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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

FCA-designated senior management function

As Published: 2015

FCA-designated senior management function

83 an FCA controlled function that is a designated senior management function .

FOS ADR levy

As Published: 2015

FOS ADR levy

86 the amount payable to the FCA by FOS Ltd to which FEES 12 (FOS ADR levy) applies.

net leverage

As Published: 2004

net leverage

13 the ratio of total assets, less those bought under reverse repo arrangements, to total equity.

ultimate EEA mixed financial holding company

As Published: 2013

ultimate EEA mixed financial holding company

49 a mixed financial holding company which has its head office in an EEA State and which is not itself the subsidiary undertaking of another mixed financial holding company , insurance parent undertak…

group of connected clients

As Published: 2006

group of connected clients

[deleted] 46…

residual CIS operator

As Published: 2013

residual CIS operator

122 a firm with a Part 4A permission to carry on the activity specified in article 51ZE (Establishing etc. a collective investment scheme) of the Regulated Activities Order .

INSPRU Sch 3 Fees and other requirement payments

As Published: 2006

INSPRU Sch 3 Fees and other requirement payments

SUP 16 Annex 30 Electronic money: returns

As Published: 2011

SUP 16 Annex 30 Electronic money: returns

statutory money purchase illustration

As Published: 2007

statutory money purchase illustration

61 an annual illustration of the contributions made for the benefit of, and the potential benefits due to, a member of a personal pension scheme , which is prepared in accordance with the Personal Pen…


As Published: 2001


a clearing house which is declared by an order made by the Bank of England under section 290 of the Act and for the time being in force to be a recognised clearing house. 98…

home purchase administrator

As Published: 2006

home purchase administrator

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for administering a home purchase plan .

IFPRU 730K firm

As Published: 2013

IFPRU 730K firm

124 has the meaning in IFPRU 1.1.11 R (Types of investment firm: IFPRU 730K firm) which in summary is an IFPRU investment firm that is not a collective portfolio management investment firm , a IFPRU 5…

financial collateral simple method

As Published: 2006

financial collateral simple method

23 the method for calculating the effects of credit risk mitigation described in those parts of BIPRU 5.4 (Financial collateral) that are expressed to apply to that method.

individual savings account

As Published: 2001

individual savings account

an account which is a scheme of investment satisfying the conditions prescribed in the ISA Regulations . 5…


As Published: 2006


43 a public sector entity .

life and annuity

As Published: 2001

life and annuity

(in relation to a class of contract of insurance ) the class of contract of insurance , specified in paragraph I of Part II of Schedule 1 to the Regulated Activities Order (Contracts of long-term insu…

scheme pension

As Published: 2005

scheme pension

a scheme pension, as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 28 to the Finance Act 2004, which is in summary a pension payable until a pension scheme member's death, or until the later of the member's deat…

Capital Requirements Regulations 2006

As Published: 2006

Capital Requirements Regulations 2006

50 the Capital Requirements Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/3221).

dual-regulated firms remuneration principles proportionality rule

As Published: 2015

dual-regulated firms remuneration principles proportionality rule

96 SYSC 19D.3.3R which, in summary, requires a dual-regulated firm to apply the remuneration principles for dual-regulated firms in SYSC 19D proportionate to its size, internal organisation and the na…

scheme report

As Published: 2001

scheme report

(in SUP 18 ) the report on the terms of an insurance business transfer scheme required by section 109 of the Act (Scheme reports). 4…