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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

market maker exemption

As Published: 2012

market maker exemption

79 an exemption from articles 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14 of the short selling regulation for transactions performed due to market making activities pursuant to article 17 of the short selling regulation .


As Published: 2001


5 one of the Principles set out in PRIN 2.1.1 R (Principles for Businesses).

MAR 1 Annex 2 Accepted Market Practices

As Published: 2006

MAR 1 Annex 2 Accepted Market Practices

COND Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

instrument of incorporation

As Published: 2001

instrument of incorporation

the instrument of incorporation of an ICVC (as from time to time amended) initially provided to the FCA 196 in accordance with regulation 14(1)(c) of the OEIC regulations . 5…

credit broking

As Published: 2013

credit broking

149 an activity of the kind specified in article 36A of the Regulated Activities Order .

accumulation unit

As Published: 2001

accumulation unit

4 a unit in respect of which income is credited periodically to capital property under COLL 6.8.3 R (Income allocation and distribution) 44 .

clearing facilitation service

As Published: 2013

clearing facilitation service

286 (in relation to a RIE ) any regulated activity carried on by an RIE for the purposes of, or in connection with, the provision by the RIE of services designed to facilitate the provision of clearin…

linked deposits

As Published: 2003

linked deposits

7 additional facilities (which may be a current account, a savings account, or both) that are linked to a regulated mortgage contract but which may be the subject of a separate contract.

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

As Published: 2016

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

147 the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (c.26).

governing body

As Published: 2001

governing body

the board of directors , committee of management or other governing body of a firm or recognised body , including, in relation to a sole trader , the sole trader . 4…

premium listing (commercial company)

As Published: 2009

premium listing (commercial company)

77 a premium listing of equity shares 90 (other than those of a closed-ended investment fund or of an open-ended investment company ).

weather derivative

As Published: 2001

weather derivative

a contract for differences where the index or other factor in question is a climatic variable. 1…

fair, clear and not misleading rule

As Published: 2007

fair, clear and not misleading rule

25 COBS 4.2.1 R .


As Published: 2014


116 has the meaning given by section 114 of the CCA .


As Published: 2001


5 a projection of the amount of any future benefit payable under a contract or policy , being a benefit the amount of which is not ascertainable under the terms of the contract or policy when the calc…

linked life stakeholder product

As Published: 2004

linked life stakeholder product

12 the stakeholder product specified by regulations 6 and 7 (rights under certain linked long-term contracts) of the Stakeholder Regulations ;…

ELTIF regulation

As Published: 2015

ELTIF regulation

106 Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on European long-term investment funds (…


As Published: 2006


48 (in relation to the IRB approach or the standardised approach to credit risk) a person an exposure to whom is a corporate exposure .

non-proportional reinsurance treaty

As Published: 2004

non-proportional reinsurance treaty

13 see proportional reinsurance treaty .