

FEES 4 Annex 3A

Within 30 days of the date of the invoice

The FCA enters into arrangements with the fee payer under which it can make transaction reports directly to the FCA

Note:Sponsors on the list of approved sponsors as at 1 April each year will be liable for the full year's annual fee unless FEES 4.3.13 R applies.2

LR 3.4.1RRP
LR 3.4.4 R to LR 3.4.6 R1 apply to an applicant that is seeking admission of any of the following types of securities:1(1) debt securities;(2) asset-backed securities;(3) certificates representing certain securities;2(4) [deleted]11(5) convertible securities;21(6) miscellaneous securities; and2(7) preference shares that are specialist securities.2
The firm must hold more than 75% of the voting rights attaching to the shares in the capital of the subsidiary undertaking referred to in BIPRU 2.1.19 R and must have the right to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the governing body of the subsidiary undertaking.