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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Insurance market activity

As Published: 2003

Insurance market activity

means a regulated activity relating to contracts of insurance written at Lloyd's. 21…

PERG 2 Annex 1 Authorisation and regulated activities

As Published: 2005

PERG 2 Annex 1 Authorisation and regulated activities


As Published: 2001


4 (1) (except in IPRU(INV) 13) 68 an individual who is: a representative , 49 an appointed representative or a tied agent 49 (2) (in IPRU(INV) 13) a financial adviser . 68 17…

Unfair Terms Regulations

As Published: 2003

Unfair Terms Regulations

the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2083), as amended by SI 2001/1186 and SI 2001/3649. 6…

IMD insurance undertaking

As Published: 2004

IMD insurance undertaking

22 (as defined in article 2(1) of the Insurance Mediation Directive 68 ) an undertaking which has received official authorisation in accordance with article 14 of the Solvency II Directive . 134…

debt management firm

As Published: 2013

debt management firm

84 (a) a firm which carries on the activities of debt counselling or debt adjusting , alone or together, with a view to an individual entering into a particular debt solution ; or (b) a firm which car…


As Published: 2001


(in MAR 1 ) an offeree as defined in the Takeover Code . 4…

unsecured lending

As Published: 2003

unsecured lending

8 lending where the mortgage lender does not take a mortgage or other form of security in respect of the credit provided to the customer .


As Published: 2014


87 the Office of Fair Trading's Debt Collection Guidance.

resolution authority

As Published: 2015

resolution authority

138 (a) (in the UK ) the Bank of England; or (b) (in another EEA State ) an authority designated as a resolution authority by that EEA State under article 3 of RRD .[Note: article 2(1)(18) of RRD ]…

UCITS Regulations 2011

As Published: 2011

UCITS Regulations 2011

43 the Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1613).

relevant commencement date

As Published: 2004

relevant commencement date

24 (as defined in article 1 of the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order ): (a) in relation to a complaint which relates to an activity to which, immediately before 14 January 2…

special adjustment

As Published: 2009

special adjustment

85 (in IPRU(INV) 13) a position risk adjustment, counterparty risk adjustment and foreign exchange adjustment.

long-term admissible asset

As Published: 2004

long-term admissible asset

13 a long-term insurance asset which is an admissible asset .

margined transaction requirement

As Published: 2014

margined transaction requirement

94 the total amount of client money a firm is required to segregate in client bank accounts for margined transactions under the client money rules , in accordance with CASS 7.16.32 R .

own funds instruments

As Published: 2013

own funds instruments

61 has the meaning in article 4(1)(119) of the EU CRR .

authorised contractual scheme

As Published: 2013

authorised contractual scheme

95 a co-ownership scheme or a limited partnership scheme .

limited assurance engagement

As Published: 2011

limited assurance engagement

a 'limited assurance engagement' as described in the Glossary of terms in Financial Reporting Council: Audit and Assurance: Standards and Guidance 2014.

alternative projection

As Published: 2007

alternative projection

49 (in COBS ) a projection calculated on the basis described in paragraph 1.5R of the projection rules ( COBS 13 Annex 2 ), rather than in accordance with the remainder of those rules .

EEA insurance parent undertaking

As Published: 2004

EEA insurance parent undertaking

24 an insurance parent undertaking that has its head office in the United Kingdom or another EEA State .