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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

investment manager

As Published: 2007

investment manager

(1) (except in LR ) 64 a person who, acting only on behalf of a client : (a) manages designated investments in an account or portfolio on a discretionary basis under the terms of a discretionary manag…

MIPRU Sch 2 Notification requirements

As Published: 2006

MIPRU Sch 2 Notification requirements

recognised scheme

As Published: 2001

recognised scheme

a scheme recognised under: (a) section 264 of the Act (Schemes constituted in other EEA States); or (b) [deleted] 133 (c) section 272 of the Act (Individually recognised overseas schemes). 5…


As Published: 2001


the Handbook Guide for service companies. 1 17…

prescribed market

As Published: 2001

prescribed market

5 9 a market which had 143 been prescribed by the Treasury in the Prescribed Markets and Qualifying Investments Order as it was in force on 2 July 2016. 143…

CBTL consumer

As Published: 2016

CBTL consumer

179 (in relation to a buy-to-let credit agreement ) (a) a person acting for purposes which are outside that person's trade, business or profession; or (b) a borrower under a CBTL credit agreement .

RCB Sch 6 Rules that can be waived

As Published: 2008

RCB Sch 6 Rules that can be waived

innovative finance ISA business

As Published: 2016

innovative finance ISA business

142 a firm's activities, in its capacity as an ISA manager , in connection with an ISA which contains only an innovative finance component and is not designated investment business .

lower tier two capital

As Published: 2002

lower tier two capital

(1) 13 42 109 [deleted] 42 109 (2) (in 22 BIPRU , GENPRU and INSPRU 22 ) an item of capital that is specified in stage H of the capital resources table (Lower tier two capital) 22 . 13…

stock lending

As Published: 2001

stock lending

the disposal of a designated investment subject to an obligation or right to reacquire the same or a similar designated investment from the same counterparty. 5…

asset pool

As Published: 2008

asset pool

61 (in RCB ) (as defined in Regulation 1(2) of the RCB Regulations ) an asset pool within the meaning of Regulation 3 of the RCB Regulations .

headline information

As Published: 2014

headline information

35 the headline codes and headline categories for use with the announcement of regulated information that are listed in DTR 8 Annex 2 .

Regulatory Decisions Committee

As Published: 2001

Regulatory Decisions Committee

a committee of the Board of the FCA , 234 described in DEPP 3.1 (The nature and procedure of the RDC) 58 .

venture capital firm

As Published: 2001

venture capital firm

a firm whose permission includes a requirement that it must not conduct designated investment business other than venture capital business . 1…

Insurance Intermediaries Order

As Published: 2004

Insurance Intermediaries Order

22 the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Insurance Intermediaries) Order 2003 (SI 2003/1476).

limited price indexation

As Published: 2012

limited price indexation

44 in relation to transfer value analysis, benefits which increase in line with a recognised index but subject to a minimum and/or maximum rate.


As Published: 2007


13 a PEP , ISA or CTF .

specified significant-harm function

As Published: 2015

specified significant-harm function

136 a significant-harm function that has been specified by the FCA or the PRA further to section 63E(2) of the Act (Certification of employees by relevant authorised persons).

asset identification rules

As Published: 2001

asset identification rules

4 rules made by the appropriate regulator 187 which require an authorised person who has permission to effecting or carry out contracts of insurance to identify assets which belong to him and which ar…

relevant senior management application

As Published: 2015

relevant senior management application

148 has the meaning in section 61(1)(b) of the Act (Determination of applications) which, in summary, is an application for approval to perform a designated senior management function in relation to t…